Kenny Omega

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You rest peacefully in the back of the car, using Kenny's shoulder as a pillow. The sun is long gone from the sky as your car rolls on down the interstate. 

"Man her heads heavy." Kenny complains quietly, pain shooting through his shoulder. 

"So wake her up." Matt suggests from the front passenger seat of the car. 

"What so she can yell at us all because she's tired." Kenny scoffs at the idea. 

"Well then stop complaining." Nick rolls his eyes. "Just be glad that you didn't get stuck with driving." He sighs and rubs his eyes with his free hand. 

Kenny shifts a little bit, trying to get some circulation in his arm your using as a body pillow. You stir a little then settle back down into a peaceful sleep. 

"Man the things I do for you." Kenny looks down at you and shakes his head. 

Matt and Nick both chuckle softly up front, no one knew the extent to Kenny's love and admiration for you then them. 

The night gets later and you finally wake up from your much needed nap. Kenny flinches when you rise from his shoulder. 

"Mmmm." You stretch the best you can in the car and look up front to Matt and Nick. "What time is it?" You squint at the display clock at the front of the car. 

"Eleven thirty." Matt answers you, gazing at you through his rear view mirror. 

"Eleven thirty?" You shake your head and look at Kenny. "Ken you should have woke me up." You smack his arm lightly. 

"Ouch." Kenny rubs his arm and glares at you. "You would have yelled at me." He protests. 

"Would not." You argue. 

"Sure." Kenny shakes his head again. "It's a lie, but sure." He teases you. 

You roll your eyes and pull your phone out of your back pocket. Kenny huffs and takes his own phone from his pocket. 

"Where are we anyway?" You look ahead to Matt sitting in front of you. 

"About an hour out from Toledo." Matt points to a convenient sign as it passes by in a blur. 

"An hour still?" You complain. "Ugh." You sigh heavily and shift in your seat. 

"You're one to complain." Kenny speaks up, his eyes glued to his phone. "You've been asleep the whole time." He reminds you. 

"Again." You glare back at him. "You could have woken me up." You wag a finger at your grumpy friend. 

Kenny goes to speak up again but is cut off by Nick in the front seat. 

"Okay, let's tone it down back there love birds." He scolds both of you. 

"Love birds?!" You and Kenny speak at the same time. 

"Don't make me separate you two!" Matt turns around to glare at both of you. 

You and Kenny both settle down, each going back to your phones. The rest of the ride to the hotel in Toledo is silent for the most part. It's well into the morning when you all finally make it to the hotel. 

"Finally." You properly stretch once you are out of the car. 

"Yeah, finally." Kenny does the same next to you. 

You open the trunk and fetch your bags from the top of the pile. You usually travel lighter then the boys so your bags are always at the front of the heap of luggage. 

You take your bags and head into the hotel lobby, only one person sits at the dim lit desk in the lobby. 

"Hello." You yawn and greet the tired looking guy at the desk. "Y/N L/N checking in." You give him your name and wait. 

"Y/N L/N, here you are. You're late so we gave your room to someone else, we do have a room left though. One king bed. Do you want it?" He ass you. 

"Yeah that's fine." You grumble and take yours and Kenny's key cards. 

Kenny meets you at the elevator with his bags and you hand him his card. 

"They had to switch our room since we were late." You tell him as you both climb in the elevator. "New room on my has one bed." You inform him as the elevate begins to rise. 

"Great." Kenny sighs. 

The elevator dings and opens in your level. You and Kenny both exit and trudge to your room. You unlock and door and head in to sure enough find only one bed in the room. And to make matters worse, no couch. 

"Looks like we're sharing then." You shrug and drop your bags to the floor. 

"Yep." Kenny nods and does the same.

Already dressed in clothes you can sleep in you take a seat on one side of the bed and settle in. Kenny changes in the bathroom then takes his place on the other side of the bed. 

"You mind switching the lamp off?" You turn around to face Kenny's side of the bed. 

"Yeah sure." Kenny nods and switches the lamp off, shrouding the room in darkness. 

The room falls silent as you drift off to sleep quickly. Your nap in the car didn't seem to matter much anymore. Kenny on the other hand, takes a little longer to fall asleep. He lays on his side, watching you peacefully sleep a foot or two from him. 

"Just tell her man." He speaks softly to himself as he gazes at you. "Just tell her how you feel." He sighs softly and rolls over to his other side and falls asleep a few minutes later. 

The next morning Nick and Matt rise early and go to make sure you and Kenny are up. They slip into your room and find you both still fast asleep. Arms and legs tangles in each other. 

"They make a cute couple at least." Matt chuckles. 

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