Chapter 74: what is happening

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Tris POV:

One week later...

Christiana has been better, me and tobias are leaders now. So we're gonna move into a bigger apartment it's called the "deluxe apartment" it's the apartment that the leader or leaders use. So right now we're putting stuff in boxes. Tobias comes out of or bedroom with another box.

"Are you excited?" He smirks

"About?" I laugh

"Our new apartment?" He says

"Oh yeah I guess, we will have more room" I say

"Yeah we will" he says

"Okay I got the last box packed ready to go?" I say

"Yeah" he says

I grab some boxes and I shut the door and we walk to our new apartment.


"Ready?" He says

"Yeah" I smile

He grabs the keys out from his pocket and then he puts the key in the door and unlocks it. Then pushes the door open. I take a step in our new apartment and it has a high ceiling. Also a second floor! Me and tobias only had one floor. The kitchen looks so different. This apartment is so amazing no wonder they call it the deluxe apartment!

Wow this apartment is amazing" I say

"Yeah it is, I never seen something so interesting like this before" he says

I sit on the leather couch, I never actually sat on a leather couch before but it's pretty cool. Tobias sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

"What?" I laugh

"Hmm what?" He says

"Why did you put your arm around me?" I laugh

"What, I can do that to my fiancé?" He laughs

"Well you put it on me for now reason" I say

"Well would it be okay if I did this for no reason" he says

He leans in and brushes his lips with mine. He puts one hand on my shoulder and the other on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss becomes more passionate and I ask for an entrance and I let him. I fall back on the couch and he hovers over me. He starts to kiss my neck and I hear a knock on the door.

"Ugh" tobias groans

"Does anyone hear of privacy anymore?" I roll my eyes

"Nope" he says

"I'll get it" I say

"No I'll get it" he says

"Okay" I say

He gets up from the couch and walks towards the door and opens it.

Tobias POV:

It's really annoying when no one gives us privacy. I just really wanted to spend some alone time with tris for once. But we are always disturbed. I walk over to the door and I turn the door knob and I see its Lauren.

"Hey Lauren what's up?" I say

"Four we have some news" Lauren says

"What's the news?" I say

"Some dauntless people found your sister Alive" she says

What?? Madison is Alive, I saw my own sister die right in front of me. Okay something is up first Christiana and now madison. What is happening?

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