Drew Mcintyre

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*This is a part 2 from my last McIntyre chapter. It can be read on its own with no issue, but check back with the last Drew chapter if you'd like some extra context or background.*

It's been an agonizing three weeks since you took over for Zelina as the new manager for Angel and Andrade and you are beginning to see why she needed a vacation so badly. Angel and Andrade are like toddlers forced to share their toys with one another. It's argument after argument with them, a never-ending battle for who's the best. You've been doing your best to keep both men in line while also maintaining the image that you've got everything under control. But it's getting harder by the day, especially with Drew Mcintyre always breathing down your neck every chance he gets.

"Touch it again and we're gonna have a problem!" You are sitting through your suitcase for your boots when you hear Angel shout in the other room.

"What? Like this?" You hear Andrade fire right back then the sound of a loud thud follows.

You roll your eyes and head into the room to find Angel and Andrade duking it out on the floor.

"Hey! Both of you knock it off!" You shout above the grunting and briskly walk over to the pile of immature men in front of you. "That's enough!" You yank Andrade up by the shirt since he's on top at the moment.

Andrade stumbles back and stares daggers at Angel as he picks himself up off of the floor. Angel glares right back at him.

"You." You turn to Andrade. "Gym now, I want you running laps until you can't feel your legs. NOW!" You make your point more than clear and Andrade hurries to grab his gym bag.

You want until he's gone to confront Angel who has been sitting idly by for you to yell at him as well.

"What was it about this time?" You rub your temples in annoyance.

"Andrade won't stop trying to snoop through my bags," Angel complains.

"So keep them shut and away from him." You reply in a sigh. "Your turn for the gym comes when he gets back, no excuses." You inform Angel of his punishment and head back to your room.

You finish looking for your boots and decide to go out for some coffee since its still morning. You know a small place not far from the hotel that you frequent whenever you're in town that'll be perfect.

You arrive at the small java place which is nice and quiet and order a latte. You then proceed to take a seat at the bar by the window and text Angel to see if Andrade has come back from the gym yet.

"Funny seeing you here sweetheart." Your coffee break is interrupted by none other than the other pain in your ass as of late.

"Drew." You throw a smile his way and take a sip of your coffee. "Stalking me now are we?" You joke with a quirked brow.

"Ha, you wish Hunny." Drew replies with a laugh. "Just came for a cup of jo, supposed to be the best in town."

"It is." You nod your head casually. "Care to sit?" You offer Drew a seat next to you.

"A chance to hang out with you? How could I pass up such an offer?" Drew agrees to your offer and grabs his coffee from the bar before he takes a seat next to you.

The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a bit before Drew notices that you're alone.

"So where's tweedle dee and tweedle dum gone?" Drew asks you casually.

"Working out." You reply with contempt in your voice.

"Kids not behaving well?" Drew asks.

"Oh, you've no idea." You laugh and take a sip of coffee.

You and Drew both laugh a bit and fall back into silence again. After a few minutes, you are the one to speak up this time.

"So Drew, how's the champion life treating you? Gets lonely up on that throne all by your lonesome id imagine." You comment about work.

"Maybe." Drew replies with a raised brow. "Why? What are you suggesting?" He asks.

"Me? I'm not suggesting anything." You reply. "Just curious about what you'll get up to when that shiny new belt is with me and not you." You throw on a smug smile and sip your coffee.

"Oh, so that's how this is gonna go then?" Drew nods his head with a deep chuckle.

"Did you expect it to go any other way?" You lean in close with a grin.

"I think I'd be disappointed if it did." Drew leans in as well so your lips are just a whisper away from one another.

"Well, this has been fun!" You pop right back up in your seat as if nothing happened. "Enjoy your coffee, Drew." You wink and take off without another word.

Drew wears a look of confusion as he watches you tip the lady at the counter and leave.

"Oh, you're in for it now." Drew shakes his head and grabs his coffee from the table.

You head back to the hotel to check in on the boys with a smile on your face. You may love playing mind games just a little too much, especially with Drew.

You check up on Andrade in the gym to find him gone and Angel there instead. You exchange a few words with him then head up to see Andrade.

You step into the elevator and expect to be riding up alone. That is until a large hand stops it at the last moment and Drew steps in the cabin with you.

"Drew, you got here fast." You eye up the champion as the elevator doors slide closed.

"You're a slippery one to catch hold of." Drew replies and takes a step towards you.

"Well, what's the fun in giving up on a first attempt?" You reply casually.

"You've been a pain in my ass for far too long lass." Drew backs you against the elevator wall with ease.

"Well, it IS a nice ass." You shrug with a grin. "Question is, are you man enough to do anything about it?"

Before you can say another word Drew crashes his lips to yours with force, not that you mind. The two of you exchange a harsh and heated kiss before Drew is off of you and heading out of the newly opened elevator in an instant.

"See you at work sweetheart!" Drew calls after you with a shit-eating grin as he leaves.

"Oh, you ass." You laugh to yourself as the elevator slides shut. "Fine, you wanna play dirty Mcintyre? Let's play dirty." You shake your head, a million ideas already running through your mind.

QOTC: A part three to this one maybe? I think I have a pretty good idea of how I could end this whole thing that y'all might like. Lemme know.

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