Chapter 99: wedding dress

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I fold some of our dauntless clothes that got washed on our couch and I see the door open and its tobias. He has been really busy with leadership stuff lately well a lot I would say.

"Hey now was today?" I say

"Stressing as usual" he says

"I hope it gets better" I say

"Me too" he says

He walks over to me, and sits down next to me on the couch. Then he puts an arm around me I smirk at him.

"Stop flirting" I grin

"I'm not flirting!" He laughs

"Whatever" I laugh

"Are those new clothes tris, they look way tighter?" He smirks

"Uh yeah" I blush

He pulls me closer and puts a finger underneath my chin. I look into his deep blue eyes.

"Well they look beautiful on you, I'm so lucky your mine" he smiles

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

Then he leans in and brushes his lips with mine. I wrap my arm around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. Then the kiss becomes more passionate, I ask for an entrance and he accepts. I fall back onto the couch when my head hits the cushion. I bite my lip then I smile at him. He hovers over me then starts to kiss my neck and I look at the time. Christina will be here any minute to pick me up for dress shopping shit.

"Tobias stop, I have plans with Christiana I have to leave now" I say

"Cmon just 5 more minutes tris" he chuckles

"Stop please" I chuckle

"Ugh fine" he says

"I have wedding dress shopping plans today so she is gonna pick me up" I say

I hear a knock on the door then tobias kisses my cheek.

"Bye have fun love you" he says

"I love you too" I say


"How about this one?" Christiana holds up the dress

"Too poofy" I say

"Cmon tris, stop being so picky we have been here for two hours and you haven't found anything?" She says

"No, I'm just not a dress person and every dress is black so" I say

"Tris when dauntless people get married the dresses are black" she says

"I know I know, I promise I'll find something" I say

"You'd better, or I'm picking out for you" she smirks

"You better not" I grin

"You wanna bet?" She laughs

I look more in the store in the wedding dress area and then I see this black long lacy dress. It just caught my eyes, it fits me. I take it off from the railing, and I call Christiana to come over.

"I think I found something" I say

"Oh my tris, it's gorgeous" she says

"I'm gonna go try it on" I say

"I cannot wait to see what it looks like on you" she says

"Alright" I say

I come out from the dressing room and I see Christiana sitting at a metal bench in the hallway of dressing rooms. I walk over to the three Mirrors and I look into it. It fits me perfectly, I actually think I look beautiful for once, it defines me. I turn around and show Christiana. She walks up to me and smiles.

"Oh my god tris, you look amazing" she says

"Really?" I say

"Yes, your gonna be the most beautifulest bride ever" she says

"Thank you chris, it means a lot" I say

"Your welcome, are you gonna buy it?" She says

"Yes I will, I love this dress so much" I say

"Okay change back into your regular clothes and let's get this dress checked out" she says


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