Chapter 64: get away

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Tris POV:

One month later...

I see tobias walk through the door, he has been busy with dauntless for planning for the new initiates coming this June. Well it's April now, so we have about two months to plan. I never got to really pick my job yet, so I'm planning on becoming an instructor with tobias. I see tobias walk towards me and gives a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey" he smiles

"Hi, how was today? I say

"It was alright, so what's for dinner?" He says

"Beef stew" I say

"Oh okay, hey there's a big party in the pit tonight with all dauntless you wanna come?" He says

"Sure" I say

"Okay good" he says

I walk over to the table and I put the beef stew in Tobias bowl and mine. Then I walk back to the counter and I put the beef stew bowl on the counter and I sit across from Tobias at the table. I just play with my soup, I really miss Christiana she my best friend, I would always go to her for advice but she's gone now.

"What's wrong baby, how come your not eating?" Tobias says

"Just missing Christiana" I sigh

"Well she's a better place now tris" he says

"I know, it's just she was my real first best friend" I say

"I know, but you'll see her someday" he smiles

"Yeah, I'm not hungry I'm gonna go get ready" I say

"Okay" he says


I get changed in this lace tight dress, with fishnets tights and black boots. I put my hair in a bun. I put some makeup, red lipstick on and black hoops. Then I run into Tobias who is wearing a black blouse.

"You look hot" he smirks

"Thanks" I laugh

"Anytime, ready to go?" he smiles

"Yeah" I say


We walk down to the pit, to loud blasting music. I see people dancing, even grinding on each other, it's not a very pleasing view to look at. Even people are drinking beer, because of the empty beer bottles on the ground. Even some people making out too, I haven't been to a dauntless pit party in awhile, I totally forgot how "interesting" it was. Tobias reaches for my hand I interlock my fingers with him.

"Hey let's go meet Lauren" Tobias says

"Okay" I say

We walk through some crowd of people, I smell alcohol and smoke. It's kinda gross. We finally reach Lauren and her friends.

"Hey Lauren and do you remember tris right?" Tobias says

"Hi four and yes I do, she's the one you asked me for advice for your little romantic date" Lauren giggles

"I know, but I needed advice" Tobias laughs

"Hi tris, how are you?" She says

"I'm alright, how about you?" I say

"I'm doing great actually" she says

"Hey we're are the drinks Lauren?" Tobias says

"Over there on your right" she points

"Okay thanks" he says

Tobias grabs my hand and he pulls me through another Crowd of people. I still smell smoke and alcohol even from here. He pulls a beer out from a metal cooler and hands me one.

"You want one?" He says

"I have never drank before" I say

"Cmon tris, your gonna be seventeen soon and plus it's Friday" he says

"But Tobias, I don't wanna get drunk" I say

"You won't, and I promise I won't let you" he says

"Promise?" I say

"I promise" he smiles

"Fine" I smirk

He pulls another one out from the cooler and pulls me through the crowd to a rock. We both sit on there and I open the beer and take a sip of it. Wow that's an interesting taste.

"Wow" I say

"You like it?" He says

"Uh well it's an interesting taste" I laugh

"Aw cmon tris have fun for once" he laughs

"I do it's just too much fun is bad right?" I say

"Yes, but you can have too much fun but you need to control it" he says

"Tobias that's pretty much the same thing" I laugh

"Ohh" he laughs

"Did I ever tell you your the beautifulest women on this planet?" He smiles

"stop it" I blush

"What I'm just trying to make you feel better" he says

"Well stop being so charming" I say

"Sorry I cannot help it" he says

"Oh just shut up and kiss me" I smile

"Okay if you say so" he smirks

He wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me closer to him. He brushes his lips with mine and then were kissing. I put my hand on his shoulder so I can steady myself. He asks for an entrance and I let him. I pull away and I bite my lip.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says

"Hey we're is the closest bathroom?" I laugh

"Turn down that hall and turn right" he laughs

"Okay I'll be right back" I say

"Okay" he says

I walk through a crowd of people and then when I finally reach the hallway I walk down it and when I'm just about to turn right. Someone pushes me against the wall and puts a hand on my mouth and I realize it's a guy. I try to push him off but it's no use and I try to scream but it's not good enough so no one can here me.

"Shh no need to scream" he says

I try to kick and push but it's no use. He puts his lips to my neck and starts to kiss me there. Then he puts a hand underneath the hem of my shirt and moves his hand upwards. I start to scream even louder through his hand. Please get away please please get away.

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