Adam Cole

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"Kyle!" After a long drive down from your apartment back home you finally arrive at your brother's house.

"Y/N, I'm so happy you could make it" Kyle greets you with a tight hug.

"Yeah, it's been way too long." You laugh. "Mom really misses seeing you around."

"Yeah, I miss her too." Kyle nods and lets you go. "That your only bag?" He glances down at the suitcase sitting at your feet.

"No, there's one more bag in the trunk, can you grab it for me?" You ask with a sweet smile."Sure." Kyle rolls his eyes at you playfully. "Spare room is the second door on the left down the hall."

You nod and roll your main suitcase inside the house and follow Kyle's directions to the spare bedroom that he was kind enough to let you stay in. On your way into the hallway, someone sitting in the living room catches your attention.

"Adam?" You come to a stop outside the main room and peer inside at the man sitting on the couch.

"Y/N, how's it hanging?" Adam rises from the couch and walks over to you with a grin. "How longs it been? Two years?" He walks over to you for a hug.

"Yeah, I think so." You grin and let him hug you. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." You admit.

"Yeah, my place is getting remodeled right now so Kyle's letting me crash on the couch." Adam nods his head.

"Oh, he didn't tell me that." You raise your brows.

After Adam is done hugging you as tight as humanly possible he walks with you down to the spare bedroom. You set your suitcase down on the bed and turn around to find Cole dangerously close to you.

"You look gorgeous by the way." Adam compliments you. "I also heard that you're single now." He quirks a playful brow at you.

"I am." You nod as Kyle comes into the room with your other bag.

"Ah, I see you and Adam have gotten reacquainted." Kyle hands the bag to you with a goofy smile. "Anyways, sis you go ahead and get comfortable. I'm gonna go pick up pizza from Tony's across town. Be back in a bit." With a nod, Kyle takes off and leaves you with Adam.

You've known Adam for a few years now, seeing him whenever you make a trip to see your brother. Adam has always been infatuated with you. You've usually always been in a relationship whenever Adam would come calling, which was the perfect excuse to ignore the fact that you may or may not be VERY attracted to your brother's best friend.

"So, how's the family?" Adam and you walk back out to the main room after you get your bags set away.

"Fine." You shrug and take a seat on the couch. "How have you been Cole? Still, tagging around with that one girl? What was her name? Britt?" You recall the last time that you and Adam talked he was dating some girl.

"Britt? No." Adam shakes his head. "We broke it off a long time ago. A few days after the last time I saw you actually."

"Oh." You nod. "Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, hey you want a beer?" Adam offers you a drink all of a sudden.

"Sure, why not." You shrug.

You remain in your seat while Adam fetches two beers from the kitchen and you take the time to take a look at your brother's choice in home decor. The large grey couch is facing a flatscreen mounted to the wall with Kyle's PlayStation hooked up and sitting on an entertainment center below is accompanied by a few controllers and various games scattered around.

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