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"Thanks again for picking me up, Brandi." You walk with your sister through the airport terminal dragging your suitcase behind you.

"Of course! I'm just glad you could make it for the holiday." Brandi nods.

"I was lucky to get it off. I'm usually so busy around the holiday." You agree with her. "Man, it's been way too long since I've seen Cody and Dustin. And Pharoh of course."

"Ugh, tell me about it." Brandi agrees. "We all miss you around the house, and especially your cooking."

You and Brandi make it out to the parking garage and load up your bags before heading back to the Rhodes house. On the drive back you and your half-sister take a moment to catch up a bit.

"So, how've you been? I saw that you just moved out of that apartment with those two girlfriends of yours. Emily and Savannah, right?"

"Yeah, or well I haven't moved out completely yet. I'm still looking for a new place for myself." You explain. "I've got a few options. In fact, I was just looking at some nice studio apartments in Atlanta."

"Really now?" Brandi raises her brow. "Finally deciding to come closer to home again?" She laughs lightly.

"Maybe." You nod. "We can talk more about it later. Anyway, who's all gonna be at the house today?"

"Well me and Cody of course. Then Dustin and his wife, Matt, and Nick are going to stop by for a little while. Oh, then we have Max, Cody's newest buddy." Brandi lists off all the names she can think of at the moment.

"Wow, sound like a full house again." You laugh with her.

"Yes, and you'll be cooking for them all." Brandi teases you.

"You know I'm starting to think the only reason you invite me over is so I can cook all the food, sis." You joke along with her.

"Caught me." Brandi laughs.

The two of you arrive back at Brandi's house and pull into the garage. As soon as the car is off and you're both out of it the door swings open and Cody hops down the stairs to greet you.

"Y/N! It's great to see you." Cody goes right in for the hug.

"Hey, Cody." You grunt as he pulls you in for the hug. "It's good to see you."

"Here, let me help you with those." After he lets you go, Cody helps you with your bags.

"Thank you, I assume I get the good guest room again since I am family?" You joke and knock shoulders with him.

"Of course." Cody laughs.

You quickly get settled in your room then make your way out to the kitchen to survey what you have to work with to make this holiday feast. A quick once-over of the spacious kitchen you map out what space you'll use for what then you switch to pursuing the fridge and pantry for what you already have.

"I'm pretty sure we have all the essentials, but let me know if you need anything else and I'll run out and get it for you." Cody watches you as you start making a mental note of everything available to you.

"Alright, I think I'll get an early start on the turkey then." You nod and pull the large bird from the fridge. "What kind of wine do you guys have?" You wash your hands in the sink then pull your hair up.

Brandi directs you to the door of the wine cellar and you dive right down into it and come back up with a bottle. Next, you make a quick list of stuff that you'll need from the store and Brandi leaves with Cody in tow to go and get it for you.

"Well hello there, I thought that was you Y/N." A few minutes after Brandi and Cody leave Dustin shows up.

"Dustin!" You look up from chopping onions on the counter at the sound of his voice. "Well come over here, old man!" You tease him with a laugh.

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