Chapter 87: I'm Fine

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One Day Later...

Tris POV:

I feel something coming up my throat, I quickly get out of bed and run to the bathroom. I lift the toilet-seat up and I puke into it. I wipe the access of my puke off of my face. I hear footsteps and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and I see its tobias.

"Are you okay tris?" Tobias says with a widen look

"Yeah I'm fine, it's maybe the medicine the infirmary gave me yesterday for my headache" I say

"You sure?" He says

"I'm positive" I say

"Okay let's go back to bed" he says

I stand up and tobias puts a hand on my back. I walk back to bed.


I open my eyes, the sunlight comes through the window. I look to the left of the bed and I see tobias is missing. I smell bacon and eggs. I pull the covers off of me and I get up. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I feel the cold tile touch my bare feet. I see Tobias cooking at the stove. I walk behind him quietly. I put both of my hands on each of his eyes.

"Guess who it is" I say

"Uh, it's madison" he says

"No it's me silly" I laugh

He turns around and puts his hands on my hips. I lean my forehead against his. He leans in and brushes his lips with mine. Then he asks for an entrance and I let him. The sound is burning bacon comes up.

"Uh tobias the bacon is burning now" I laugh

"Oh shit" he chuckles

He pulls away from me and goes back to cooking the bacon then he puts it on two metal plates along with the toast. Then he walks to the table and puts the plates with the water.

"Time to eat trissy" he says

"Don't call me that!" I yell

"Sorry" he laughs

I sit down at the table across from tobias. I take a bite of my toast and the crumbs land on the plate.

"So today were meeting Lauren to plan to kill Mathew" tobias says

"Alright" I say

"We're not gonna die tris, were smarter then him" he says

"Yeah, I guess we are, I'm just really upset because we trusted him and he betrayed us" I say

"I am Too tris" he says

"Yeah" I mumble

"Did you know David was his dad too?" He says

"WHAT?" I snap

"Yeah, he lived with his dad in the bureau he married Jeanie because he wanted to get your mom jealous but he never actually loved her" he says

"Thats terrible but this all makes so much sense now" I say

"And that's why he wanted to kill you" he says

"It's just all a mess" I say

I finish my food. I walk up to the counter and put the plate there. I see some chocolate milk in counter. I don't even bother putting it in a cup. I drink it from the jar. Then I look in the fridge and I see some dauntless cake and I smash it on my face because I'm craving chocolate for a reason.

"Tris?" Tobias says


Then I start to lick the access chocolate off the plate. Then I grab another jar of chocolate milk and I dump it on my face. Tobias walks up from me and grabs the jar and sets it on the counter.

"Tris what the hell is wrong with you?" He says

"Nothing, I don't know" I cry

"Please don't cry love I didn't mean to make you upset" he says

"I'm just trying to be the best I can be" I cry

"It's okay just stop making a mess please" he says

"I am not making a mess God you can clean it up if you want to" I say

"Tris you are not okay something has got into you" he says

"I'm fine" I snap


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Your gonna see soon what's going on with tris because she is having mood swings and craving a lot of chocolate. 😏


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