Chapter 31: The Plan

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Tobias POV:

I take a bite out of one of my scrambled egg. Right now were in the bureau cafeteria. It feels great to know that were home and were safe.

"So four how was it like to be in front of a griever?" Zeke smirks

"Uh it was very scary" I say

"Woah four was scared?" Christiana laughs

"Yes I was" I roll my eyes

"I was too" tris says

"Well I'm glad you both survived and your safe now" Caleb says

"Yeah safe for now" I say

"Four" zeke says

"No soon, were gonna have to fight in this damn war and were all gonna die" I say

"Four you don't know that" zeke says

"Were gonna die, okay it wouldn't matter if I agreed to do this or not we were gonna die anyways but I rather die a hero then a loser" I say

"I don't wanna die, I can't just lose everything and I almost died before and now I am going to" tris says

"Tris" I say

"Just don't, this just makes it worse" tris says

"Tris please" I say

"Just don't talk to me right now okay" tris says

She gets up from the table and walks out of the cafeteria. I sigh. God I always make her run off. Why do I do this?

"Go ahead and go talk to her man" zeke smiles

"Thanks" I say

I get up from the table and I walk out of the cafeteria. I walk down the hallway and into our room. I open the door and I see tris crying in our bed. I shut the door and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her.

"Shh stop crying baby" I say

"I can't, I don't wanna leave this world not now, not yet" she says

"No your not going to" I say

"But you said" she says

"I know what i said, but I didn't mean it., I just freaked out" I say

"Really?" She says

"Yes" I grin

She smiles at me. I wipe her tears off with my thumbs. I pull her into embrace. I rub her back in a circular motion so I can soothe her.

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say

I kiss her cheek. Then I brush her hair with my fingers and I smile at her. Then I hear a knock at the door. I get up from the bed and I open the door and I find it's a Mathew.

"Can I come in?" He says

"Sure" I say

I close the door behind him. He sits in a chair in our room.

"Okay so I talked to Amber-stomp and they said they would team up" he says

"That's great" tris says

"But the problem is that dystopia knew you guys got out and there going to be coming in two months instead of three" he says

"Ugh, so what's the plan?" I say

"We ask the rest of Chicago to help, we have enough guns" he says

"Are you sure that's gonna work?" Tris says

"I'm sure, I'm 70% sure" he says

"Okay that's a good idea" I say

"So are you guys up for it still?" he says

"Totally, were gonna still do it" I say

"Okay good, I'll talk to you guys later" he says

"Okay bye" I say

"Bye" he says

He opens the door and walks out of the room. Hopefully this plan is going to work. If we don't were all screwed. I don't want to die.

Not now

Not tomorrow

Not in 3 years

Just I don't wanna die now


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