Chaptee 81: i cannot believe it (reposted)

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Tris POV:

I'm awoken to a shake, I open my eyes and I see tobias standing in front of me at the end of the bed

"Huh?" I say

"Tris wake up" he says

I look at the clock at our nightstand and it saids 3:12 am. Why would tobias wake me up at this early in the morning?

"Why?" I whine

"Because you need to come with me" he says

"We're?" I say

"Just follow me, you don't need to get changed" he says

"Ugh fine" I say


We hop onto the train, there's no one on it, I don't see why there would be anyone on the train at anytime at night.

I sit down onto the floor of the train.

"Do you know we're going?" He says

"Uh, no" I say

"We're going to erudite" he says

"What, why I don't wanna go back there tobias!" I yell

"Tris it's fine, Jeanine isn't there anymore" he says

"But still, they could still be hunting divergents" I say

"You don't know that" he says

"Tobias please, there erudite why wouldn't they?" I say

"True but we need to jump now" he says

We take a big step and jump onto the building. We stand on the roof of it, but I can tell tobias is shaking.

"You alright?" I say

"Yeah, I'm fine just heights" he says

"It's okay, I got you won't fall" I smile

"Thanks, follow me I need to show you something" he says

We walk towards the end of the building and we see some rooms lit up in the compound.

"What's the thing you wanted to show me?" I say

"Look onto the ground" he says

I look onto the ground and I see body bags that are being pushed on a cart by erudite? The hell is this.

"Look even closer" he says

I look closer and I see a guy win shaggy straight brown hair and glasses. It looks like Mathew.

"I cannot believe it" I say


Lots of you guys said that you couldn't see this chapter so I reposted it!


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