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You pocket your phone as the black limo pulls up to the loading dock of the arena SmackDown was being held at for the night, you wait for a second as the driver comes and opens the door for you.

"Thank you." You nod to him as he shuts the door behind you.

You scan the loading docks for a sign of your father, Shane McMahon. To your disappointment you find the loading docs to be empty besides you and your driver. You frown a little, this was just another example of your dad always being busy when it came to you.

"You look lost gorgeous." You swivel around when you hear a sultry voice call out to you.

You turn fully around to find a handsome man walking your way with a grin on his face, guitar in his right hand hanging from his broad shoulders.

"I'm not lost, just waiting for someone." You raise a sarcastic brow at the man. "And i've got a name, which isn't gorgeous by the way." You snap at him, holding your head high.

If there was one thing that being a McMahon had taught it was that everyone should treat you with respect. And if they didn't, then you'd make them.

"Oooh." The man throws his hands up in defense with a smile. "My bad your highness." He chuckles at you. "You must be Shane's daughter, I'm Elias." He holds his hand out to you with a flirty grin.

"You're Elais?" You raise a brow at him. "Hmm, thought you'd be hotter." You shrug your shoulders. "Where is my dad?" You ask him in a quiet but demanding tone.

Elias nods his head, you were definitely a McMahon that was for sure. He runs a hand through his hair and points behind him.

"He's in his office, this way princess." Elias coos at you with a grin.

You shoot him a stuck up glare but follow behind him anyway, it wasn't everyday you encountered someone that would be so bold as to sass a McMahon. Even if you were only Shane's daughter.

"You look nothing like your dad." Elias speaks up as the two of you walk down the hall. "Sure do have the same attitude." he chuckles deeply.

"Problem with that?" You raise a brow at him, challenging his statement.

"Not at all." Elias shakes his head. "I'm all for powerful confident women." He winks at you.

You roll your eyes, secretly enjoying the bold interaction with him. Elias takes you further down the hall and stops at the large wooden doors of your dads office.

"Allow me." Elias winks at you again and pulls open the door for you.

You walk past him with a high head and enter the office, the first thing you see is your dad in his office chair, talking to a much larger man then him or Elias.

"Who is......Oh. Y/N, sweetheart, you're here." Shane immediately gets up from his seat and walks over to you.

"Yeah, nice to see you to dad." You smile lightly and let him engulf you in a hug. "How've you been?" You ask him with mild curiosity.

"I've been fine sweety, how have you been? Still seeing that guy? Ryan right?" He asks you ask he sits back down in his seat.

"No, Ryan was an ass." You shake your head. "And I've been okay, got a modeling job with prada for their fall line." You proudly share your next source of self made income to your dad.

"Prada? That's good." Shane nods his head. "And I never really liked Ryan anyway." He waves his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Yeah." You nod and take a seat in the other empty chair in the room. "So who are you?" You look at the biggest guy in the room, the one that your dad was talking to.

"Drew Mcintyre lass, a friend of your dad." The man introduces himself and looks down at you with a face set in stone.

"Okay then." You nod your head slightly and turn to Elias who leans on the wall a few feet from you. "You, Elias right? You friends with my dad to?" You ask him.

"Yeah." Elias nods his head.

"Good." You nod your head. "Dad could use some friends." You smile to yourself.

You and Shane take a little bit of time to catch up with each other, Drew and Elias idly stand by trying not to ruin the moment between father and daughter. You are just about to start enjoying yourself in your father's company again when all of a sudden he looks down at his phone and frowns.

"Dad?" You look at him with furrowed brows.

"Drew, come with me." Shane stands to his feet, ignoring you. "Y/N, somethings come up, Elias stay with her please." He glances at you before he heads out the door.

"Bye." You sigh in an annoyed tone as Shane leaves, not that he could hear you anyway.

The room falls silent again and you shake your head, Shane was always doing this to you. Your head snaps back up again when Elias clears his throat and pushes out from the wall.

"Someones got daddy issues yeah?" Elias teases you and leans on your dad's desk.

"Bite me." You glare at him, hating that he knew.

"Only if you say please." Elias cooley replies.

Your head snaps up again, meeting his own intense gaze. A smile plays on his lips as he looks down at you with mischievous eyes.

"You do know who i am right?" You raise a brow at Elias, not knowing if he would go through with this whole situation.

"Yeah." Elias nods. "You my dear, are Shane's Mcmahons entitled little princess of a daughter. One that spoiled and a little too sexy for her own good." He stares at you with that grin on his face.

"So you think I'm sexy?" You reply with a flirty giggle.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Elias asks you.

"No." You shake your head. "Though if I'm honest, I don't think you have the guts to even put a hand on the bosses daughter. You're all talk." You challenge his intense gaze with your own.

"That so?" Elias nods his head.

"Mhm." You muse. "Go ahead big boy, prove me wrong." You dare him to take a step to you.

Elias stares at you, his hands slowly lifting from his side. You can tell he's battling out in his head if your are worth it or not. Then all of a sudden you get your answer. Elias's strong hands grab you by the waist and pull your body flush to his, he doesn't hesitate to crash his lips to yours, letting your hands rest on his chest.

"You look surprised." Elais grins when you pull away from his, hands still resting on his chest.

"Maybe." You grin and drop your hands to your side. "You are quite the man Elais, I'll give you that." You pull out your phone and text your driver. "Tell me, are you gentlemanly enough to escort a lady back to her hotel room for the night?" You ask him with a grin and pocket your phone again.

"Of course." Elias steps next to you leaning down to whisper in your ear. "Lead the way baby girl, and daddy will follow."

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