Lance Archer

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"And just how many times do you need to be told no?" You roll your eyes at Kip as he blatantly eyes you up from behind the rim of his sunglasses.

"I'd say until you finally come to your senses and agree to let me take you out on a date," Kip replies with a smooth grin.

"Read my lips Sabian." You huff. "NO!" You push his arm with some force to further your point.

Kip goes to reply but suddenly falls silent when you shoot him the death glare. At the same time, a large shadow casts over your body making Kip take a step back.

"I believe that she said that she wasn't interested." You crane your neck to see your dad's newest muscle man, Lance Archer, looming behind you with a stern look on his face.

"Y-yeah, okay." Kip nods and quickly heads in the other direction, knowing better than to mess with a man that could pick him up and toss him across the room like a ragdoll without so much as breaking a sweat.

"Lance!" You turn around to thank your large knight in shining armor. "Thanks for that."

"No problem." Lance shrugs. "I was just heading to meet your dad, you coming?" He asks you.

"Sure, why not." Your the one to shrug this time and let Lance lead the way to your dad.

The walk is mostly silent as the two of you walk side by side until Lance clears his throat and speaks up with a casual question.

"So, how long has Sabian been bothering you for?" Lance glances down at you for a second.

"Oh just since I started working for AEW." You speak in a joking tone. "He insists that we would be the hottest couple wrestling has ever seen or something like that." You wave your hand at the statement.

Lance nods his head but takes a second to reply. Before he can you both arrive in the conference room that Jake is waiting in so he can talk to Lance and you now that you're here.

"Hey, dad!" You step through the door and greet your father with a smile.

"Y/N!" Jake greets you happily, always happy to see his eldest daughter. "I didn't know you were here tonight." He gives you a hug.

"Yeah, I've got a match with Riho since Hikaru had an emergency she had to attend to."You explain why you're working a show on your day off.

Jake nods and you take a seat in one of the chairs at the table. Lance nods to Jake and takes a seat as well opposite of you. Once settled in Jake takes his time to go over the papers he has scattered everywhere the begins to talk with Lance.

You instinctively tune out both men and scroll through Twitter for a bit while they talk. After a few minutes, you don't notice the room has gone quiet until you feel eyes boring into your skull.

"Hmm?" You look up to find your dad staring at you. "What's up?" You ask since you weren't paying attention at all.

"Nevermind." Jake waves his hands at you and rises from his seat. "I'll meet you back in the locker rooms Lance." He pats you on the shoulder as he passes and exits the room.

"Okay then." You shake your head at your dad after he leaves, then glance across the table at Lance still sitting in the same spot. "What's his issue?" You ask Lance casually.

"Don't worry about it," Lance assures you. "We should get going though, the show should be starting soon. I'll walk you to your locker room." He offers.

"Sure, thanks." You nod and rise from your seat at the same time Lance does his own.

The two of you go back to walking side by side as you make your way to the locker rooms. You don't really know why hanging out with Archer always ends up in silence. There's just so intimidating about his presence that makes you feel like you're gonna end up saying the wrong thing resulting in him not liking you anymore.

"Well, this is me." You get to the women's locker room door and come to a stop. "Will I be seeing you after the show?"

"Do you want to?" Lance replies. 

"Umm.........Yeah, sure." You think the idea over in your head for a second. "Maybe we could grab some late dinner if you haven't eaten already that is." You suggest.

"I haven't, and dinner sounds great." Lance nods his head and agrees to the proposal. "See you then." He nods again then begins walks down the hall again to the men's locker rooms.

You slip into the locker room with goosebumps on your skin, did you just ask Lance Archer out on a date? Your dad is surely going to kill you if he finds out about this.

You remain frozen in place by the door until Nyla walks by and snaps you back to reality with the tap of a shoulder.

"You doing alright Y/N?" She asks you with a raised brow.

"No." You shake your head. "I'm pretty sure that I just asked Lancer Archer out on a date." You swallow hard.

"Oh." Nyla muses. "Good for you, I  know you have a crush on him." She pats you on the back in congratulations.

"A crush? No, I don't." You sneer at her. 

"Mhm." Nyla laughs. "If you don't like him then why did you ask him out?" 

"I.........umm......Oh, my dad is so going to kill me." You run a hand across your face.

"Ah, I'm sure you'll be fine." Nyla insists. "Jake seems to like Archer, and we've established that you like him. I don't see the problem here." She pats you on the back again.

"Yeah." You try and tell yourself that it'll all work out in the end.

You have your match with Riho and finish up with the show racked with nerves about your date later in the evening. Once the show is over you head back to the hotel to quickly change into some date appropriate attire and wait for Lance to show up.

After you've just finished touching up your outfit and light makeup someone knocks on your hotel room door. You beat your travel buddy Swole to the door and swing it open before she can get to it.

"Lance!" You open the door to find Archer dresses in a nice shirt and slacks with a rose in hand.

"Evening, this is for you." Lance hands over the flower. 

"Thank you." You take the rose and give it a light sniff. It smells great.

"You look lovely by the way," Lance adds.

"Thank you, and you look good as well." You glance down at your simple dress and heels then back to Lance's ashy grey button up. "Well, I'm ready to head out whenever you are."

"Great, let's get going then." Lance nods and steps to the side so you can come out of the room.

"Have her back by midnight!" You hear Swole yell from inside the room as you walk off. "OR ELSE!"

QOTC: Lance Archer is a pretty big dude. In fact, a lot of the men I find myself into are men that could very well snap me in two. What kind of men do you guys find yourself attracted to? Big dudes like me? Or smaller men? Let me know in the comments below!

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