Chapter 84: Black

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Tris POV:

I walk back in fourth panicking that's going to happen. Tobias called Lauren down to the dauntless office to Talk about this situation she knows what happened to us.

"Tris please stop walking back and fourth" he says

"I can't" I mumble

"Tris please" he says

I walk over to him and sit next to him. My leg starts to shake, tobias puts his hand on my thigh to make me stop.

"Tris stop, it's gonna be alright" he says

"I cannot stop worrying" I say

Then the door opens and I see its Lauren she walks towards us. I see she is wearing black high heels the heck?

"I came as soon as you called" she says

"Thanks" tobias says

"Tris, it's gonna be okay I promise you were gonna find out something I promise" she says

"Thank you" I say

She walks up to me and wraps her arms around me.

"Just hold on okay?" She smiles

"Alright" I say


Me and tobias walk through the halls of dauntless. I'm so worried right now, it bugs me that me and tobias might die. How could someone I trust betray me so much. I see caleb and Christiana walking together.

"Hey guys" I say

"Hi tris and uh what's the guy next to you again?" She says

"It's four my fiancé" I say

"Oh yeah" she says

"Caleb how are you?" I say

"I'm okay Beatrice how about you?" He says

"I'm okay" I lie

"Well how about you guys get something to eat, it's chicken for dinner tonight in the cafeteria" tobias says

"Okay" Christiana says

Then all of a sudden Christiana faints to the ground. Then caleb does and I kneel to the ground and shake them both.

"Christiana?" I yelp

"What just happened?" Tobias says

"They're not breathing!" I cry

"Let me check there pulse" he says

I stand up and he kneels down. I cross my arms and I start to shake. I can't lose them I just can't. Then I hear this buzzing sound and something just stings my head. I fall to the ground and I hear tobias scream. Then everything turns black.


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