Chapter 43: Let her

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Tris POV:

I open my eyes and I still find I'm in my hospital bed. I hear the beeping of the heart monitor. I see the sun shine through the window. At least it's spring now and it's not as cold. I find Tobias sleeping on my stomach. I brush his hair with my fingers. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"Hey" Tobias whispers

"Hey morning" I whisper

"How are you feeling?" He says

"I'm sore but better then yesterday" I say

"That's good" he smiles

"So when are planning to go back outside?" I say

"I don't know, I might not even go because I don't wanna go alone but if I have to do I will" he says

"Tobias I could go in a couple days I seriously could" I say

"No tris you need to rest and you can go back at least for two weeks" he says

"But they need us I'm not letting you go alone" I say

"I know but Madison told me something last night" he says

"Told you what?" I say

"When you were sleeping she came to talk to me and she said that she could take your place Intll you got better but I said no" he says

"Why Tobias?" I shook my head

"Because it's too dangerous, I just finally met her and I don't wanna lose her she couldn't handle it anyways" he says

"Tobias she's from dystopia she has been training her whole life to be a warrior she could handle it" I say

"Yeah but she's fifteen" he says

"It's no different then me Tobias I'm sixteen and she probably knows more things about to handle this war then us" I say

"I'm just scared that I'll lose her or you" he says

"That's what real sacrifice is Tobias if you really someone they will sacrifice themselves for someone or something" I say

"Your right I'll talk to her and it will only be Intll you get better" he says

"Good you go talk to her" I smile

"Are you fine with this?" He says

"Yeah I am and it will make feel better that your not doing this alone and she will help you" I say

"Okay I'm gonna talk to her, I'll see you later alright?" He says

"Okay" I smile

He gets up and then leans it and kisses my lips. Then he walks out of the room. Hopefully my talk with Tobias will help he needs to let her. He can't do this alone.

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