Kenny Omega

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Your day started out okay, you woke up with a small headache, nothing that you couldn't handle. You got up early and had some toast for breakfast as well as a protein shake before you head out to the gym for your usual workout.

As usual you met Kenny at the gym for a workout, the typical workings of a day in your life.Though, about halfway through your workout you notice that you're sweating just a little bit more than usual, as well as noticing that you are way more thirty than normal for a workout.

"You alright N/N?" Kenny looks over at you with concern when you slow your pace on the treadmill.

"Yeah." You nod a little out a breath. "Just a little hot is all." You wipe some sweat from your forehead and shake off the bad feeling you were getting.

"Okay." Kenny shrugs his shoulders, not thinking any more of it.

You go back to the workout as usual, switching over to barbells after a mild one mile run. Kenny does the same and joins you, the two of you stand a foot or two from each other and casually converse for the time being.

"So you heard anything from Matt yet?" You ask about Matt since you knew that one of his kids had to go to the ER yesterday.

"He rushed home pretty quick last night, last i heard the kid was okay. Just a broken arm or something like that." Kenny informs you of what he'd last heard of the Jackson brothers.

About halfway through your barbell session you start to feel weird again, your headache is more than it did earlier and you all of a sudden feel weak. Concerned for yourself you set down your weights and take a small break. Kenny notices this and goes ahead and also takes a break.

"Y/N are you sure that you're feeling okay?" He asks you again, a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah i'm alright Ken." You nod your head again. "Just not feeling very hot today, I think I'm gonna call it and head home." You decide that you should probably stop straining yourself and go home to rest for a while.

"Alright, I'll swing by later and check up on you." Kenny helps you to your feet and walks you out to your car like he usually does.

"Yeah thanks Ken." You give your generous best friend a smile and head home.

By the time you get home you feel ten times worse than before, your head pounds and you feel heavy. You get into the house and collapse right onto the couch, head still pounding you try and take a small nap, hoping that some more sleep was all you needed.

You wake up about fifteen minutes later with a certain feeling welling up in your throat, you're on your feet and in the bathroom in seconds. barely making it to the toilet you empty your stomach of that toast and shake you had for breakfast.

"Ugh." You groan as you sit on the floor of your bathroom, hunched over the toilet like some sort of hermit. "Why do I have to be sick?" You ask yourself aloud in another groan.

Once you are sure that you are done puking for the time being you collect yourself off of the floor and walk over to the sink. You splash some cold water on you face, noticing that your skin is hot and pale. You make sure to wash your mouth out with some mouthwash before you trudge back to your room to rest.

A few hours later and you manage to down some crackers and water, other than that you remain in bed. You only get up to let Kenny in when he arrives and knocks on the door. You trudge to the front door and swing it open with a miserable sigh.

"Hey..oh wow." Kenny get one look at you and shakes his head. "Good thing I brought this huh." He holds up a grocery sack with a few cans of soup and cold medicine.

"Yes." You nod and turn around to walk back in the house.

You take a few steps forward before a wave of nausea washes over you causing you to immediately book it to the bathroom again. Kenny is right behind you a few seconds later, helping you hold your hair out of the way.

"Looks like you caught the stomach flu." He points out as he holds your hair away from your face.

"No duh." You groan between puking. "Sorry." You apologize after a minute or two, not meaning to sound so rude in the moment.

"It's fine." Kenny shrugs. "You're sick and don't feel well, i get it. Least i can do and try to brighten the day of my favorite person." He cheerily grins at you.

"Thanks Ken." You nod and clean yourself up again before heading out to your living room with Kenny in tow.

The two of you settle down on your couch, you already feel exhausted from puking and slump down in a heap. Kenny sits down next to you and switches on the tv.

"Hand me that blanket." You shiver and gesture to the quilt sitting on Kenny's side of the couch.

Kenny hands over the blanket and sprawls it over you, you let out a thankful sigh and settle in. Once you are settled in you look over at Kenny flipping through the movie options on the tv, intent of finding something good for the two of you to watch.

"Y/N." Kenny breaks your concentration while looking at him when he speaks up. "You're staring." He informs you lightly.

"Sorry." You shake your head to clear your head.

"I mean i know i'm pretty." Kenny teases you.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes with a small smile. "You're a dork." You look back at the tv to see what Kenny had chosen to watch.

"Yeah well i'm your dork so you're stuck with me." He laughs lightly and scoots in close with you.

You aren't about to turn down the extra heat coming from his body and gladly cuddle up with Kenny, happy that he doesn't seem to care that you were almost definitely getting him sick right now. All you cared about was your best friend in the world and the fact that he loved and adored you.

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