Kyle O'Reilly

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You stare at yourself in the mirror, examining your styled hair, intent on removing any misbehaving hair that might still be present. Behind you Alexa rummages through your shopping bags for your dress.

"You nervous?" She asks from behind you, the sound of rustling paper and bags quieting her voice.

"A little." You nod your head, still examining your reflection. "The first date is the most important one, and I haven't even seen him in so long." You tuck a stray hair into place and move onto some light makeup to frame your face.

"Don't be worried Y/N." Alexa appears next to you with a black dress in her hands. "He's still the same nice guy you knew before." She insists and sets the dress down on your vanity.

Alexa has been kind enough to help you get ready for your date with Kyle O'Reilly, an old friend that you recently ran  into again while hanging out with Alexa.

You and Kyle were great friends years ago, almost inseparable. The two of you grew apart however when he went full time into wrestling and you moved into a career as a personal trainer. You haven't seen Kyle in over 5 years now.


"Alexa!" You greet the shorter blonde with a wide grin as she strides over to you.

"Y/N!" Alexa replies, sounding just as excited as you. "How have you been girl" She asks as she pulls you into a hug.

"I've been good." You nod and hug her back tightly. "How have you been? I've been seeing on NXT all the time, you look great by the way." You throw her a compliment.

"Aww thanks." Alexa beams. "How have you been though? I heard that your still working as a personal trainer?" She curiously turns her full attention to you.

You chuckle at your friends enthusiasm and take a seat on the nearby bleachers with her. The two of you sit down and you turn to face her so you can talk easier.

"Yeah, I landed a job at one of the gyms in Philly actually. It's great down there, I get to work with a lot of celebrities and athletes and stuff." You gush about the job that you absolutely love.

"Yeah?" Alexa nods her head. "It sounds great, like you really love it." She pats your shoulder lightly.

"I do." You nod in agreement with her.

The two of you get to catching up on what you've missed in each others lives. Alexa talks about her new boyfriend and what she gets up to in NXT, including a new tag team that's been getting a lot of attention as of late.

"Yeah so this new tag team just started out, some guys named Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish and they're already super popular." She explains with a slight annoyed tone in her voice.

"Did you say Kyle O'Reilly?" You perk up at the mention of Kyle's name.

"Yeah, why? You know him?" Alexa nods her head.

"I used to yeah." You rub the back of your neck. "Me and him were really good friends way back when." You chuckle at the memory of Kyle.

"Oooh." Alexa coos at you with a grin. "Sounds like you had a crush on him." She teases you.

You chuckle and rub the back of your neck again, you haven't thought about Kyle in ages it seems like. Alexa nudges your shoulder shaking you from your memories and you find her wearing a mischievous grin on her face.

"What?" You furrow your brows at her.

"We should go pay him a visit." Alexa suggests, a trifling look her in the eye. "I happen to know that he's in the arena right now with Bobby." She grabs your hand and hauls you to your feet.

"Alexa." You shake your head and try to pry your hand back from her iron grip.

"Oh come on Y/N, saying hello to an old friend won't hurt you." She insists and pulls you along with her.

Left with no choice in the matter you follow Alexa into the arena in search of your old friend. With Alexa hauling you with her it doesn't take long to find Kyle hanging out with Bobby in one of the hallways.

"Hey O'Reilly!" Alexa calls after him to catch his attention.

You watch nervously as Kyle turns his attention from Bobby to down the hall at you and Alexa. His eyes land on you and a smile instantly spreads on his face.

"Y/N?" He meets you and Alexa halfway, eyes fixed on you.

"Hey Kyle, long time no see, huh?" You chuckle, heat rising to your cheeks.

"Yeah, man it's been what? Like 5 years right?" Kyle chuckles with you.

"Yeah, you look great by the way." You rub the back of your neck. Kyle is even cuter than you remember.

"Thanks, you look even better though." Kyle insists with a grin.

Satisfied with her work ALexa chats with Bobby while you and Kyle catch up a little bit. The two of you talk for a bit until Kyle takes a chance and asks you out on a date.

"Hey, would you wanna maybe catch dinner with me?" He suggests.

"Dinner?" You nod you head. "Yeah, dinner sounds lovely." You agree to his plans.

(End of flashback)

You check your reflection in the mirror one last time to make sure everything is in order. Alexa gives you her seal of approval just as a knock sounds at the door.

"Wish me luck." You nod to Alexa and walk over to the door.

You open the door to find a beaming Kyle standing on the other side of it. He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck as soon as he sees you.

"Ha, wow." He shakes his head. "You look gorgeous." He compliments you.

"Thanks." You blush. "You look great to." You compliment his nice suit.

"Thanks, shall we be off then?" He reaches his hand out to take yours.

"Yeah." You blush again and take his hand. "Lets go."

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