Chapter 82: we got caught

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Tris POV:

"What are they doing with all these dead bodies?" I say

"Bringing them back to life" tobias says

"Why?" I say

"I don't know, but there has to be a reason" he says

"One weird reason" I say

I hear someone yell hey. I look around me and I see people going to run after us. God dammit I'm not going to jump there's no net. I guess we're screwed.

"STOP WERE YOU ARE" a dauntless guard yells

"Please stop, were innocent" I say

"Who are you?" The guard says

"We're dauntless leaders" tobias says

"Oh, your coming with me" he says

"You can't do that, were leaders were the boss of you" I snap

"Oh well, your coming with us" he says


We walk through the hallways of erudite. It gives me the chills because what I had to go through here. Were not tied up, put they have guns pointed to both of our heads so they could shoot any minute if we made a move. we walk into a room when we see Mathew sitting at a glass table across from us.

"Woah guys put the guns down its not needed" Mathew says

"But sir, they said they were leaders of dauntless" the guard says

"I believe they are, you may leave now" he says

the guards walk out of the room with their guns and then they shut the door.

"Sit" he says

I pull out the chair and I sit down in it so does tobias.

"It's nice to see you all" Mathew says

"What's going on?" I say

"Oh my dear tris, you obviously don't know?" He says

"No I don't" I say

"Well I'm the new leader of erudite now since Jeanie Mathews was killed by you" he says

"And?" Tobias says

"I'm just making some changes to our society" he says

"What do you mean to our society?" I say

"Erudite is in charge in the government now" he says

"What do you mean in charge, the hell what are you thinking abnegation is in charge" I say

"No tris erudite is, abnegation good enough for taking charge of the government" he says

"They were for years and that's what I stopped the whole war so they could be in charge and there lives could be saved!" I yell

"Well that doesn't matter now tris, your useless mommy and daddy are dead now" he smirks


"Tris stop" tobias says

I sit down back in my chair and I cross my arms. How dare he say something so rude about my parents when he didn't know NOTHING about him.

"What's with all these dead bodies and why they only do remember tris?" Tobias says

"Well I brought them back with resurgence serum and they only remember tris is because I mixed some memory serum with it so it made them remember only their memories with tris" he says

"Can you bring their memory back please, it's not right?" I say

"That wouldn't be necessary" Mathew says

"Why?" I snap

"Don't you see there's a little microchip inside of their brain that will make them die instantly but before they die it will make them kill the ones they love" he says

"WHAT??" I yell

"It will also will happen to you too, I put one in you" he says

"Why would you do that?" I say

"Because Jeanie was my mother" he says

"She was your mother?" I say

"Yes, she was She sent me to the bureau when I was young to be safe from divergents because they were dangerous and I have a mind of erudite so and you will go through the pain I had to go through when you shot my mother" he says

"Mathew I'm so sorry but your mother was a bad person she was wrong divergents are good people" I say

"My mother wasn't a bad person she was better then yours, what you have to do for me to not make you die is kill your whole dauntless faction" he says

"Why?" I cry

"For revenge" he smirks

"Were not doing this" tobias snaps

"Or tris will be dead and you will too" he says

"You have 30 days to complete this on your own or you will end up dead" he says

"Mathew please" I say

The guards come in the room and grab us by the arms. And start to walk us out of the room.


"Good luck you have 30 days" Mathew smiles


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