Drew Mcintyre

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You stand backstage and listen to Alexa out with Nikki on her stupid 'talk show' if you can even call it that. Boredom and deep-seated hate for Alexa in general urges to you move from your spot backstage and go have a little fun with her.

A mischievous grin plastered on your face, you pop up from your seat and make your way down the hall to and to the guerilla. On your way there, however, you are met with an obstacle, Drew Mcintyre. A man with a bad habit of getting on your nerves for no reason.

"Where you off to with that look, lass?" Drew blocks the hallway with his body and grins curiously down at you.

"Guillera." You reply short and simple as you look for a way past Drew, not wanting to continue the conversation. "Now move." You shoot a glare up at Drew.

"And what? Pray-tell, is your business down at the guillera?" Drew asks you again, still blocking your way.

With a sigh, you huff and look up at Drew again. He wears a grin on his face, knowing that he's getting under your skin by the way you're looking at him.

"I'm gonna go mess with Alexa, now move you behemoth." You push his arm with just about as much force as you can muster.

Drew doesn't budge from his spot, him being much bigger and stronger than you. You huff again, now getting really annoyed.

"What do you want now?" You once again look up at Drew, who just continues to smile down at you with a sly grin. "I told you what I was doing, didn't I? Now move!" You demand.

"Oh just give it another minute lass." Drew replies in a chuckle. "I like seeing ya get all riled up." He teases you with a grin.

"Well find a different way to get your rocks off." You roll your eyes, a hand on your hip.

"Fine." Drew chuckles and finally steps off to the side so you can get past him. "I'll be seeing ya lass, give 'em hell." He calls after you as you rush past him and down the hall.

Much to your disappointment and frustration, Alexa is already in her match with Carmella when you make it down to the guillera.

"Damn you, Mcintyre." You shake your head, mumbling under your breath as you turn and make your way back down to the women's locker rooms.

You make your way back to the women's locker room and head inside, you find yourself in the company of just Dana Brooke at the moment. You smile and plop down next to Dana with a sigh.

"Hey, Y/N." Dana is quick to greet you with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Dana." You greet her right back with a small smile of your own.

"What brings you back to the locker room so early?" Dana asks you curiously.

You shrug and turn to Dana fully on the bench so the two of you can talk easier. Dana turns her full attention on you as a good friend would do. This makes you smile a little bit and a bit less irritated than before.

"I've got a problem, Dana." You tell her. "And his name is Drew Mcintyre." You explain in a sigh, even saying his name makes you frustrated.

"Drew Mcintyre?" Dana repeats. "Why's he bothering ya?" She asks aloud, thinking about it to herself.

"Beats me?" You shrug. "He's constantly stopping me backstage, or at the hotel. He teases me about my height all the time." You explain Drew's actions a little bit further to Dana.

After you explain your problem with Drew, Dana lets out a small laugh. Like the answer to your problem it just so blatantly obvious to her. You furrow your brows at the blonde and shake your head, silently demanding an answer from her.

"Oh Y/N, honey." Dana pats you on the back. 

"What?" You ask her, brows still furrowed. 

"Hon, it sounds like to me that Mcintyre has a thing for you." She explains.

"A thing?" You repeat her. "Like...he likes me?" You Dana to clarify.

"Mhm." Dana nods her head with a smile. "Sounds like it to me." She insists. "In fact, if I were you I'd find ol Mcintyre and demand that he quit playing games and take you out on a real date," Dana suggests to you.

You think about Dana's suggestion for a minute, when you really think about it you do kind of have a thing for Drew. You've always been attracted to the alpha male type of men, plus his accent is a bonus the more you think about it.

"Hmm." You finally make up your mind after a minute or two of silence. "I think you're right Dana." You stand to your feet and give her a small hug as thanks. "Thanks for listening to me." You thank her again before you leave.

"No problem, hon." Dana nods her head. "Now go knock him dead." She hypes you up as you leave to go find Drew.

After searching the halls for some time you finally run into Drew after he looks like he's just come back from being in the ring. His sour expression turns to a sly one when he spots you making your way over to him.

"Ah, Y/N, lass. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks you with that sly smile of his.

"Alright, cut the crap, Mcintyre." You decide to take a bold approach to this.

Drew falls silent and arches a brow at your sudden outburst of confidence. You stare up at him with a confident look and a hand on your hip.

"It's obvious that you have a thing for me." You look Drew in the eye as you speak to him. "And I don't exactly HATE you either, so it's about time you grow a pair and ask me out on a proper date. Don't you think?" You ask him firmly.

"A proper date huh?" Drew nods his head, your outburst not affecting him in the slightest. "Well Y/N, I can say I'm surprised you said something." He admits. "I didn't take you for the type to come to get what you want lass. But yes, it is about time I ask you out on a proper dinner date isn't it?" He nods his head. "Fine then, tomorrow night at 8." He informs you. "Wear something nice." He winks at you and continues down the hall as if nothing happened.

You shake your head at the whole encounter, a strange one at that. You decide to head back to the locker rooms and tell Dana about the date. Maybe she can help you pick out a nice dress to wear tomorrow.

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