Adam Cole

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"Jessica's parents are going to be there the whole time right?" You lean into your nieces room as she packs her overnight bag on her bed.

"Yes Y/N." Grace replies in a slightly annoyed tone. "It's just a sleepover." She insists as she zips up her bag and slings it over her shoulder.

"Hey i'm just being sure you know what your mom would do to me if something happened to you while she was away." You shudder at the thought of how pissed off your older sister would be if you let something happen to her kid.

"Yeah, she'd be pissed." Grace giggles and exits her room.

You follow the teen down the hall and to the front door, grabbing your car keys on the way.

"Ready to go?" You ask Grace as you twirl your keys in your hand.

"Yeah." Grace nods and pats her pants pocket. "Oh wait, my phone." She shakes her head and turns around to grab her phone from her room.

You sigh lightly and lean against the wall to wait for Grace to come back from her room. You were going to have the rest of the night to yourself for once and didn't know what to do with it. As you wait an idea pops in your head, your grab your phone from your pocket and dial a number.

"Hey Adam, it's Y/N. Grace is at a sleepover for the night so i've got the house all to myself. "You speak into the phone with a grin. "Call me back when you see this so we can make plans." And with that you hang up the phone just as Grace rounds the corner.

"Who were you talking to?" Grace asks you curiously as she makes it back to your side.

"No one special." You shrug your shoulders casually. "Now let's get going." You open the front door and head out to your car.

The car ride to Jessica's house is relatively silent, you focus on driving while Grace messes with the music using your phone. You are stopped at a light when you hear a ding come from your phone.

"Hey someone snapchatted you." Grace speaks up as she holds your phone in her hand. "Who's Adam?" She glances at you, her fingers gliding over the phone to open the message.

"Ah, no!" You quickly snatch the phone from her before she can open the snap. "He's a friend." You grip the phone in your hand, not trusting Adam one bit.

"Oooo." Grace replies in a singsong. "A friend huh?" She raises a brow at you.

"Yes, a friend." You reply firmly. "Focus on selecting some good music and not who i'm talking to on MY phone." You ruffle Grace's hair and hand her back the phone.

You weren't about to open that message with Grace in the car, the last thing you needed was her looking over your shoulder and seeing something that no teenage girl needs to see.

You drop Grace off without a hitch. Once she's out of the car you grab your phone and see what Adam has been up to. To your surprise it's nothing lewd for once. You decide to call him up again since you're driving back to your place.

"Adam, finally you answer." You grin when he finally picks up the phone.

"Yeah yeah." Adam replies from the other end of the line, you can basically here him roll his eyes at you. "What's this I hear about you being alone tonight?" His voice immediately drops an octave or two.

"Grace is at a sleepover today, just dropped her off and am on my way home." You explain with excitement in your voice.

"Is that so?" Adam chuckles. "Well then, who do you think can make it to your place first?" He asks in a sultry tone.

"Oh you are so on." You laugh and hang up the phone, pressing your foot down on the gas at the same time.

You race home as fast as you can, without speeding of course. When you pull into your driveway you find that Adam's car is already parked in it's usual spot whenever he happens to come by. You park your car and head inside the house, knowing that Adam is lying in wait for you inside.

"Adam?" You call out as you shut the front door behind you.

"In here babe!" You hear Adam yell from what sounds like your bedroom.

You shake your head with a grin and head up the stairs to your bedroom. You get into the hall and see that the door is wide open and the light is on.

"What are you even doing in here?" You ask with hand on your hip as you enter your bedroom.

"Snooping." Adam replied dryly, his hands rummaging through the top drawer of your dresser. "Now where is that lace set of black lingerie that you bought a couple of weeks ago?" He asks as he continues to rummage through the drawers.

"Maybe I'm wearing them." You coo his way with a grin and walk back out the door.

"Y/N!" You hear Adam almost yell as you walk back down the stairs.

"You want it, come get it Adam." You yell back as you descend the stairs and walk through the living room to get to your kitchen.

"Oh no you dont'." Adam all of a sudden appears behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist. "Teasing me is mean Y/N." He whispers gruffly in your ear.

"Is it?" You reply with a grin. "Oops." You tease him, his grip tight around your waist. "So what are you planning on doing about it." You ask as you lean back in Adam, letting a chuckle escaped your lips.

In almost an instant you are picked up and tossed over the back of your couch, you land with a soft thud as Adam comes vaulting over the couch himself and settles down above you.

"How about that?" He asks you with a mischievous look in his eye.

You don't hesitate to reach up and pull Adam down to your for a kiss, it has been way to long since you've gotten a chance to spend some time with him.

"Mmm, a whole night alone." Adam whispers into your skin. "Think of all the things I get to do to you." He chuckles against your neck.

"Mhm." You laugh with him and tug at the hem of his shirt.

Adam obliges to your wish and leans back up for a second to strip himself of his shirt. Once his is off he decides that you need to be rid of yours also.

A few minutes later and both you and Adam are both a little too preoccupied to hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway and the front door opening. Your eyes are closed and hands are in Adam's hair as his tongue slides down your stomach. They shoot open when you hear someone clear their throat in the room.

"Grace!" You pull yourself out from under Adam in an instant as your eyes fall on your niece standing in the entrance to the living room.

"Hey Aunt Y/N." Grace waves her hand. "And hello strange man on top of my aunt." She smiles lightly at Adam.

"What are you doing home?" You ask in a panicked tone as Adam sits up with you.

"I came by to grab my bathing suit, Jessica's mom has a pool." Grace explains. "I tried calling you a few times but you didn't answer, guess i know why now." Her face is a slightly flushed color. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to what you were doing." She nods her head and ducks out of the room.

"Nice to meet you sir." She calls as you hear the front door shut.

You sit in silence for a second, your sister was going to kill you for this. Adam on the other hand seems unphased as he pushes you back down onto your back.

"Your niece seems nice." He grins, his teeth grazing your neck.

"Shut up Adam."

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