Chapter 46: lonely

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Tris POV:

It has been three days since Tobias left. Now I'm out of my hospital room and I can go back to my room now. It has been lonely without Tobias I miss him a lot.

I'm walking down the hallway and I see my brother Caleb. I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and smiles.

"Hey Caleb" I say

"Hi Beatrice" he says

"Hey can we talk?" I say

"Sure" he says

"Like privately" I say

"Oh okay were?" He says

"A special place were I go were I think out my thoughts" I say

"Okay" he says


We finally reach the end of the stairs I open the door and we walk onto the roof of the bureau.

"This is were you go?" He says

"Yeah, isn't is beautiful?" I say

"Yeah it is, except all the dead bodies on the ground down there" he says

"Oh yeah it's not beautiful right now but I meant the sky view is beautiful" I laugh

"Oh yeah the sky view is beautiful" he says

I walk to end of the roof and I sit on the edge of the roof and let my feet dangle. Caleb sits next to me and does the same too.

"Did you ever wish the war never happened?" I say

"Which one?" He says

"All of them" I say

"Yeah I wish that too" he says

"I wonder what It would have been like to have a normal life?" I say

"It would have been peaceful" he says

"I heard about how teenagers were, they're were no factions, no wars just peaceful" I say

"It must of been wonderful" he says

"Yeah" I say

"Wow I can see Chicago from here" he laughs

"You can?" I say

"Yeah well the top of the buildings it isn't that good of view but it's somewhat good" he says

"Oh yeah you can see it, I never noticed it before I only could of seen the fence" I say

"Yeah a beautiful view, your right Beatrice it's beautiful" he says

"Yeah" I mumble

"Look it's getting late, I'm gonna go to bed I'll see you tomorrow Beatrice" he says

"Okay" I say

"Night Beatrice" he says

"Night" I say

Then he walks away and I turn around and I hear the door shut. I can see Chicago from here and I can only imagine what's going on right now were Tobias is. It's war people dying so many lives are lost. That night I went to bed alone without Tobias sleeping by my side. It wasn't the same I felt Empty, lonely, I felt ALONE.

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