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Fresh off of a win against Diamante in the ring you head backstage with a smile on your face. You've barely been in AEW for three weeks and things are already looking excellent for your future. And speaking of excellent, on your way back to the locker room you happen to run into quite the specimen that has caught your eye in recent weeks. Warlow.

"Just my luck!" You grin to yourself and pick up your pace.

Max is the first one to spot you since he's standing in front of your intended target. But, try as he might, you have little interest in Wardlow's entitled tag partner.

"Wardlow!" You get over to the pair and look over Max at his silent partner in crime.

Wardlow nods to you, his face set in stone. You've run into him plenty of times before, and yet you don't think that you've gotten him to speak a word to you.

"Y/N, what can we do for you?" Max catches your attention back for a moment.

"Was I talking to you Maxwell?" You turn your attention back to Max with a raised brow.

"No but.." Max tries to defend himself.

"Exactly. It's rude to interrupt other people's conversations." You look down at him. "You'd think with all daddy's money in your hands you could have had the decency to buy yourself some manners."

Max falls silent and you turn back over to Wardlow whose expression hasn't changed since you walked up to him.

"Anyways, Wardlow. How are you tonight? Good, I assume? You look good." You turn back to Wardlow unphased by Max's little interruption. "Good luck out there against Luchasaurus by the way. I'll be seeing you big man." You pat his muscly shoulder with a bright smile and head back to the locker room for the night.

Max scoffs as you walk away with a smug look on his face, his eyes trained on your ass as you leave.

"God she's hot." Max shakes his head. "Too bad she's only got eyes for you." He pats Wardlow's shoulder lightly.

"Mhm." Wardlow nods.

The two of them head out to the ring for their match and you head back to the locker room to change out of your ring gear. In the locker room, you run into Penelope Ford, a sort of mutual friend of yours.

"Hey, Penny." You wave at her as you walk over to your locker.

"Hey." Penelope nods at you. "What took you so long to get back to the locker room? Your match ended fifteen minutes ago." She asks you curiously.

"Oh, I ran into Wardlow on my way back." You explain and pull off your top. "And Max."

"Lucky you." Penelope laughs, she knows that you have a thing for Wardlow after all.

"Haha." You reply dryly. "Hey, we aren't all attracted to skinny white boys Penelope."

"Yeah yeah." Penelope rolls her eyes. "Kip's sweet, and a great boyfriend." She insists.

"And I'm sure Wardlow is just as sweet." You are sure of it.

"Yeah, if you can ever get him to speak to you." Penelope laughs.

"Hey! I will, eventually." You shake your head at the blonde.

Penelope laughs again and leaves you to go and get changed. You finish changing then grab your bags and head out to the parking lot to head back to the hotel.

When you get back to your room you decide that it's way too early to be retiring on a Saturday night and dig through your bag for a nice dress. You know a nice bar across town and a drink doesn't sound bad right about now,

You get changed into a silver-grey dress that hugs your thighs and pairs it with some matte grey heels then head out to the bar. When you get there it's just starting to get busy. You wiggle your way up to the bar and order a drink.

"Thank you." You take your drink from the bartender and scan the room for anyone you may know, or anyone that may look interesting.

Whichever comes first is fine by you. You make a quick survey of the barroom and your heart jumps when you spot Max hitting on what looks like some local college students. With the prospect of Wardlow being out with him, you look around Max and spot the silent giant sitting alone in a booth a few feet away from Max.

"Yes!" You cheer to yourself quietly and pick up your drink.

You walk past Max still hitting on the college girls, you accidentally catch his eye on your way past him and roll your eyes.

"Wardlow." You take a casual seat on the opposite side of the booth with a small smile. "Funny seeing you here, out being Max's wingman?"

"Yeah." Warlow nods his head.

His response kind of takes you by surprise. Then again, HE is kind of taking you by surprise. It's almost like he's looking at you differently than he usually does.

"Bet that's fun." You muse and glance over at Max as he walks your way. "And speak of the devil. Maxwell." You look up at Max when he reaches the tableside.

"Y/N, man you are looking absolutely gorgeous in that dress Hunny." Max winks at you. "Let me buy you a drink." He offers.

"Thanks, but I've got one." You raise your glass up off the table for a second. "Anyways, Wardlow. It seems like we never get a chance to talk." You turn away from Max and hope that he'll go back to his college girls.

"Let's call it a professional courtesy," Wardlow replies and raises his glass to his lips.

"Oh, a professional." You let out a small laugh. "What a gentleman. And what about now? We're both off for the weekend, no?"

"We are." Wardlow nods his head.

Max begins to get the hint that he's not getting anywhere with you tonight so he heads off back to the two college girls he was talking to earlier, and they are happy to have him to say the least. You, on the other hand, are happily engaged in an actual conversation with the man of your dreams.

"You know Max was right, that dress does look killer on you." Wardlow takes another sip of his drink.

"Thanks." You nod.

"It would look even better on my floor though." You choke slightly at the blank look on Wardlow's face as he speaks.

"Pardon?" You set your drink down.

"You heard me, sweetheart," Wardlow replies.

You have to shake the shocked look from your face before you can muster a reply. Sure you were expecting something interesting when you finally got Wardlow to break. You sure as hell wasn't expecting this though.

"I guess I did." You nod. "Do I at least get to finish my drink before you rip this dress off of me?" You ask with a grin.

Wardlow nods and clinks glasses with you before he downs his drink in one gulp and watches as you finish yours as fast as you can.

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