Jon Moxley

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You are an absolute mess sitting backstage with your hands clenched into fists, nails digging into your palms. Darby sits next to you for support, knowing that you might just be reckless enough to go out there and get yourself and possibly Jon into trouble.

"God, I hate this." You shake your head as blood starts to seep from your fiance's forehead on screen.

"I know." Darby pats your back lightly for support. "Jon's a stubborn bastard, he'll be fine." He insists.

"Exactly." You sigh and put your head in your hands for a second. "He'll do anything to win, including getting himself seriously hurt."

Darby lets a sigh fall from his lips as he pats your back despite the pain ringing through his own body. He's not about to leave his best friend when she needs him though.

The match between Jon and Chris drags on and you can swear you can FEEL your blood pressure rise with every hit that Jon takes. Darby sits and watches with you for the remainder of the match which you appreciate since you can only imagine how much pain he's in right now.

"Thanks for sitting with me Darby." You turn to him to distract yourself from Jon taking some nasty hits in the ring.

"No problem, Y/N." Darby shakes his head.

You flinch at the sound of Jon being hit hard on the monitor. Darby watches with his eyes glued to the tv, he sort of looks up to Jon after all.

You are hiding your vision from the screen by examining a cut on Darby's bare arm when all of a sudden the crowd out in the arena bursts out into cheers. Your head snaps back to the tv just as Jon hits the three count on Jericho.

"He did it!" You jump to your feet with a squeal.

"Yes, he did." Darby nods and watches you as you bounce on your heels in excitement.

"Thanks again, Darby." You give Darby a small hug before you take off down the hall as fast as your legs can carry you.

You catch Jon just as he steps back through the curtain with the title belt casually hanging off his shoulder. You collide with him hard into a hug that nearly knocks him off balance.

"You did it!" You let out another joyous squeal as you collide with Jon.

"Told ya id get it done Darlin." Jon wraps his tired arms around you.

Your fiance smells like a gym that hasn't been cleaned in days but you couldn't care less about the sweat stains that are almost surely soaking into your shirt right now.

"You smell horrible." You finally let Jon go with a teasing laugh. "Don't look so good either tough guy." You note the blood dried to his forehead as well.

"Well I FEEL fantastic hon," Jon replies
"I mean look at this thing." He takes the belt off of his shoulder. "It's almost as pretty as you."

"Oh, behave." You swat Jon's arm lightly.

"What?" Jon grins. "Come on Darlin, I worked my ass off tonight. Don't I get a reward for that?"

"That belt is reward enough." You reply and walk with Jon out of the arena.

"Is it?" Jon pulls you to his side and slings an arm around your waist.

"Yes." You shake your head with a smile. "Plus I am not touching you again until you've showered." You can now smell just how much Jon has sweated in the last hour or so.

"Fine," Jon grumbles a little. "After I shower then." He insists.

"We'll see." You giggle.

You and Jon head back to the hotel and you send Jon to shower while you meet and have a quick chat with Darby before the night ends.

The two of you meet in the bar that's on the bottom floor of the hotel for a drink so you can talk.

"Moxley hasn't got you pinned to your hotel mattress yet?" Darby teases you as you take a seat next to him at the bar.

"Shush." You roll your eyes. "Thanks fit coming to meet me, Darby, I've got a favor to ask."

"Yeah? What's up?" Darby orders both of you a drink?

"I was wondering if maybe you'd do me a favor by watching Jon's back for me?" You take your drink from the bartender.

"I know Chris isn't going to take that loss easily and Jon isn't exactly keen on making friends." You take a sip from the glass. "It would mean a lot fit me if you did."

"Of course I will." Darby nods his head and has some of his own liquor.

You sign in relief at Darby's answer and down your drink.

"Thank you so much again, Darby." You hug him tightly. "I'll see you in the morning then."

"Yeah, if you can still walk," Darby calls after you in a laugh.

You roll your eyes and make your way back up to yours and Jon's hotel room. You expect him to be eagerly waiting for you to come back from the bar.

When you get inside you laugh silently at the scene in front of you. Jon passed out still damp from the shower in bed. With a sigh, you throw a blanket over him and clean up the room a bit before you crawl into bed next to him.

As soon as you are in bed Jon rolls over and pulls you into his now warm side. You sigh and rake a hand through his soft hair.

"Love you." You whisper lightly and close your eyes.

"Love you too." You hear a faint whisper back as you start to drift off to sleep.

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