Jon Moxley

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"Y/N, I've missed you so much these past 10 years, I know you've missed me too." He adds. "I could tell you did the moment you spotted me earlier today." Both of his arms now reside on your shoulders.

"Of course I missed you, Jon." You reply, not doing anything to stop Jon's arms from trapping you in. "You were the first person I ever loved, but then you left." You recall the argument about WWE that broke the two of you up in the first place.

"I know I left, and it was one of the biggest mistakes in my life," Jon replies. "Sure I made friends, brothers. And yeah, I did almost get married. But if I could go back to that stupid fucking day and change it I would." His body leans in close to yours. "I love you, always have." He leans in down to your level, just a few inches away from your face. "And deep down, I know you still love me." Jon stares into your eyes, daring to make the final leap and kiss you.

Your mind races, feeling coursing through your veins like poison. You never did get over Jon after he left. But you've made a good name for yourself at Kenny's side, and he's become more than just a friend to you.

Jon takes the leap and closes the remaining gap between the two of you, his lips pressing against yours in the same manner that you'd done so many times before. Desperate to convince you that you belong with him and not Kenny.

"Y/N?" The kiss is broken when Kenny comes strolling into the room looking for you.

Your hands still remain on Jons's chest, his hands holding your sides pinned in while your head turns to Kenny.

"You've got some fucking nerve coming in here and kissing my girlfriend." Kenny snarls as he drops the towel in his hand.

"Girlfriend?" You and Jon speak at the same time.

You and Kenny have slept together a few times, yes, but the two of you never made plans to become an exclusive item. You both agreed that it would be too much drama. Jon lets you go and pushes you behind him, making sure that you won't get in the way of the brawl that's about to happen.

"She's in love with me, asshole." Jon spits back at Kenny as the two of them get real up close and personal.

"Funny, she wasn't saying that the past eight years I've known her." Kenny retaliates.

"You'd be smart to back off man," Jon warns.

"Why don't you make me big man?" Kenny replies, not backing down.

You stand off to the side of them both, not knowing what to do. You know better than to get in the middle of them, but you also aren't about to sit by and let them beat the shit out of each other. Left with little to no options you sprint into the other room and grab Matt and Nick to come to help you out.

Sure enough, when you come back into the room with the brothers either side of you, Jon and Kenny are both on the floor duking it out. Matt and Nick jump into action and manage to pull them apart long enough for you to get into the middle of it.

"Enough!" You yell at them both. "Neither of you get to decide who gets me. It's my decision who I'm in love with last time I checked." You remind them.

Jon and Kenny both fall silent, shrugging off both Matt and Nick. They both stand and wait for an answer from you. You sigh and think about it for a second, what man did you want more? Who are you really in love with.

You've loved Jon since you were 20, the two of you have always just been able to click like soulmates. He knows you better than you know yourself, and you know him better than he knows himself. But he hurt you deep when he picked WWE over staying with you.

Kenny is the best thing that has happened to you in a long time, he helped you work through the break up with Jon. He's funny and knows just how to keep you happy. He's also been the one person in the world that's taken an interest in your career, you'd still be a part-timer working dark matches if it wasn't for him.

"Kenny, you're my best friend." You turn to Kenny. "But I've been in love with Jon since I was 20." You turn back over to Jon with a soft smile. "He's the love of my life." You walk over to his side.

"I get it." Kenny nods his head. "You're in love with him, not me." He accepts your decision and turns to leave." I'll leave you two alone then." He exits the room and takes the Bucks with him.

You wait until the room is emptied to actually turn and look at Jon, he wears a smug but loving grin on his face when you do.

"I knew you still loved me." He teases you.

"I can still change my mind you know." You snap back at him playfully.

"You won't," Jon replies and snakes an arm around your waist. "You love me too much for that, now, where were we?" He asks as he presses his lips to yours again,

"You're an asshole, Jon Moxley." You giggle and shake your head.

"Yeah, but I'm your asshole." Jon chuckles with you. "Now come on, we've got hate and discontent to spread." He pulls you to his side and exits the room with you.

-For those of you who watch AEW, yall. Mox VS Darby Allen next week about to hit differently. I can't wait.


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