Orange Cassidy

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"Goodbye, Chris." You push the former AEW champion's shoulder to move him out of the way.

"Oh come on Y/N!" Chris calls after you enthusiastically. "I just wanna talk, promise." He insists.

"Shove it, Jericho." You call back without looking back at him.

You continue down the hall with a determined expression, hell-bent on making sure you see your brother and his buddies before they have to head out to the ring.

"Chuckie?" You knock on the Best Friends locker room door before you enter.

"Y/N!" You are engulfed in a pair of large arms as soon as you're through the door.

"Hey, Trent." You laugh as your feet are raised off of the ground. "It's good to see you."

You're set back down flat on the floor and released from Trent's hold only to be trapped again, only this time it's your brother doing the hugging.

"Y/N, what brings you down from the girl's locker room?" Chuck asks you.

"Just came to see you guys is all." You shrug. "Britt's kind of driving in the locker room nuts." You add.

"Well, we're happy to have you shorty." Trent ruffles your hair playfully. "Isn't that right man?"

You look over to where Trent nods to see Orange Cassidy casually sprawled out in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Oh, hey Orange." You give Cassidy a small wave and a friendly smile.

"Hey." Orange replies with a nod.

You mingle with Trent and Chuck for a bit until they have to head out to the ring. You figure that it's time to head back to the locker room and to your surprise, Orange offers to walk you back.

"Cool, thanks!" You thank him for the offer and head back to the woman's locker room side by side.

The two of you walk in silence for most of the walk, which is very on-brand for Cassidy. His laid back and mostly silent persona is one of the reasons that you like him so much. It's also one of the reasons that you're always hanging around your brother and Trent as of late.

"So, Orange....err, it's James, right? Your real name?" You recall Chuck letting you know what the enigmatic Orange Cassidy's real name is when you asked what you should call him.

"Yeah, much more formal than just Orange." He cracks a light joke.

"Much more." You laugh with him.

"So James, I was kind of wondering? Why'd you offer to walk me back to the locker room? Not that I don't enjoy having you around."

"Is, I like you, an acceptable answer?" James replies.

"Of course!" You nod. "We are friends, after all, right?"

"Of course." James nods. "Anyway, I'll see you after the show yeah?" You both reach the lady's locker room and come to a stop.

"For sure, yeah." You and wave before you slip into the locker room.

Later that night James is back into his Orange Cassidy persona and making his way backstage fresh off a match with Marko Stunt when he walks past Chris Jericho talking to Dasha and the rest of the camera crew. On his way past them, Orange's arm brushes against Jericho which of course sets him off.

"Hey! Watch where the hell you're going!" Jericho barks in an annoyed tone.

Orange shrugs and doesn't pay the former champion much mind as he continues on his journey. He slows down when he overhears Jericho talking to Sammy next to him though.

"Man, can this day get any worse?" Jericho complains. "First Y/N acts like an entitled brat and doesn't even give me the time of day, now that nobody whatever his name is bumps into me." He huffs.

"Hey don't sweat it, man." Sammy pats Chris on the back. "Just keep going at her, she's gotta say yes to you eventually right?"

"Right." Chris nods. "I mean, I am me." He snickers.

"Exactly." Sammy encourages him.

Orange shakes his head and walks off for the time being. He hates the thought of Jericho harassing you in order to get you to say yes to a date. Ever since Chuck introduced you and Orange he's liked you. He finds your smile intoxicating and passion for wrestling a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other girls in the company he knows.

With a newfound passion in his veins, Orange decides to see if you want to hang out after the show, providing you a way to get away from Chris. And as a bonus, Cassidy can spend some more time with you.

"Thanks, Kris." You are about to exit the locker room after saying goodbye to Kris Stantlander when you run into someone on the other side of the door. "Chris, what are you doing here?" You bump into Jericho and come to a stop in front of him outside the locker room.

"I came to see you," Jericho replies. "I wanted to ask about our little date again."

"There is no date Chris, I told you no." You remind him that you turned him down the last time that he asked.

"I know, but I believe in second chances," Chris replies.

"My answers still no Jericho." You shake your head. "Now please excuse me, I'm late to go see my brother." You lie.

You go to push passed Chris like you did earlier today but he stands his ground and puts a hand on your arm to keep you in place.

"Now come on Y/N, don't be like that." Chris insists.

"Let go, Jericho." You pull your arm from his grip. "I said NO." You tell him again.

Jericho goes to say something else and potentially grab hold of you again. Before he does though, a voice rings out down the hall.

"She said No, asshole!" The voice shouts.

You turn your head to see James headed your way with a determined look on his face. He goes right up to Chris with no hesitation and demands that you be left alone. You stay silent on the sidelines a little surprised at how James is. 

Suddenly, like the drop of a pin, a fight breaks out. Both men are rolling around on the floor in an instant. You do the only thing you can think at the moment and rush off to find your brother. Once you fetch Chuck and Trent the fight has moved into the arena. Chuck and Trent move to break up the fight but it ends before the can get there.

 "Youll pay for this Cassidy!" Chris shouts while holding his arm in pain as he retreats. 

You watch as Jericho leaves then turn your attention to James only to find that he's bleeding from the side of his face. You rush over to him ahead of Chuck and Trent.

"James! Are you alright?" You rush over to his side with worry.

"All good here." James cracks a grin and throws his hand up in a thumbs up.

"I can't believe that you actually fought him." You mention the fact that James' actions surprised you a little.

"I heard him earlier talking about how hed eventually make you go out with him," James explains while the two of you make your way down the stairs. "It pissed me off, I know you don't like him."

"You're right about that." You nod with a small smile. "I actually kind of like you." You decide that now is a good a time as ever to tell James how you feel.

"I like you too." James nods his head. "Why else would I get into a fight over you?" He jokes.

"Because you like to fight." You reply.

"Point taken." James laughs.

"Well, I still appreciate the gesture, my night in shining denim." You lean over and press a kiss to his cheek.

"My pleasure."

AN: No question here either. Next up will be one of the requests from the request page that recently went up so stay tuned for that. Hope you all enjoyed this little one-shot that popped into my head yesterday!

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