Chapter 45: lets get to home

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Tobias POV:

"Okay take this bag" Mathew says

"What's this bag?" I say

"It's like a book bag but you were it on your back" Mathew says

I remember back in high-school, abnegation would wear there book bags on there shoulder we were never allowed to have bookbags on our back like dauntless were. Dauntless was the only faction well who had book bags that you could wear on your back.

"Oh okay" I say

"I have a bag in there that has a two week supply of food and I have a water bottle that has water in it already but your gonna have to find your own water in the city when it runs out and I also have a blanket and more weapons in there too" Mathew says

"What about Madison?" I say

"She has her own one too" he says

"You ready to go?" Madison says

"Yeah" I say

"Good luck, we will see you soon" Mathew says

"Thanks" I say

We grab our guns and walk outside of the bureau and someone drives us to the city were the war is now sadly.


For the past hour I have seen blood, dead body's and just remanding weapons. It's disgusting to see this and I bet the city is worse.

"We have reached the city" Dan says

"Thanks for the ride Dan" I say

"No problem bro, good luck I'll meet you at this time in two weeks" Dan says

"Okay thanks" I say

We both get out of the car I'm wearing my bookbag. It's only March right now today was warm but the night is cold. So my jacket is extra warm. The sun is about to set soon, so we better get to shelter. We walk into the city with our guns loaded and I see Dan drive away. Only some lights in Chicago are on but not a lot but it will do.

"So this is Chicago?" Madison says

"Yep, fascinating right?" I say

"Yeah, this is how I exactly remembered it" she says

"Wow" I say

"Okay were gonna try to get to my dauntless apartment but it's gonna be hard because people are everywhere" I say

"Okay" she says

We walk through the city all I hear is guns going off but none that is right close to us . Surprisingly it's not that bad as it was were the bureau was. There's some dead body's but not much.

"Tobias hide" Madison whispers

"Why?" I say

"There's a dystopian person I know, he's really tough but I know how he works" she whispers

"Okay" I whisper

I run and hide in this ally. In the corner of my eye I see Madison walk up to this dystopian guy.

"Hey jack" she says

"Uh hi shortie" the guy says

"What did you call me?" She says

"A shortie Madison because you are one" he laughs

Then I hear the gun go off and I walk out of the ally and I see the guy dead.

"Well you killed him" I say

"Yeah, I never liked that kid anyways" she says

"Okay let's get to the train" I say

"Okay" She says

We walk through the buildings of Chicago then I finally know we're we are. This is one place were people climb there and reach were the train reaches by. But I see some dystopian soliders guarding there. They know people climb that and get on the train from up there. They are starting to think they own this place hell no!

"Okay we have to kill those dystopian soldiers and we can climb up there and get to my apartment" I say

"Okay I got this" she says

I follow her and she kicks the girl from behind and then slaps her. Then she shoots the girl. Wow she's good. I turn around I see someone running after me and I elbow them in the face and the guy falls to the ground. Then I get my gun and I shoot him.

"Okay we just need to climb this and the train Should be coming soon" I say

"Okay" she says

I start to climb up this metal truss. So does Madison. I remember on the choosing ceremony we climbed this and I had to jump on the train I was so nervous. Once we reach the top I hear the sound of a train coming.

"We have to jump onto the train " I say

"WHAT!" She says

"Trust me it will be okay just follow what I do" I say

"Uhh okay" she mumbles

The train starts to come closer and I run and when it's really close I jump onto the train and press the button and the train door opens and I get inside lucky the lights are on and I can see. I see Madison running she is almost close from were I am.

"Come on you got this!" I yell

She runs faster and I reach out my hand so she can be able to reach it.

"Just jump like I did" I tell

She grabs my hands and she jumps I pull her up. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"You did it like dauntless people do" I say

"Really?" She smiles

"Yeah, you are totally like dauntless" I say

Then we ride together to the dauntless compound to were my apartment is. I hope tris is okay. I just really hope she is okay.

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