Tommaso Ciampa

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Another day, another NXT taping down at Full Sail. You sit in your brother's locker room with a bored look on your face. The room is pretty quiet since it's only you and Roderick at the moment. With a sigh, you put your phone away, tired of scrolling through your twitter and turn to Roderick.

"Hey, Roddie." You catch his attention away from his phone

"Yeah?" Roderick looks up from his phone.

"You know when the boys are supposed to be back from the ring?" You ask him curiously.

"They should be back anytime now," Roderick answers you quickly, then goes back to his phone.

"Okay." You sigh again and just go back to looking at your phone.

The ring on your right-hand clinks against your phone case as you take it out of your pocket. You stop to admire the shine for a second, feeling the effects of not seeing your husband for over a month now.

The door swings open with a loud thud, snapping you out of your thought. You roll your eyes at your brother's confident smile as he comes parading through the door with Kyle and Bobby.

"Come on little sis." Adam grabs your hand and hauls you up from your spot on the bench. "Smile a little." He insists with a chuckle.

"Let me go, Adam." You shake your head with a giggle and pull your hand back from his grip.

"See, there she is." Adam teases you as you crack a smile.

"Whatever." You wave him off and sit back down, seeing that you've gotten a text.

You unlock your phone and look at the unread message, it's a message from William Regal, he wants you to meet him in his office as soon as you can. You furrow your brows at the odd message and stand to your feet again.

"Gotta go, Adam, Regal wants me for something." You nod to your brother as you walk to the door.

"Okay." Adam nods. "Have fun." He teases you with a chuckle.

"Oh screw off Adam." You roll your eyes at him and step out into the hall.

You make your way down the hall to Regal's office, wondering what he could possibly want from you. You get to his office and knock twice then wait for an answer.

"Ah Y/N." Regal cracks the door open and smiles when he sees you. "Please, come in." He opens the door for you.

"Yeah sure." You nod and step into the room. "So what's up Regal, why did you need to see me?" You ask as you close the door behind you.

"Oh, it wasn't me who wanted to see you exactly." Regal shakes his head and walks to the back door in his office, leading out to the opposite hallway.

"Oh?" You furrow your brows, confused again.

"It was actually this man here that's been dying to see you all day." Regal opens up the door and your jaw drops to the floor.

You stutter out a few incoherent words as you stare at the doorway, in it stands your husband of three years, Tommaso Ciampa.

"Tommaso?" You stutter out his name softly.

"Hey, sweetheart." Tommaso grins, holding his arm out to you.

"I can't believe you're here." You spring forward and into his arms.

"I know, but I wanted it to be a surprise." Tommaso chuckles, holding you tightly.

"Suprise, what do you mean by that?" You ask, letting yourself fall back to the ground and out of Tommaso's arms.

"I'm cleared for competition." Tommaso gives you great news.

"What?" You go wide-eyed. "Baby that's awesome." You giggle and kiss your husband's lips for the first time in over a month.

Tommaso makes sure to hold you tight, he'd been missing you even more than you'd been missing him. He chuckles at how happy you are to see him, himself being just as happy.

"Thanks for keeping this between us Regal." He thanks, William.

"No problem." Regal nods his head. "I do believe it's time we make your comeback official though." He nods to the main door. "Adam Cole and his lackeys should all be out in the ring right about now, helping Roderick Strong out with his match i'd assume," Regal explains his plans for Tommaso's return.

You told Tommaso's hand and stand by his side, shaking your hand at the news. Your brother wasn't exactly the biggest fan of you marrying Ciampa. Not that he could do anything about it.

"You haven't been back for even one day and you're already trying to piss off my brother?" You shake your head at your husband.

"Hey." Tommaso grins. "I've got my gorgeous wife back in my arms, now i just need my championship belt back. Not my fault your brother has a habit of keeping ahold of things i love." He shrugs with a grin.

"Whatever." You laugh with him as the two of you make your way down to the ring.

Sure enough, Adam is on the ramp watching out for the rest of the team in the ring. You stop for a second and allow Tommaso to gather himself, also so he can go out alone for a moment.

You hang back and watch as Tommaso heads out to the ramp, the sound of the crowd going wild filling your ears. You and Regal mingle for a moment, as you wait for it to be a good time to join Ciampa. You decide to head out there when he's got his sights set on your brother.

"Hey, Adam." You give Adam a small wave as you walk out onto the ramp.

"Y/N," Adam calls your name, watching as you walk past him. "Come on man, I'm your brother." He scolds you.

"Yeah, but he's my husband." You retort and kiss Tommaso's cheek with a grin. "Sorry big brother." You shrug with a grin.

"You're gonna pay for convincing my sister that marrying you was a good idea." Adam snaps.

"I doubt that." Tommaso's fires right back. "She seems like she enjoys my company, I'm just here to take back the other love of my life." He eye's up the belt on Adam's waist.

"Not a chance." Adam shakes his head, hand on the belt.

"We'll see." Tommaso grins. "Come on baby, let's go greet the fans." Tommaso grabs your hand and walks with you down to the ring.

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