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Carrying a load of papers and folders in your hands that's larger than life you hurry down the hallway in a rush.

You arrive at the door to your boss's office only to realize that you don't have a free hand to open the door. And with Tony in a meeting, you know better than to disturb him.

Thankfully for you, a friendly pair of talent happens to be walking by that you know will be more than happy to help you out.

"Y/N, that you behind all those papers?" Trent furrows his brows at the walking stack of papers in front of him.

"Hey, Trent. Chuck." You sound off from behind the stack. "Can one of you open the door for me please?" You ask them politely.

"Sure thing." Trent nods and pulls the door open.

"Thanks so much, Trent." You smile and take a step through the door.

"Yeah, you take it easy now Y/N." Trent bids you farewell with a grin.

"You too." You nod. "Good luck out there tonight." Trent shuts the door behind you and you hurry over to your desk.

You set your large stack of papers down and start sorting through them all. While you're in the middle of sorting Tony's meeting ends and people begin to trickle out of the conference room.

"Y/N, did you get those papers written up for legal?" Tony walks over to you and leans over the wooden desk casually.

"Right here, boss." You nod and hand over a folder of papers. "I also need you to go over these and sign them." You also hand him a separate folder for him to look over.

"Alright, thank you doll." Tony nods and hands the legal folder over to someone from the legal department. "I'll be at my desk if you need me." He takes his folder and walks over to his larger desk at the back of the room.

You nod and get back to work on sorting through more papers. Some of them you sign yourself instead of bothering Khan with it. And the others you sort out and highlight where they need to be signed to make it easy for Tony to go through.

After a little while of quiet working, someone knocks on the door lightly. You rise from your desk and swing the door open.

"Y/N, hello. Tony busy?" Cody stands on the other side of the door.

"Afternoon Cody, let me check." You smile at the bleach blond and turn around back into the room. "Tony, Cody wants to see you." You look over at Khan going over some papers.

"Alright, let him in." Tony nods.

You turn back to Cody and let him in the room before you walk back over to your desk. Cody makes his way over to Tony and you can faintly hear them talking while you get back to work.

"Y/N, can you come over here for a second?" Tony beckons you over after a few minutes.

You rise from your chair and head over to him armed with a pen and paper.

"What can I do for you?" You saunter over to his desk casually.

Tony gives you some information for legal on behalf of Cody and you jot it down quickly on paper before you return to your desk. The rest of the night gets off without any other interruptions and you finish up sorting your papers at about the same time as Tony gets ready to head out for the night.

"Y/N, did you get a chance to finish up those legal papers I gave you earlier?" Tony saunters up to your desk before he leaves.

"Yep, I'll go ahead and drop them off at legal on my way out." You nod to the small folder of papers to your left.

"You've gotten plenty done today, I'll drop it off." Tony shakes his head. "You deserve the rest of the night off." He insists.

"Really? Thanks, Tony." You nod with a thankful smile. "I appreciate it." You turn around and gather your bag and jacket from the back of your chair.

"Well, you do work harder than most around here." Tony jokes with a laugh. "You have a nice night now, Y/N." He takes the folder from your desk and heads out of the office.

You slip your jacket on and sling your bag over your shoulder then lock up the office and head out. When you get to the parking lot you run into Trent and Chuck again.

"Hey, Y/N. You're out early." Trent waves you over with a bright smile.

"Yeah, Khan was nice enough to give me the rest of the night off." You nod.

"Yeah? Me and Chuckie are going out for drinks if you wanna join us." Trent offers.

"Sure! I could go for a drink right about now." You eagerly nod.

Trent relays the name and location of the bar that Chuck and him usually frequent and you guys agree to meet up in about an hour. You rush home and make a quick change of clothes into something a little more casual then head out to the bar.

"Y/N, over here!" You are beckoned over by Trent as soon as you enter the bustling bar.

"Hey, guys." You walk over to the booth and slide next to Trent. "What are we drinking?" You ask casually.

"Just beers, nothing serious," Trent replies and knocks his bottle with Chuck.

You nod and order yourself a drink, while you wait for your drink Trent and Chuck decide to play a game of darts with you. Trent and Chuck go first then you, and both men are surprised to see just how good at the game you are.

"Wow, something you wanna tell us Y/N?" Trent jokes and takes a swig of his drink.

"Well, I did use to be a bartender." You shrug with a laugh and throw your dart. "Played this game damn near every night." You toss the dart at the board and it lands right where you wanted it.

"Oh, so you're cheating then?" Trent teases you.

"Maybe." You laugh and toss another dart.

The three of you play a few more games of darts and share a few more drinks before you mutually decide to call it a night.

"This was fun, thanks for inviting me out Trent." You all stack up outside on the sidewalk before you separate for the night.

"Yeah, it was great hanging out with you." Trent agrees that he had a good time. "Maybe we should do it again sometime. Without Chuck next time?" He suggests.

"Trent Baretta, are you asking me out on a date?" You laugh lightly at his choice of words.

"Maybe." Trent laughs with you. "Depends on your answer."

"I'd love to." You giggle and pull out your phone from your pocket. "Here's my personal number, feel free to give me a call and let me know when you wanna take me out." You give Trent your number then turn to walk to your car.

"Looking forward to it!" Trent nods and puts the number in his phone. "I have a feeling you're super fun!"

"Oh, you've no idea!" You call back with a laugh.

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