Tama Tonga

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The plane rid from Japan back to the states way grueling, you where tired as hell and desperate to get a chance to move around and stretch your legs. On the bright side, you were finally home. You stepped off the plane and took in the heavy scent of rain in the air, the smell reminding you of your childhood.

"Man, that never gets old." You sigh contentedly to yourself as you make your way through the terminal and to the parking lot.

In a week you would be turning 25 and you decided that you wanted to spend it with your family back home. Sure you had family in Japan, you didn't know what you'd do without Tama and Tanga. As well as Jay and all the others.

"Over here, Y/N!" You hear a familiar voice call your name when you get out to the parking lot.

"Mom!" You spot your mother leaning against her car, a larger than life smile on her face.

You lug your bag on your shoulder and sprint over to her, she gives you a big hug as soon as you get over to her.

"Y/N, sweetheart. I missed you so much." She gushes as she squeezes the life out of you.

"Missed you to mom." You pat her back and try your best to breath.

Your mom lets you go and gives you a once over, you knew that you definitely looked different from the last time that you saw her. She notices the tattoo's littering your skin and raises a brow at you.

"Tattoo's?" She questions you with some judgement in her voice.

"Yeah." You reply with a grin, you always had fun ticking her off lightheartedly. "Got this one a few weeks ago." You turn your wrist over to show a tattoo with the initials T.T on it. "I also have this one." You crane your neck to the side to show a tattoo of some birds. "And there's one on my back." You don't show her that one though, it was of something she'd probably frown upon.

"Just what kind of people is my daughter hanging out with in Japan." Your mom shakes her head and pops the trunk of her car.

"Tama and the boys are nice mom, they look after me." You shake your head at her right back, not wanting her to worry about you.

"Obviously." She rolls her eyes at you and hops into the car.

You put your bags in the trunk then climb into the car yourself, it still looked the same as it did when you shipped off to Japan a few years ago. With both of you in the car your mom drives out of the airport and out on the road.

"So this T.T, who is he?" Your mom brings up the subject of the initials on your wrist after a few minutes of silence.

"Oh, yeah. Tama Tonga." You answer honestly. Your mom always could tell when you were lying to her. "He's got mine on his bicep if it makes you feel better. We both kind of lost a bet to Jay and had to get tattoo's as punishment." You briefly explain the situation to your mom without going into to much detail.

Your mother shakes her head at you and the rest of the ride is mostly silent, your mom notices that you are constantly looking at your phone for something.

Truth was, your birthday wasn't the only reason that you decided to make a trip home. A few days before your booked flight you and Tama got into a fight. A petty one sure, but you needed some space, your feeling more than hurt.


"Why should that even matter to you?" Tama raises his voice as he throws his hands up in the air.

Why should i care? Oh yeah, i love waking up in the morning to find some random drunk blonde pillaging my fucking kitchen Tama!" You yell back it him, face turning red.

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