Chapter 27: we need to try

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The next day later...

Tris POV:

"These people need to be punished" a guy says

"No, they don't" blondie says

"Oh why, look what happened grievers came and killed haft of the glade" a guy says

"No Jason, it's giving us a sign" blondie says

"A sign of what?" Jason says

"I don't know, buts a good sign I promise" blondie says

"We need to go back in there" I say

"NO YOU DONT" Jason yells

"I found something it's some of kind of tracker or something" I say

"Let me see" blondie says

I hand her this tracker thing. I honestly don't know what it is. All I remember is that I got it from the griever if I killed it and it exploded.

"Where did you get this?" Blondie says

"From inside of a griever after it exploded when I killed it" I say

"It's useless, were stuck here forever" Jason says

"Let's try it" blondie smirks

"Okay let's go" I say

"Your not going alone tris, I'm not going without you" Tobias says

"I'm coming for help" Sam says

"You guys are not gonna really do this and be stupid so you can kill ourselves" Jason says

"Jason is not killing, I rather risk my life trying to find a way out of here then of dying because I went crazy" blondie says

"You are all idiots" Jason says

"Your an idiot Jason for not giving us hope and I'm breaking up with you" blondie says

I hear Jason scream. We run into the maze. I take out the tracker thing. It starts to beep.

"Come on guys this way" I say

We start to run and then I look on one of the walls it said 5. What does that mean and it starts to beep even louder then we walk down this long sidewalk. Then I see something scan us. Then this circle opens.

"What could this mean?" I say

"It's a clue, I have never seen something like this before" Sam says

"Really?" I say

"Yeah, it's a clue this is something that can get us out of here" Sam says

"C'mon let's go back and tell the others before the gates close" Tobias says

"Okay" blondie says

We run back just in time before the gates close. We found a clue and we might get out of here. Me and Tobias have been here for an week so far. But it has been a long week. We need to get back in time to save our city.

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