Mark Andrews

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"You're looking mightly lovely tonight Y/N."

You are minding your own business backstage, waiting for Mark to come back from his match with Noam Dar when these words are uttered to you. You look up from your phone to find Marcel Barthel, of Imperium, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Thank you, Marcel." You nod your head with a friendly smile.

"Of course!" Marcel nods his head. "Anywho, what have you been up to lately, I saw that match you had with Toni Storm last week by the way. A thing of beauty you were." He compliments you again.

"Thanks again." You still nod with the same friendly smile.

You hear the bell ring out in the arena and are relieved you now have an excuse to get out of this conversation.

"Well, that's my cue to leave I'm afraid." You hop off of your seat and onto your feet. "Good talking to you Marcel." You give him one last small smile and walk over to the curtain to greet Mark when he comes through it.

Marcel grins right back at you and nods his head before he actually leaves, you watch him go just as Mark finally comes through the curtain.

"Y/N, you didn't have to wait for me." Mark is a little surprised to see you on the other side of the curtain. "Not that I don't like seeing ya whenever possible that is love." He happily pulls you into a side hug.

"I've got another match with Toni in a few anyway, so I figured I'd come to say hello." You reply and hug Mark back tightly.

"Well like I said, always a pleasure to see my best girl." Mark lets you go with a grin. "Good luck with Toni, I'll see you tonight yeah?" He asks you lightly.

"Thanks, babe." You nod your head. "See you tonight." You give Mark a kiss on the cheek before he heads back to the locker rooms.

A few minutes later Toni meets you at the curtain for your match, she waves and of course says hello when she gets over to you.

"Hey, Y/N!" She greets you with a bright smile. 

"Toni, good to see you again." You greet her right back. "Let's put on a good show tonight yeah?" You ask her casually.

"Oh always Y/N!" Toni nods her head and makes her entrance first.

You hang back for a minute or two then go ahead and make your entrance. You and Toni start your match and give a good show to the crowd before you end it with a submission and pick up a nice win for yourself. You say one last goodbye to Toni then head back to the locker rooms to change.

On your way back to the women locker rooms you happen to run into Marcel again, and he's with Fabian this time. You greet the two of them with a friendly smile as always, better to be on good terms with all of them then be their enemy after all.

"Y/N, I saw that match with Toni you just had." Marcel greets you in the hallway. "Again, a real talent you are, right Fabian?" He nudges his friend in the arm to get his attention.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Fabian nods his head. "Real talent." He repeats Marcel.

"Thanks, guys." You nod your head. "All in a hard days' work I guess." You shrug lightly and look for a way to pass the two large men in front of you. "Anyway...." You clear your throat with a small cough. "I really should get going back to the locker room." You stand and wait for Marcel to get the hint.

"Oh, of course." Marcel gets the hint and moves out of the way. "Maybe I'll see you after the show then?" He asks you casually.

"Yeah, maybe." You nod and hurry down the hall to the locker rooms.

'Marcel is sure being friendly.' you think to yourself when you get back to the locker room. 'he knows I'm dating mark right?' you ask yourself and get changed back into some normal clothes. You finish up getting changed and gather all your things in your gym bag so you're ready to leave as soon as the show is over.

"Y/N, glad caught you." Toni shows up after you've gotten all packed.

"Caught me?" You furrow your brows at her. "Why? What's up?" You ask.

"I saw you talking to Marcel from Imperium earlier today." Toni sits down next to you. "He looked awfully close, there isn't something going on between you two right?" She asks firmly. "Because you know me and Mark are friends.." She starts.

You laugh aloud which shuts her right up. Calming yourself a little bit you put a hand on Toni's hand and shake your head.

"Toni, there is absolutely NOTHING going on with me and Marcel." You assure her. "He's not even my type." You add.

Toni nods her head, no reason to believe that you'd lie to her. She apologizes for making assumptions and you shake it off as no big deal, you know how close her and Mark are after all. With your little conversation done with you decide to pack up and head back to the hotel to meet Mark.

You get back to the hotel and enter your room to find Mark already there, strumming away a sweet tune on his guitar. He stops when he hears the door opens and cracks a smile when he sees it's you.

"There you are." Mark sets his guitar down and walks over to help you with your bag. "I was beginning to think that you got lost." He jokes and sets your bag down for you.

"No," You shake your head. "Nothing like that, i just ran into Marcel in the lobby, we just chatted for a bit is all." You explain.

You take your stuff out of your pockets and set them all down and kick off your shoes, finally done for the day. Mark goes back to his chair and nods his head.

"Toni texted me about him earlier you know." Mark tells you. "Said you and him have been talking a lot lately." He says this last bit a little quieter.

"You aren't getting jealous are you?" You raise a brow at Mark. "Or worried right?" You ask him. "Because you know i don't even like Marcel that much, him and all of his Imperium buddies are dicks." You watch Mark for a response as he looks at you from his chair.

"Okay, maybe i was a little jealous." Mark admits sheepishly.

"Aww." You laugh a bit. "Come here you dork." You wave your hand and beckon Mark over to you. "You know you're the only one for me Marky." You pull him into a hug.

"I know." Mark chuckles a bit. "And I don't know what I'd do without you." He sighs.

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