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You come home from having a late lunch with your boyfriend's mom when you find that he left his shoes at the apartment. With a sigh, you pick them up and place them in a bag then call Trent to let him know you have his shoes. When he doesn't pick up you sigh and decide that you'd mind as well just deliver them to him. You doubt that Chuck has an extra pair anyways.

"Hello?" You knock twice on the Best Friends locker room door before you enter. "Chukie, Trent here yet?" You slip inside and wave at Chuck as you shut the door.

"He's in the shower." Chuck nods to the shower door on the back wall. "What brings you over here?" He asks you. "Not that I don't love your company."

"Haha." You roll your eyes playfully. "Trent forgot his shoes at the apartment again." You toss a bag with Trent's wrestling boots in them at Chuck.

"Oh, thanks." Chuck catches the bag with a nod. "You planning on sticking around? I know you're still out on injury with that arm, but doesn't mean you can hang right?" He suggests.

"I don't see why not." You shrug. "I am getting kind of bored at home alone." You plop down next to Chuck. "Hey, where's OC?" You notice that the denim-clad enigma is nowhere to be found at the moment.

"Who knows." Chuck shrugs.

The door to the bathroom opens up and Trent toweling off his hair steps out.

"YN, babe. What are you doing here?" He immediately notices you sitting next to Chuck when you should be at home.

"You forgot your shoes, again." You nod to the bag now sitting by your feet.

"Damn, I knew I forgot something when I left. Thanks, babe." Trent walks over and leans down to kiss your cheek.

"No problem." You grin. "In fact, I think I'm gonna hang out for the rest of the night. If you don't mind."

"Not at all, babe." Trent shakes his head. "Glad to have ya."

You leave Trent and Chuck to get changed and head out to the woman locker room to see if you can't find your usual tag team partner and best friend, Anna Jay.

After you find out that she's out for the week you make your way back to Trent and Chuckie when you just so happen to run into your ex. Santana.

"Y/N, damn you are looking fine mami." Santana catcalls you with a grin.

"Pleasure seeing you too, Santana." You reply dryly.

"Yeah, you know it is girl." Santana laughs and fist bumps Ortiz standing next to him. "Anyways, what brings you over to this side of the locker room baby girl?" Santana asks you.

"You know perfectly well why I'm here." You roll your eyes.

"You mean you still out seeing that clown Trent?" Santana scoffs. "Come on Y/N, why you hanging with that clown anyway?"

You're the one to scoff this time. You roll your eyes at the childish man in front of you and go to push past him. Santana remains in place so you take a step back and glare at him.

"Move." You glare at your ex.

"Oh come on baby, we were just talking." Santana stays in place with a grin.

"Not in the mood to talk." You groan in frustration. "NOW MOVE!" You shove Santana by the chest which finally gets him to step to the side.

"Damn mami, you been working out?" He snickers as he steps off to the side.The comment makes your blood boil as you stomp off back to Trent's locker room. You haven't the slightest idea why you even put up with Santana for so long. All he ever did was tease you and never took you seriously.

You slam the door behind you when you back to the locker room which makes Trent of course come over and ask what's wrong.

"Hey, baby, what's up? Why the angry look?" He asks you softly.

"Stupid Santana." You complain with a red face. "God I hate him so much."

"Santana? Why were you talking to your ex?" Trent furrows his brows.

"I was on my way back here when I ran into him and Ortiz. Dickheads." You huff in frustration. "You know how he is, he just can't help himself can he?"

"Obviously not." Trent sighs and pulls you in for a hug. "You want me and Chukie to go kick their asses?" He asks you.

"Maybe." You reply. "Can I come?"

"Of course!" Trent nods. "How are me and Chuckie expected to win without you there?"

"Okay." You laugh. "Dork."

You head out with Trent and Chuck to get some revenge on your part against Santana and Ortiz who are just happening to come off of a win against the Lucha Brothers.

"Hey, Santana!" You yell to get their attention before him and Ortiz head backstage.

Your plan works and Santana stops and turns around when he hears you call his name. You step off to the side and let Chuckie and Trent do the rest. After a brawl ensues and Trent manages to deliver a pretty good beating to Santana while Chuck handles Ortiz you pull him off.

"Okay, that'll do babe." You pull Trent back up by the arm and put a hand on his sweaty chest. "I think he gets the message." You laugh and place a kiss to Trent's lips with a grin.

"He better," Trent mumbles as he walks away with you.Chuck joins the two of you after a minute and you all head back to the locker room feeling satisfied. Especially you.

"Thanks for that baby." You thank Trent for helping you with your Santana problem. "And you too Chuckie."

"Of course babe." Trent laughs and squeezes you against him. "What are awesome boyfriends like me for if not kicking some respect into your exes ass?"


Expect some MJF and Adam Cole next. Don't ask what order. I haven't decided on that lol.


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