Chapter 58: no more pain

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Tris POV:

I'm ready, I have my gun loaded. I have knives in my pockets in case I run out of bullets. I'm ready to end this damn war, I'm ready for no more pain and hell. We walk down the street were the abnegation houses are. I see them, I see the dystopian warriors. Then I spot the leaders there at the end of the abnegation houses. I see abnegation people screaming and crying. It reminds me of the war a couple months ago were they had to die in order of dauntless. It just haunts me what happened. We hide behind the brick wall.

"Ready?" Madison whispers

"Yeah" tobias says

"Okay we just need to get to the end of the abnegation houses, but we need to get through this damn warriors first" madison says

"Okay" I say

"Ready, it's now or nothing" madison says

We start to run. I start to shoot the Warriors, they start to come after us. I take some knives out and throw them at them. They fall to the ground in pain. I run faster and shoot more warriors. Then I finally reach the leaders. I shoot two of them and when I'm about to shoot another. I realized my gun is out of bullets. I take my knifes out and I decide to throw them at their backs. They both fall to the ground. I killed them, I ended the war. The shooting stops and madison and tobias catch up with me.

"you did it tris" Madison smiles

"Yeah I did" I smile

"Baby I'm so proud of you, this war is done because of you, your so brave" tobias smiles

"We can get married now" I smile

"Yes we can finally" he says


"Yes we are, he proposed a month ago" I laugh

"Wow, I'm very happy for you guys" she says

"Thanks Madison" tobias says

"Am I invited?" She smirks

"Yeah you are, your family" I say

"Hey I wanna say thank you, you killed those dystopian leaders and now our city can live in peace" a dystopian girl says

"Your welcome, I wish you the best with you're city" I say

"Thanks, I'm sorry about the war that happened to the city" she says

"It's alright" tobias says

The girl walks away and I just smile because we did it. Just three people saved the city. We are heroes. We wrap are arms around each other. Then I see caleb, what is he doing here? He should be at the bureau with Mathew in the control room. Then I see him holding a gun and he points it at us.

"hello Beatrice" he says

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