Cedric Alexander

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"Wait up you two!" You yell as you fall behind your brother and best friend.

Angelo and Montez both sigh and come to a stop, you jog up to them out of breath.

"Man Angelo, why your sister gotta be so short?" Montez teases you. You smack his arm firmly as you pant. "Ouch." Montez rubs his arm. "And mean to." He grumbles.

"Call me short again and next time I'll hit you much harder than that." You warn him and stand up straight, having finally caught your breath.

"I'd do what she says, man." Angelo chuckles. "Trust me, she can be way meaner." He ruffles your hair causing you to hit him in the arm as well. "See what I mean?" He grins down at you.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes at both of them an angrily trail ahead of them into the arena.

You make your way into the arena with a frown, you hated being made fun of because of your height. Or being made fun of period.

"Well isn't it short little Y/N Dawkins." Your frown increases to a full-on scowl when you see who's blocking your path now.

"AJ." You glare up at him.

"Where you headed off to shorty?" AJ asks you with a grin.

"My locker room, now move please." You ask him through gritted teeth.

You go to shoulder your way past AJ and his buddies, only for him to easily stop you and push you back into place. And since you left your brother and Montez at catering you find yourself all alone now.

"Why don't you come and hang out with us?" AJ suggests with a wink and a smirk.

"I'll pass." You roll your eyes at him again.

"You sure honey?" AJ presses you. "I assure you we can be LOTS of fun." He licks his lips as he eyes you.

"Leave her alone AJ." You turn around to see a familiar face coming to your aide.

Cedric Alexander, a good friend of you and your Street Profit companions stands by your side now, defending you from AJ and his buddies.

"Speaking of short." Karl Anderson laughs behind AJ.

"Yeah yeah." Cedric rolls his eyes with you. "Make all the jokes you want, just leave the lady alone." He glares at the group with you.

AJ apparently decides that you aren't worth the time anymore and pushes past you and Cedric with his buddies in tow behind him. You wait until they're gone before you turn to Cedric with a smile.

"Thanks, Ceddy." You chuckle and give him a small hug.

"Don't sweat it N/N." Cedric nods and gladly hugs you back. "Can I walk with you?" He asks with that bright smile of his.

"Yeah, sure." You nod and begin to make your way to your locker room again.

The two of you walk in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the silence of each others company. After a while, Cedric finally speaks up again.

"So how's your brother and Montez doing?" He asks, clearing his throat at the same time.

"Fine." You smile softly, hiding the light dusting of blush on your cheeks.

"That's good." Cedric nods. "How are you?" He asks you about yourself, "You look great by the way." He adds quietly.

"Thanks." You chuckle, just as nervous as him. "I've been good, just trying to avoid AJ and his friends is all." You insist.

"Yeah, he seems.....persistent." Cedric looks over at you to gauge a reaction to his comment.

"Ehh." You wave your hand. "Men will be men I guess." You laugh, meaning it as a joke.

"......Yeah." Cedric rubs the back of his neck with a small chuckle as well. "Well I'll see you later I guess then." He stops when you both reach your locker room.

"Yeah." You nod and unlock the door. "Nice talking to you Ceddy." You grin at his smile when you call him Ceddy.

"You to N/N." Cedric gets you back as you slip into your locker room.

You slip into the locker room and wait to hear Cedric leave. Once he's gone you slide down the wall and place your head in your hands, heat rising to your face. 

"Ugh." You groan to yourself. "Why does he have to be so cute and polite?" You ask aloud, thinking that you're alone.

"Why does who have to be cute and polite?" Your head shoots up when someone else in the room speaks up.

You look up to see Angelo staring at you from the other side of the room, in the middle of looking through his bag by the looks of it.

"Oh, I ran into Cedric on the way here." You explain as you rise to your feet.

"Oooh." Angelo nods, he knew that you had a crush on Cedric. "How'd that go?" He teases you with a grin, as a big brother would do.

"Good I guess." You shrug and take a seat on the bench. "You know my brain has a funny way of shutting off when he's around." You sigh and poke at Angelo's arm as he looks through his bag to annoy him.

"All you gotta do is ask him out." Montez pops out from the bathroom. "He'd be crazy not to say yes." He steps out fully into the room fresh out of the shower.

"You make it sound so easy." You shake your head, you don't have nearly enough confidence for that.

Angelo and Montez both shrug and get ready for their match. You ready yourself as well so you can go out to the ring with them for support as per usual. Once you are all ready you head out to the ring to mess around for a minute or two before the match. 

You get out there and immediately find AJ eyeing you up from the other side of the ring. Why did it have to be the OC tonight? You think to yourself as you stand with Montez and Angelo. The bell rings and you keep off to the side and out of the way.

"Ooh Y/N." A little into the match you watch as AJ saunters over to your side of the ring with a smirk plastered on his smug face.

"Screw off Styles." You glare at him and take your eyes off of the ring.

"Oh come on sweetheart." AJ coos at you. "You can't tell me you don't at least wanna know what a night with me is like." He teases you with a grin.

"Nope." You shake your head, eyes still trained on AJ. "Read my lips AJ, not interested." You once again turn him down.

The distraction by AJ means that Karl and Gallows manage to pull a win over Angelo and Montez. Your attention darts back to them only after the bell rings. You shake your head and slide in the ring with them when a brawl breaks out. You find yourself in the middle of it with no way out without getting hit. Then a hand grabs you by the arm and pulls you down to the floor.

"Cedric." You sigh with relief when you see Cedric was the one that saved you.

"You okay Y/N?" He asks you, a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You nod. "Thanks for saving me." You give him his second hug of the night.

"Sure thing." Cedric nods and hugs you tightly back.

Montez and Angelo manage to take care of AJ and his buddies while Cedric walks with you to the back. Once you are both out of the way of the action you decide to take a chance with Cedric and go to speak. You are cut off by Cedric himself before you can get a word out.

"Hey Y/N." He catches your attention with that soft smile of his.

"Yeah?" You turn your attention to you.

"I've been meaning to ask you, would you maybe let me buy you dinner some time?" He asks you and rubs the back of his neck again. "Like a date." He clarifies nervously.

"Y-yeah." You nod your head, unable to keep back your smile. "I'd like that."

Angelo and Montez interrupt your little moment as they come up the ramp hooting and hollering as usual. You and Cedric both laugh as they make their way back to your side.

"Man, that was awesome." Angelo laughs heartedly.

"Hellz yeah!" Montez agree's.

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