Finn Balor

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Raw had just on off the air a few minutes ago, and you had just gotten finished up with a main event match that you had with Alexa Bliss. A bit tired and definitely sore from the match you head down to the locker room to cool off and rest. You decide to swing by your new boyfriend, Seth Rollins, locker room since his was much closer than yours. Plus you were sure that he wouldn't mind you stopping by to say hello.

You round the corner to Seth locker room and go to open up the door, that's when you hear faint voices from inside the room.

"Where are my pants?" You hear Seth ask someone else in the room.

"I don't know, you threw them somewhere." Another voice replies, you recognize it as a female's.

Question was, why the hell was a female helping your boyfriend find his pants. You take a step back from the door, anger radiating off of you. That asshole was cheating on you. The two of you had only been dating for a little over a month or so, and he was fucking cheating.

You take a deep breath and stand outside the door, arms crossed across your chest. A minute or two later the door to the locker room swings open.

"Had a great time Becky, until next ti....." Seth falls silent halfway through his sentence when his eyes fall on you standing outside the door. "Y/N." He looks at you with a small hint of fear in his eyes.

"Rollins." You glare at your now former boyfriend. "Becky." You turn your head at Becky who stands next to Seth, looking worried that she got caught.

"Y/N, let me explain." Seth begins the begging that you expected from him.

"Don't even start." You throw hand up to stop him. "And as for you, you have five seconds to leave before i punch you in the face." You warn Becky with a firm glare.

Becky takes your advice and walks away, you turn back to Seth and shake your head. He looks like he might be sorry, but you don't really care right now.

"You know, Finn warned me about you." You remember Finn being sceptical when you broke the news that Seth had asked you out. "Guess he was right." You shrug your shoulders and spin around on your heel to leave. "Oh, and lose my number please. Asshole." Those are your last words before you leave.

You had a lot more to say to Seth, to scream at him for what he did. But you decided that you would be the bigger person in terms of walking away. Instead you go down the hall to Finn's locker room, if anyone could calm you down it was him. Your best friend in the world.

"Boy have i got some news for you." You walk right into Finn's locker room, slamming the door hard behind you.

"What's going on lass?" Finn looks up from ruffling through his bag confused at you.

"Rollins fucking cheated on me!" You are fuming just thinking about it.

"He what?" Finn drops his bag to give you his full attention. "With who?" He asks you.

"Fucking Becky Lynch." You shake your head, thoughts of kicking her ass running through your mind.

"Wow, are you alright then lass?" Finn looks a little concerned for you.

"Pissed is what i am." You pace the room to release some extra energy. "I knew i should have listened to you in the first place." You shake your head, coming off of the high of adrenaline now.

You sit down in one of the wooden chairs and compose yourself, reality that you just got cheated on now really starting to set in. Finn takes a seat in the chair next to your's, knowing exactly what's happening to you.

"To be honest lass, i wasn't being serious when i told you to be wary of Seth." You feel Finn's hand on your back gently.

"What? Why?" You look over at Finn with a questioning expression.

"Well, this is probably the worst time to be telling you this. But hey, what the hell?" Finn chuckles to himself. "I told you that because i was jealous that Rollins had the balls to ask you out before me." He admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

You take a second to process what you are being told, all the events of the day flooding your brain into overdrive. You laugh aloud at yourself, shaking your head.

"Oh Finn." You can't help but chuckle. "Sadly, that's the best news i've heard in awhile." You laugh aloud again. "Well, if it means anything to you, i started dating Rollins to get over my crush on you." You admit why you agreed to go out with Seth in the first place, laughing at yourself again.

"Well aren't we a pair?" Finn laughs with you. "Wanna get some revenge on those two?" He asks you with that bright smile of his.

"Revenge?" You reply, smile coming back to you as well. "I don't know, are you sure you're up for that lass?" He asks you with a raised brow.

"I was ready the moment that Becky stepped out of that locker room." You nod your head, anger coming back to you. "So yeah, lay on me the plans you have forming in that brilliant head of your Balor." You are fully ready to get some revenge on Seth.

"Well." Finn grins at you, a plan forming in his head. "If you're up for it, i say we go show Seth that you aren't planning on losing any sleep over him." You can't help but crack a smile at Finn's idea.

"Sounds like a plan Finn, lead the way then." You stand to your feet with a smile. "Lets go ruin Seth's day as much as humanly possible."

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