Roderick Strong

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"I just can't seem to catch a break with you guys can i?" You huff, finally reaching the side of your companions. "What the hell happened to wait for me?" You scold all four of them with a glare.

You were planning on making your way down into the ring to confront Regal about getting Bobby and Kyle a match for the NXT tag titles and turned around for just a second to grab your jacket when all four men took off down the hall without you.

"Sorry Y/N." Kyle shrugs his shoulders, no sounding very sincere for what it's worth.

"Yeah, we were gonna wait, but Adam dragged us all off." Roderick nods his head, agreeing with Kyle about needing to apologize.

You sigh and shrug it off, you've been working as the manager of Undisputed Era for almost a year now. To say that you've grown used to Adam not listening to you would be an understatement.

"Whatever. At least you and Kyle are loyal, aye Roddy." You smile softly at the handsome man standing on your right side.

"Yeah." Roderick beams right back at you with that intoxicating smile of his.

"Anywho." You turn back to face the whole group, the main focus of your attention being Adam. "What did Regal say?" You ask the leader with a raised brow, hoping for good news.

"He wants to talk with you, and I imagine also Bobby and Kyle." Adam replies matter of factly, a sly smile on his face.

"At what time?" You sigh, pulling your phone out of your pocket to add the event to your calendar.

"Tomorrow at nine." Adam gives you the time and you punch it into your calendar along with a reminder.

After the date and time is punched in you take a gander at all the other stuff that you have planned for tomorrow. And to you it looks like a jammed packed day of parading the boys around to different venu's and such.

"Oh, Roddy." You glance down at one event in particular scheduled for later in your evening with just Roderick. "I forgot, you have a solo meet and greet in like two hours." You remind him of the event with a smile.

"Oh yeah huh." Roderick nods his head, now remembering that he did indeed have a meet and greet schedule. "Looking forward to it then." He grins at you.

You nod your head and dismiss yourself from the group for the time being. You still have so much to get done before Roderick has his meet and greet later in the evening.

You manage to get a few errands and meetings done in the short amount of time before you need to head back to the hotel and pick up Roderick for his meet and greet. When you arrive you find him talking with Kyle about something that at least looked semi-serious. Curious about what the pair is talking about you head over to them.

"I'm here to pick you up for your meet and greet Roddy." You greet the pair with a small smile.

"Y/N." Roderick greets you with a somewhat nervous smile. "You're early." He comments and glances at the clock on the wall to his left.

"Am i?" You furrow your brows and also glance at the clock. "Oh, i guess i am. Whoops." You chuckle with a shrug, not making a big deal out of it. "Anyway, you all ready to go?" You turn back to Roderick.

"Yeah i guess." He shrugs. "We'll continue this conversation later Kyle." He throws Kyle a stern look before turning to leave with you.

You wonder what the look was for but choose to wait until you and Roderick are alone to ask him about it. You decide to bring it up when you both are in your car and Roderick can't escape you.

"So." You clear your throat to catch Rodericks attention away from him phone. "What were you and Kyle talking about earlier?" You ask him curiously, making sure to keep your eyes on the road.

"Oh." Roderick sets his phone down slowly. "Nothing important, just a little argument is all." He rubs the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh." You nod your head. "Okay then. What were you guys arguing about? If you don't mind me asking that is." You are determined to get a little more info out of Roderick then what he's giving you.

"Nothing important." Roderick insists, getting a little defensive about it.

Before you can get a chance to pry some more into it you arrive at the location for the meet and greet. Roderick is out of the car as soon as it's off and walking his way inside the building. You shake your head at his behavior and follow him inside.

"There you are." You scold Roderick when you finally find him setting up at his booth with shirts and some other merch. "You kind of left me in the parking lot." You glare at him for being a jerk.

"Sorry." Roderick rubs the back of his neck again, feeling bad for leaving you outside. "I'll tell you all about what me and Kyle were arguing about later okay?" He insists, his eyes fixed on a group of girls headed towards the booth.

"Yeah okay." You nod with a sigh and take a seat in a folding chair by your feet.

In almost no time at all people start to flock to Rodericks booth for a chance to meet him. You laugh to yourself at how he gets flustered at all the girls that ask to take photos with him, telling him that he's the handsomest member of Undisputed Era and how he is their favorite wrestler.

"You doing alright out there Roddy." You giggle when Roderick sits back down after taking photos with a large group of girls that were all over him a few minutes ago.

"It a war zone out there man." Roderick chuckles and grabs a water from the cooler under the table.

"Hey, girls love you man." You tease him with a giggle.

"I know." Roderick laughs with you. "Not that any of them have a chance with me." He sighs, his voice a little quieter now.

"Really?" You furrow your brows. "I don't see why not, some of those girls were super pretty." You glance over at the group of girls now moved on to a booth a little further down the line.

"Eh." Roderick shrugs. "I've kind of already got my eyes set on a girl." He admits with a nervous smile.

"Oh yeah?" You nod. "Is that what you and Kyle were arguing about earlier? About whether or not you should ask this girl out?" You turn fully to Roderick to see what he has to say fully.

"Yeah." Roderick nods his head. "It's you by the way." He just outright admits his feelings to you. "Kyle doesnt think you like me back, but I don't think that's true." He flashes that perfect smile of his now, his eyes fixed on you.

"Well you'd be correct." You laugh aloud, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. "I do believe that I may have a crush on you Roderick Strong." You tease him with a laugh.

"Well that's perfect then." Roderick grins. "After this meet and greet is over cancel your other plans because i'm taking you out for dinner." He insists.

"I guess I can manage that." You laugh and shake your head. "A date does sound nice after all."

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