Tyler Breeze

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You sit in front of your mirror and run a brush through your hair to make sure that it looks its best for the upcoming show. After adding a little bit of product and doing a little more styling you are finally ready to start work for the day.

You slip on your favorite boots and head out to meet the camera crew backstage before your first interview of the night is scheduled.

"Hey, guys." You greet the camera crew with a smile in the back room.

"Hey, Y/N." You get a few small replies from the crew as they set their cameras and equipment up.

You sit down and allow yourself to be wired up as well as take a microphone from one of the crew before all of you head off backstage to the backdrop that was set up earlier.

"Okay, who's up first?" You reach for the clipboard sitting on one of the camera cases and look take a look at the first name on it. "Aria Daivari, great." You look at the name and sigh.

You adore your job working with the 205 Live and NXT roster, almost all of them are polite and fun to talk with. With a few exceptions of course. Some of the men on the rosters have a habit of being more than a little flirty with you, not that you really mind it much if you're being honest. Aria Daivari happens to be one of those people.

"Hello, I'm backstage right now joined by current 205 Live superstar, Aria Daivari. Aria, thank you for taking the time to stop and talk." You internally roll your eyes as Daivari makes his way over to you for his screen time.

"Of course Y/N!" Daivari winks at you with a grin.

"Anyway, Daivari, later this week you face The Brain Kendrick in a street fight for an opportunity at the Cruiserweight title that's currently being held by Angel Garza. What have you done to prepare for this match?" You ask and put the microphone closer to Aria so he can answer.

"Well Y/N, I really didn't do anything to prepare for this match, simply because I don't need to." He grins down at you.

"Well, that's awfully confident of you Daivari." You answer casually.

"Confidence is key sweetheart, and when you're as rich and good-looking as me it comes easy," Aria speaks in a matter of fact tone.

You roll your eyes internally again at Daivari's blatant flirting, you've never really seen him as your type of guy. Daivari is too much like his wrestling personality in real life.

"And just what would you know about being good looking?" You crack a smile when a voice answers Daivari and you are joined by one of your favorite people to work within the company, Tyler Breeze.

You turn your body to the left to greet Breeze and his confident smile as he walks over to your side, running a hand through his short head of fine hair.

"Do you have anything to say Tyler?" You ask Breeze, hiding your obvious bias as best you can.

"As a matter of fact, I do, Y/N." Tyler nods his head. "Daivari, you walk around here talking all this game about how good you are, the question is, can you back it up in the ring?"

"Ha." Daivari snickers a response. "Like I'd ever have to prove anything to you." He sneers at Tyler with a scowl.

You stand between the two men and let them argue for the audience for a while, eventually, Aria gets fed up and challenges Tyler to a match and storms off to get ready for it. The camera's switch off and you notice that Tyler is still lingering nearby.

"Hey Breeze!" You catch Tyler's attention before he walks off.

"Y/N!" Tyler greets you with a smirk. "What can I do for 205 Live's own gorgeous lady?" He asks you with a grin.

"Oh stop." You blush a red hue at Tyler's words. "I just wanted to say thanks for shutting ol Daivari down for me."

"Oh, no problem sweetheart." Tyler shakes his head. "Always happy to help a beauty like you out." He winks at you.

"Thanks, Breeze." You giggle a little. "And hey, tell Creed I'm down to record another episode of upupdowndown if he wants." You add.

"Ooo, looking forward to having you on the show again. I'll be sure to let him know." Tyler nods his head.

"Thanks Tyler, I'll see you later then." You nod and Tyler leaves so you can get back to work.

A few hours later and you are sitting in your hotel room for the night when you get a text from Tyler.

-Hey😉😉 wanna grab some dinner before we record with Austin???

-Food? I'm soo in. Meet me in lobby in ten?

-👍 see u then. 😚❤

You set your phone down with a smile and slip your shoes back on before you grab your purse and a jacket to meet Tyler.

When you get down to the lobby you find Breeze waiting for you by the main entrance. You speed walk over to him with a smile.

"Tyler! Thanks for offering to buy me dinner." You tease him.

"My pleasure." Tyler laughs a bit. "Glad you agreed to let me take you out for dinner." He adds.

"Of course." You reply and walk out to the parking lot with him. "I'm not one to pass up free food." You joke.

"Good to know." Breeze laughs. "The way to your heart is food then."

"Maybe... " You laugh.

Breeze takes you out for a nice dinner and the two of you catch up on some of the lastest video games and movies you both enjoy. After dinner you walk back to the hotel to go record with Austin.

"This was nice." You comment as you and Tyler walk back to the hotel.

"Yeah, I agree." Tyler nods his head. "It's always nice spending time with you Y/N."

"Aww, I like spending time with you to Tyler." You crack a smile.

You don't protest when Tyler pulls you close to him when the wind picks up a little. You enjoy being close to his side, listening to him tell you all about the next date he's planning for you. Then it hits you, you just went on a date with Tyler. Like an actual date.

"Yes!" You mumble quietly to yourself at the realization.

"What was that?" Tyler glances down at you.

"Nothing." You grin a reply. "Continue."

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