Noam Dar

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"Okay, I play my red seven and that's uno!" You laugh at Noam's bewildered face as you lay your cards down onto the coffee table.

"How?" Noam furrows his brows at you, still holding a considerable amount of cards in his hand.

"Maybe I'm just that good." You laugh. "That or you're horrible at this game."

Noam sighs and changes the color to yellow in a last-ditch effort to make you draw a few more cards and prevent your inevitable victory for a few more minutes. You laugh once more and throw down the wild card you've been saving and end the game.

"I win again." You throw your hands in the air in victory while Noam throws his cards down onto the coffee table in defeat once again. "Oh cheer up Dar, you'll win eventually." You roll your eyes at your friends poutines playfully.

"Not with you playing against me I won't." Noam shakes his head. "You're just way too out of my league I'm afraid love."

You laugh at Noam's statement, oblivious to the true meaning behind it and start cleaning up the strewn about cards. You glance at the clock to see that you've only managed to kill about an hour and a half out of your day.

"Well I don't know about you, but I think that I'm gonna go get some sun." You place the Uno cards back into your game drawer and gesture to the back patio door that leads out to the backyard and pool.

"Alright then." Noam nods lightly. "I promised Tony I'd chat with em, but I'll be out there soon." He gets up and heads in the other direction.

You shrug and head out to the backyard to take advantage of the warm weather that you've been blessed with today. So far it's been a little over a week since Noam came over and the quarantine started. So far it's been great. You love having Noam over to keep you company during this whole ordeal. But as of late you can't help but notice that he's been acting a bit strange.

Back inside Noam loads up his video chat and waits for Tony to answer him. After a few rings, Tony answers and kids running around can be heard in the background.

"Noam, whats up my man?" Tony's face appears on-screen with a wide smile. "How's Y/N doing?"

"We're all fine over here mate." Noam is quick to reply. "How are the Mrs. and the kids?" Noam asks right back.

"There all good." Tony nods his head. "Spending more time with them is about the only upside to this whole thing."

"I hear ya mate." Noam agrees. "Hey, I was actually wondering if I could get some advice from ya."

"Yeah?" Tony replies. "About what? I'd be happy to help if I can." He insists.

Noam stops for a second to think about how he can word what he's about to say. You and Tony have been best friends for a long time, the two of you are almost like brother and sister. And Noam is about to tell Tony how he really feels about you.

"It's about Y/N. I.......I think I might be in love with her mate." Noam just goes ahead and blurts out what he needs to say then awaits what he's sure to be an earful from Tony.

"So go tell her that not me," Tony replies much calmer than Noam expected.

"Really?" Noam replies a little surprised by how calm Tony is being. 

"Yeah, man." Tony nods. "N/N's a big girl, she can take care of herself. Plus I'm pretty sure that she likes you too."

"Really? Thanks, man." Noam nods his head, feeling a lot better about the whole situation and hangs up the call to go and find you.

Back out on the patio, you decide halfway through your tanning session to call up a good friend of both yours and Noam's. That being TJ to ask him if he knows anything about why Noam's been acting weird as of late.

"So, you have any idea why Noam's been acting so weird lately?" You ask TJ after the two of you catch up a little and TJ lets you say hello to his pig cupcake. 

"Maybe because he's kind of stuck in a house all alone with you and doesn't know what to do with himself," TJ replies in a laugh. "That could be it."

"What do you mean?" You furrow your brows. "Noam usually loves hanging out with me. Right?"

"Yeah in small amounts," TJ replies again. "N/N, you do know that the man's been like in love with you since you guys met right?" He asks you.

"What? Noam? In love with me?" You repeat TJ. "Yeah real funny." You roll your eyes thinking that TJ is merely joking around with you.

"It's no joke sweetheart." TJ shakes his head. "Noam is totally smitten with you."

" really?" You finally get that TJ isn't messing around with you anymore. "I guess that I should go talk to him then." You go to hang up the phone and find your companion.

"Yeah, go stick your tongue down his throat for me." TJ muses with a laugh before you roll your eyes and hang up on him.

You get up from your seat and head to the patio door just as Noam walks through it with a look of determination on his face. You stop with a small laugh which in turn makes Noam stop as well.

"What you laughing at love?" Noam asks you curiously.

"I was just coming in to talk to you." You finish laughing with a grin.

"Oh, well I've actually got something to tell ya first," Noam explains.

"Okay, let's sit down then." You nod and walk back over to your lounge chair.

You and Noam both take a seat in the empty lounge chairs and you wait quietly for Noam to tell you what's on his mind. Noam takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"Look Y/N, I've known you for a while now and well I think that now is a good as a time as ever to tell you that I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you since the moment that Tony introduced us to one another." Noam confesses which lets a sort of weight off of his chest.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way." You let out a small laugh. "Cuz if you didn't then this would be really awkward." You lean forward and press a kiss to an unsuspecting Noam's lips.

The kiss is passionate and sweet like it was meant to be. You know that you've wanted this for a long time now, you just never wanted to admit to yourself that you've been in love with Noam almost as long as he's been in love with you.

AN: I can't really think of a good question for today. So let's just ask, what is your favorite chapter of this book so far? Let me know in the comments below!

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