Chapter 59: Everything happens for a reason

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Tris POV:

"Hello Beatrice" caleb says

"What are you doing here?" I say

"I wanted to tell you the truth" he says

"About what?" I say

"Oh that I was never proud of you, your just a little brat and think that you think your all that" he says

"Caleb how could you say that?" I say

He doesn't say anything back, he walks towards me with pointing the gun at me. Please caleb don't do this, I forgave you everything you done before.

"You deserve to die" he says

"No I don't" I cry

I run over to tobias and wrap my arms around him. I don't know what is going on with him, but he wants to kill me for some reason. I have no weapons left but I couldn't kill my own brother.

"Goodbye Beatrice" he says

"Please Caleb don't do this" I yell

"Tris get away from him" tobias says

"But he is my brother" I yell


Then I hear the gun go off and I duck down. I see madison shoot Caleb and she puts her hand out and then they both fall to the ground. Me and Tobias run over to them. I see madison is shot in the head and Caleb was shot in the head and his stomach. Tears start to come down my face my brother wanted to kill me and Madison died by sacrificing for me and she killed me.

I wrap my arms around tobias and I rest my head on tobias shoulder. I sob into his shoulder and I can tell he is crying too.

"Why did this had to happen?" I mumble

"I don't know tris, I don't know" he says

"I lost all my family, they're gone" I mumble

"Remember in abnegation I told you I would be your family now, I still am" he says

"I love you" I say

"I love you too, cmon lets go" he says

"But I just can't" I say

"It's okay tris, let's go I'll carry you" he says

I nod and he picks up me bridal style. I hold onto his shoulder and I look behind me, the last glance of Caleb and Madison. I lost my own brother I have known my whole life and I found out he was a coward the whole time. I also lost madison who was Tobias's little sister, he just met her and she's gone. She was too young. But everything happens for a reason

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