Tommaso Ciampa

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"Candice! Glad you could make it." You greet the cheerful blonde as she makes her way over you to at the edge of the ring.

"Of course!" Candice nods her head with a wide smile. "What are sister-in-laws for?" She giggles and looks up into the ring at Dakota and Tegan.

You know that you can always count on your brother's wife to come to your aid when you get yourself into a pinch, and here she is. With Candice's help, you take out Dakota and Tegan and send them running for the hills. With business taken care of the two of you head back to the locker room together.

"So how's it been?" You ask Candice curiously since you haven't hung out with her and your brother in a while.

"Things are great with me and Johnny." Candice beams. "We just took another trip to Disneyland a few weeks ago."

"Ooo, fun." You nod your head.

"What about you and Ciampa?" Candice asks you. "You guys are still doing okay right?"

"We're fine Candice." You nod your head. "Things have actually been super good lately."

You met Tommaso when your brother started tagging with him and felt an attraction right away. Over the years you and Ciampa have hit some rocky spots. You had a hard time accepting him after what he did to your brother, but the two of you eventually patched things up.

"Well tell Johnny I said hello." You split from Candice when you get back to the locker rooms.

"Will do, see ya Y/N." Candice nods her head and splits off from you.

You head back to your own locker room to find that the doors unlocked. Warily you head inside but relax when you see who's waiting for you.

"Tommaso, you scared me." You crack a small grin and shut the door behind you.

"Sorry lovely." Tommaso is quick to apologize.

"It's fine." You wave it off and walk over to sit on your boyfriend's lap since he's sitting in your only chair. "What brings you over here?" You ask him curiously.

"I just came to see you," Ciampa replies and places a kiss to your cheek.

"Oh, my favorite kind of visit." You laugh a little. "Are you booked at all tonight?"

"Yeah, something with Dominick Dijakovic a bit later." Tommaso nods his head. "Wanna come with?" He asks you.

"I'd love to." You nod your head.

You always enjoy going out and working with Tommaso, he always gets a kick out of having you cheering him on at ringside. You and Tommaso sit and enjoy the silence for a while until he's needed out in the ring.

"We should get going." He breaks the sweet silence after a bit.

"Alright." You stand back up out of his lap and follow Tommaso down to the ring for his match.

You blow your boyfriend a kiss and hang out in his corner as Dominick makes his way down to the ring for the match to start. The match starts and you watch Ciampa work like he always does. Getting into his opponent's head and playing mind games.

You are standing back and interacting with some people in the crowd when all of a sudden Undisputed Era's music hits. Your eyes wander up to the ring as Adam Cole makes his way down to the ring with Roderick Strong at his side.

"Oh great." You sigh aloud as Adam makes his way over to you.

Back when you and Tommaso were broken up, after what he did to Johnny. Adam had just joined NXT and was just the type of guy you needed to let off some steam. You and Adam dated for a few months if you could even call sex and the occasional dinner date a relationship. You ended it with Adam a few weeks after Tommaso apologized for what he did to Johnny.

"Y/N, you are looking smoking hot as always." Adam winks as he passes you.

"What are you even doing down here Adam?" You roll your eyes at his comment.

"Oh didn't you hear sweetheart?" Adam replies. "Roddy here has a match after Dom and your boyfriend are done with their little squabble." He explains and pats Roderick on the back.

"Of course." You roll your eyes again with a scoff.

"Anywho." Adam changes the subject back to you. "How's Ciampa been treating you? Not the best boyfriend I hear."

"Like you were a better one?" You scoff again. "All we ever did was eat food and screw."

"Sounds like a golden relationship to me babe." Adam shrugs. "Plus sex with me is the best you're ever gonna get babe." He grins. "I mean, I KNOW that I've gotta be ten times better at it than old Ciampa." He nods to Tommaso in the ring.

"Don't flatter yourself, Adam." You roll your eyes again.

Unbeknownst to you, Tommaso has been in the ring listening to Adam talk to you this whole time. And he's growing angrier by the minute.

"Oh come on Y/N." Adam continues to tease you. "I had you screaming my name at god almost EVERY night." He reminds you. "That's gotta count for something honey."

That's the last straw for Tommaso. He's out of the ring and on Adam in an instant. You step aside and let him duke it out with Adam and Roderick.

"You want me to help out?" You are soon joined by Dominick after the match is officially stopped by the ref.

"Nah, he's got this." You shake your head. "Thanks for offering though Dom." You pat Dijakovic on the shoulder.

"It's cool, see ya Y/N." Dominick nods and heads backstage.

After a minute or two of waiting you grow tired of watching Adam and Ciampa roll around on the floor. You nod to Roderick that it's time to break then up and walk over to where they're duking it out.

"Tommaso, come on he's had enough." You yank your boyfriend back by the collar of the shirt.

Roderick pulls Adam back and keeps a good grip on him as both Adam and Tommaso are still fuming at each other.

"That's right Ciampa, she screamed my name so loud she'd lose her voice," Adam yells at Tommaso.

"Can it Cole!" You snap back at Adam, your grip holding Tommaso back. "Plus that's big talk for someone that can't last more than five minutes before they pass out." You make sure to get the last word in before you drag Tommaso backstage.

You get backstage with Ciampa and finally let him go since you're sure that Roderick has gotten Adam a safe distance away by now. You turn around and expect Tommaso to have something to say, instead, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into a kiss.

"I love you." You hear him whisper against your lips.

"I love you too Tommaso."

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite underrated member of NXT? Mines Definitely Dominick Dijakovic. I just love his character and dynamic. Plus his matches with Keith Lee are always so good to watch.

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