Chapter 89: I Love You Matter What

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Tris POV:

"I'm what?" I say

"Your one week pregnant" kelly smiles

"Oh my god" I mumble

"I'll give you two some alone time" she says

Kelly gets off from the chair and walks out of the room then shuts the door. Tobias gets up from the chair and walks towards me. He puts ether of hands on my shoulders. God I never wanted to get pregnant now, this just can't happen. I wanted to have kids but not now. Maybe when I was in my twenties but not when I was a teenager. Tears start to come down my face, tobias is gonna leave me most likely. Then he wipes my tears off my face with his thumb.

"Don't cry love, it's gonna be okay" tobias says

"Why, now we're in this horrible mess because of me" I say

"It wasn't your fault it was ours we didn't use protection and now we have to face the consequences" he says

"I know, but I'm gonna be a horrible mother your gonna leave me aren't you?" I say

"First of all you are not going to be a horrible mother your going to be a wonderful one and second of all I would never leave you tris, I love you too much for that, it's amazing that I'm gonna be a father" he says

"Really?" I smile

"Yes really" he smiles

"Cmon lets go see Lauren" he says


Me and tobias walk up the hallway to Lauren's apartment. Tobias knocks on the door and Lauren opens the door.

"Cmon in" Lauren smiles

"Thanks" I say

We walk inside and we both sit on the couch and Lauren sits across from us in a chair.

"So what were the results?" She says

"Uh well tris is pregnant were going to be parents" tobias says

"Oh my god really?" She says

"Yes really" I smile

"Congrats guys, I'm so happy for you" she smiles

"Thanks it means a lot" tobias says

"Would you guys like any water?" She says

"Sure I like some" I say

"Okay I'll be right back" she says

Lauren walks out of the room and walks to her mini kitchen. Tobias wraps a arm around me then leans his forehead against mine. Then he leans in and brushes his lips with mine. Then were kissing.

"Ew you guys are so cute it makes me sick" she laughs

"Thanks Lauren that means a lot" I laugh

"I love you matter what" tobias says

"I know" I say


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AN//: I'm going to see the maze runner again tonight but this time with my little sister who is 12 and my dad. Haha family night out, so I might not update tonight idk because I'm really tired. So we will see! ☺️🍂🍃 (sorry if it was a short chapter btw!)


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