Kyle O'Reilly

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It's nearly midnight when you and the boys all pile into the car for the ride. Around a seven-hour drive to the next location for NXT, and they want you guys to record an episode of ride along as well.

"We got everything?" You toss the last bag into the trunk and slam it closed.

"I think so." Adam nods his head next to you.

"Yeah." Bobby agrees.

"Alright then." You walk over to the rest of the group. "Question is, who's sitting where? And who drives first?" You share a look with the boys.

"I'll drive first if Bobby sits upfront with me." Adam is the first one to volunteer.

You all agree to this decision and pile into the car. Since it's only a two-row you pile into the back with Roderick and Kyle on either side of you. Not that you really mind much. Once everyone is piled in and ready to go Adam pulls the car out onto the road for the night.

It isn't long before Bobby is blasting his music through the car from his phone, him and Adam have the same taste in music which is probably why Adam wanted him to sit upfront. In the back row, you and Kyle share your AirPods since you both have the same taste in music as well. Next to you Roderick casually reads a book from his phone.

"So Adam." You get bored after a while and decide that it's time to get some footage for the camera sitting on the dash upfront.

"Yeah?" Adam glances back at you with the mirror before his eyes snap back to the front.

"Would our fearless leader be so kind as to entertain us with an inside on who your latest squeeze is?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Oh-ho." Adam cracks a grin in the front seat. "The only way I spill that secret is if you tell us who you've been up late chatting with these past few weeks."

"Ooo." Bobby chimes in from the front, a grin on his face.

"I'll tell if you tell." You reply with a light dusting of blush on your cheeks.

Adam takes the bait and goes into vivid detail on the blonde he met in the gym in Tampa a few days ago that he's been seeing since then. You and the rest of the guys groan at his bragging and cocky attitude.

"Okay okay." You throw your hands up with a groan. "Forget I asked." You huff.

"No my fault I party hard babe." Adam shrugs with a cocky grin. "Anywho, I believe its time for you to spill some secrets."

All the eyes in the car switch to you, waiting for an answer. You shake your head with a sigh and decide to spill the beans on the subject.

"Jokes on you looser, I've been up talking to my mom this whole time." You laugh at Adam's face. "She's been getting lonely since my little brother is always out with his friends nowadays."

"Now that's just sad." Roderick laughs.

"Got that right." Bobby agrees.

"Well excuse me for not being a manwhore like SOMEONE we know." You joke and nod to Adam which makes Kyle and Roderick laugh with you.

"Hey!" Adam glances back at the three of you. "I am so not a manwhore." He protests.

"Mhm sure." You giggle.

"Come on guys, back me up." Adam looks over at Bobby then back to Roderick and Kyle sitting with you.

The car remains silent as you all share looks and the guys refuse to defend Adam. You all burst out into laughs when he pulls a pouty face. The laughter dies back down and you go back to looking at videos with Kyle on your phone. You both lean into each other and laugh at what's on-screen, blissfully unaware about the rest of the residents of the car talking about you.

"How much you wanna bet that her and O'Reilly are actually secretly talking to each other in the middle of the night?" Adam nods back to you and Kyle in the back row laughing together.

"Oh, I'd lose that bet big time." Bobby shakes his head. "You know that they're gonna have to admit that they've been in love with each other sometime in the future."

"Eventually." Adam nods his head.

A few hours into the ride Adam and Bobby switch seats and everyone gets out of the car to stretch and take a bathroom break before you all get out onto the road. You and Kyle decide to head into the minimart at the gas station to get some snacks while everyone else is either in the bathroom or getting gas.

"What kind of skittles should we get?" You look over the different flavours and try to decide which one is the best.

"I like the purple bag." Kyle chimes in next to you.

"Me too." You nod and grab the back from the shelf and head over to the fridge in the back for a water bottle.

Kyle trails off for a second to get himself an energy drink instead. He sneaks up behind you at the waters when he comes back and wraps his arms over your shoulders to scare you.

"Shit, Kyle." You half complain and half-laugh. "You scared me." You turn around and swat at his arm with your water.

"Sorry." Kyle laughs with a grin. "You look cute when you're scared though."

On the other side of the store, Roderick points out to Bobby about Kyle's action. Both of them are getting tired of Kyle acting like he isn't head over heels for you.

"God I wish those two would just fuck already." Roderick rolls his eyes.

"Soon." Bobby shakes his head.

Back in the car you and Kyle go back to getting cozy in the back seat watching youtube for a while longer. After a bit, you both start to doze off. You fall asleep first and decide that Kyle'ss shoulder makes a great pillow. After a little while, Kyle ends up falling asleep as well, using the top of your head as his own pillow.

Left alone again the guys spend the remainder of the trip making fun of you and Kyle as well as sharing a few stories, leaving you and Kyle both to sleep until you get to your destination.

AN: Updates might be a little faster from now on. I live in Washington and they just closed all the schools until April so wish me luck on my little mini-vacation y'all. And more importantly, STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!

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