Joey Janela

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"Yep, thanks, Darby." You nod to Darby as he walks away from you and you pick your microphone back up from the box behind you. 

You readjust yourself and turn to the camera with a smile.

"Y/N back here catching up with the Bad Boy, Joey Janela himself. Joey, how are you feeling coming fresh off that impressive win against Sammy Guevara?" You lean the microphone over to Joey for a reply after you say your piece.

"Y/N! You are looking super fine tonight I must say." Joey gives you a flirty wink and a grin. "As for how I'm feeling? Well take a look at me, babe, I am feeling awesome!"

"Well, congrats on the win Joey." You giggle at his over the top flirtiness. " And thank you for your time."

"Pleasure's all mine babe." Joey nods.

You nod and the camera switches off and the show goes back to the action in the ring. You hand your microphone back to the camera crew and turn back to Joey who lingers a few feet away from you.

"Joey, something you need?" You ask him curiously.

"Yeah, I was wondering if maybe I could treat you to a drink after the show?" Joey asks you.

"A drink?" You think about the offer for a second. "Yeah sure, I could go for some drinks after the show. Meet up then?" You suggest.

"Sounds like a plan." Joey agrees. "See you after the show, shorty." He waves as he leaves.

You finish up with the camera crew and eagerly wait for the show to come to an end so you can meet up with Joey. Sure enough, a little after the show ends Joey shows up back in some normal clothes and meets you outside the building.

"Y/N, you ready to go?" He greets you with his usual wide grin.

"Yeah." You nod with a smile of your own. "Any idea where we're going?" You ask him curiously.

"Not a clue babe, but I like to live my life on the fly." Joey grabs your hand and pulls you out of the parking lot without warning. "Just stick with me shorty, we'll have all kinds of fun tonight, I can promise you that."

"Lead the way then, Joey." You decide to give Janela a chance.

Usually, you're not the one for a spontaneous adventure. But there's just something about Joey's attitude and spirit that makes all your worries fade away as he drags you by the hand downtown.

Your first stop on Joey's nightly tour is a small dive bar with a Hawaiian theme for some reason. Inside some guy plays ukelele and sings songs you'd hear on a Hawian vacation. Joey pulls you in and right up to the bar, then opts to order shots.

"To a wild night with a beautiful girl at my side." Joey takes his shot from the bartender and links it with your glass.

"To a wild night." You clink your glass and down the shot without a problem. This small feat is more than enough to impress your companion.

"Wow, looks like there's a party girl hidden somewhere in there, eh Y/N?" Joey teases you lightly.

"Guess you'll just have to find out." You grin and order another shot.

"Hell yeah! That's the spirit." Joey has no protest at your actions and downs his second shot of the night.

After a few shots at the dive bar, Joey drags you back out onto the street and on the look for something more fun to do. The two of you come up to some swanky looking club with flashing lights and loud music streaming out of the door and quickly get in line.

"I should warn you." You shout over the sound of the music blaring from inside. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"No sweat babe." Joey shakes his head. "You're gorgeous enough to look good on the dance floor no matter how bad you are." He assures you.

You take Joey's words to heart and decide to just have some fun, a kind of who cares who sees mantra. Joey pays your way in and leads you onto the dance floor as soon as you get in. The music blares in your ears and sweaty bodies move all around you, but you surprisingly don't really mind it.

"Yeah, there you go!" It doesn't take you long to pick up the grooved of grinding on the dancefloor and having a good time, and Joey is more than happy to guide you along.

You laugh and grind along to the music until your feet start to ache. Once they start to bother you Joey is happy to take a break and get some drinks at the bar.

"You having a good time babe?" Joey leans over next to you while you wait for drinks at the bar.

"You know? Yeah, I'm actually having a great time Joey." You are a little surprised at the fact that you're having such a good time with Joey.

"I'm glad!" Joey nods. "I wasn't exactly sure if you were gonna be into all this." He admits.

"Well, I am." You assure him. "You got any other stops for me tonight?" You ask him as your drinks finally arrive.

"Hmm." Joey sits and thinks for a minute. "You know what? Yeah, I know just the place." He finally answers you after a minute of thinking.

You and Joey finish your drinks and are back out in the cool air of the night once again. Joey leads you further downtown to a little bar tucked away in some back alley where not many people are hanging out.

"Behold!" Joey swings open the door to the bar and leads you inside to a little bar with not many people inside.

You do however spot a photo of Joey sitting on the wall behind the bar with a fake crown on his head. And, a karaoke stage on the back wall of the room.

"Oh no." You can feel the heat running to your cheeks. "Joey no, I'm a horrid singer." You shake your head.

"Oh so am i." Joey grins wide. "But that's what makes it fun." He insists.

Joey leads you over to the bar and you guys order some more drinks to top the night off. Joey hails over the bartender and tells him to fire up the karaoke machine, you can tell the two of them know each other well.

After Joey takes off for the stage the bartender walks up to you with a laugh.

"You must be awfully special." He speaks in a low but amused tone. "Joey's been coming here for like 5 years now, and in that time I don't think I've ever seen him drag a girl in here."

"Really?" You furrow your brows and turn back to Joey who is now starting to sing the opening of Sweet Caroline.

"Yep." The bartender nods and hands you a drink.

You take a sip and laugh at Joey making a fool of himself on the stage to make you laugh. As soon as the song ends he walks back over to you and grabs his drink from the bar.

"You know maybe you should give up wrestling and just become a singer." You tease him.

"Ha! Maybe I should." Joey laughs with you. "Care to join me for the next song?" He asks you.

"Hell, why not." You down the rest of your drink with a laugh and follow Joey back up to the stage.

Together the two of you put on an atrocious rendition of Don't Stop Believing. When the songs ends the two of you are a giggly mess and the bartender is nice enough to call you guys a cab back to the hotel. The ride back is also a giggly mess.

Joey is nice enough to walk you back to your room on wobbly legs. You both stop outside your door and you dig for your keys in your pocket.

"Thanks again for taking me out Joey." You thank him once you find your room key.

"My pleasure." Joey nods. "I had a kickass time with you."

"Me too." You agree. "So here." You take a leap and plant a sweet kiss on Joey's lips. "I look forward to the next time." You add with a giggle before you lip into your room.

"Hell yeah, you got it." Joey laughs as you shut the door and heads back to his own room.

QOTC: Still no questions on the brain today, so just let me know how I'm doing. Any critiques or advice is appreciated by me!

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