Drew Mcintyre

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"Just do your best out there tonight honey, and try not to get yourself hurt." You lean up on your tippy-toes and kiss your fiance on the cheek for good luck.

"I'm winning it all tonight Darlin, just you wait." Drew leans down a little to help you reach him with a determined glint in his eye.

"And I don't doubt you one bit." You nod with an encouraging smile. "Now go get em!" You give Drew a small encouraging push on the back to send him on his way as the next countdown sequence ends.

With Drew gone you head on back to the locker rooms since you don't want to be in the way and also since you've got a big match of your own after the men's rumble against Becky for her title coming up. When you get to your locker room you find that your cousin Sasha is waiting for you.

"Sasha!" You greet her with a wide smile and a hug. "It's good to see you!" You hug her tightly.

.You and Sasha don't see a lot of each other anymore since you guys work different shows. But it's always a blast to get to spend some time with your favorite cousin when both shows are in one place.

"It's good to see you too, Y/N." Sasha laughs. "Girl, how have you been?" She finally lets you go and the two of you sit down to talk.

"Oh, I have been great!" You beam in excitement.

"I heard." Sasha nods. "Co-Main Event with Becky, congrats on that sister." She compliments you.

"Ugh I know, I'm so nervous." You gush.

"Don't be." Sasha shakes her head. "You've got this." She insists. "And how has Drew been?"

"Determined." You reply and shake your head. "I swear if he loses this Rumble match I will NEVER hear the end of it." You joke.

"But he's been treating you fine, right?" Sasha raises a brow.

Sasha has always been a bit wary of your relationship with Drew, but she also doesn't know him as you do. Sasha sees Drew as most other people do, a big brute that's all aggression and action. You know better than that though. You know deep down Drew is a sweetheart and a big teddy bear, not that he'd ever let anyone but you know that.

"He's a sweetheart Sasha, don't worry about that." You insist.

"Alright." Sasha nods. "This what you're wearing?" She nods to the gear that you have set out and should be getting changed into soon.

"Yep." You nod. "I should actually start putting it on." You stand and walk over to the gear.

"Oooo, I'll help!" Sasha claps her hands together excitedly.

"Good." You nod. "The top has a back zipper that I actually don't think I can reach alone." You laugh a bit and pull off your shirt.

Sasha helps you get all changed and also helps get your hair done and looking nice for a little extra spice. By the time the two of you are done, it's about time you head down to the guillera.

"You look gorgeous by the way." Sasha compliments you as the two of you walk down the hall.

"Thanks, Sasha." You nod with a smile.

You and Sasha share one last hug before you head out to the ring, on your way down you happen to pass Drew who looks more than pleased with himself.

"Congrats babe!" You whisper as you pass him, trying your best to stay in character.

"Kick her ass babe!" Drew whispers back to you.

You get out to the ring and wait for Becky so you can get this whole thing underway.

About a half-hour later and you are starting to feel tired, but nor you or Becky will give in. You pant as you climb onto the top rope since you managed to lay Becky out with a superkick a minute ago. You hit Becky with a well-timed moonsault and hike her legs up for a pin. She feels like dead weight as you do. The ref counts to three and you almost can't believe it. You did it. You beat Becky.

"Oh my god." You whisper to yourself as you struggle to your feet.

The referee hands you the title belt and raises your hand as the crowd around you cheers. Becky manages to get to her feet and also raises your hand as a sign of respect. You can't help but stay out in the ring for a bit and bask in the glory of the victory that you honestly didn't think you'd get.

When you get past the curtain to the backstage area Sasha nearly tackles you into a hug as she squeals in excitement.

"OMG, YOU DID IT!!" She yells as you jump up and down with her.

"I did it!" You squeal with her.

You and Sasha continue to celebrate until Drew enters the room. Sasha lets you go when he walks over and waits his turn to congratulate his new women's champion.

"I knew you could kick her ass." Drew engulfs you in a hug. "Congratulations honey."

"Congrats to you too, future champ." You hug Drew tightly. "Brock won't know what hit him."

"No, he won't." Drew lets you go and nods his head. "Mr. and Mrs. Mcintyre, both headlining Wrestlemania." He grins as the idea pops into his head.

"Oh yeah!" You nod with a just as confident smile.

You mingle with a few more friends for a while about winning before you finally call it a night and head back to the hotel with Drew. You are both exhausted but choose to stay up anyway and look over your work for the night.

"You threw Brock out of the ring?" You turn to Drew after seeing a video of what happened on twitter.

"Yeah." Drew chuckles.

"Oh, you are so beating him in April." You laugh with him.

"And Becky would be mad to think that she's taking that belt from you anytime soon." Drew agrees with you.

"Oh, no doubt." You giggle and lean over to kiss Drew, a dream way to end what is becoming a dream night for the both of you.

Simple Question this time. Who is your all-time favorite wrestler? Old or current? Mine probably has to be Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley. I've been a fan since the moment he debuted with the SHIELD in like 2012.

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