Will Ospreay

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You are minding your business in the catering room, waiting for Will to be done with a match out in the ring when you are greeted by a rather tall man.

"Y/N right?" The man sits down next to you and flashes a smile.

"Yeah." You nod to him. "You're Joey right? Joey Janela?" You recognize the man from watching Will from time to time on tv.

"That be me." Joey nods his head. "I've seen you around here a few times, figured I'd say hello." He flashes another smile at you.

"Thanks." You nod your head. "I've been meaning to meet some friends and co-workers of Will's for a while now." You shake Joey's head in a cheerful manner.

On the other side of the room Will enters the catering room where he left you about an hour ago, he scans the room for you and finds you talking to one Joey Janela.

"What the?" Will asks himself, he didn't trust Joey one bit.

He makes his way over to your side and sets an arm on your shoulder when he gets to your side. You look up and smile at him when he does this.

"Ready to go babe?" Will asks you as he eyes Joey up.

"Yeah sure." You nod your head and stand up from your seat. "Nice to meet you Joey." You give a small wave to Joey and walk away with Will.

Ads the two of you walk away Will slides an arm around your shoulder and presses a small kiss on your forehead, which you don't mind at all.

"What did Janela want?" Will asks you once the two of your are away from the catering room.

"He introduced himself to me is all." You reply, totally unaware of Joey's ulterior motives. "He's quite polite actually." You smile, remembering the nice conversation you had with him.

"Yeah." Will nods his head, that being all he says on the matter.

A few days later you are hanging out backstage when you run into Joey again, he happily keeps you company while Will is busy with a match.

"So you and Ospreay." Joey brings up will as you to casually hang out.

"Yeah." You nod. " Will's great, always taking time out of the day to see how I'm doing." You gush at one of the many aspects of Will you love.

"Yeah i bet." Joey nods his head. "A girl like you? Man I'd never wanna leave her side." He smirks down at you.

You nod, again not getting the hint of what Janela was getting at. He hangs around until Will shows up after his match to collect you. You and Will head back to the hotel for the night, but you notice a little something is off.

"What's got you all bothered?" You ask Will when he plops down on the bed and rests his head on your stomach, making you set your book down.

"Nothing love." Will shakes his head slightly, still pressed to your skin.

"Okay." You shrug it off and go back to your book.

You manage to get a few more lines in before Will lightly pushes it out of your hand, his lips smiling against your neck.

"Will." You giggle, his lips tickling your neck. "I'm trying to read." You can't help but burst into a fit of giggles.

"Books are boring." Will mumbles into your skin. "I'm much more fun." He teases you.

"So you say." You giggle again, hands in Will's short and soft hair.

The next evening you are once again graced by Joey's presence while Will is busy. Still blissfully unaware Janela is trying his hardest to curve Will and get in your pants.

"Nice seeing you again Joey." You smile when he walks over to you.

"Right back at you gorgeous." Joey winks at you. "Where's Ospreay? I noticed I almost never see him with you." He comments, stirring the pot a bit.

"He's in a match right now." You reply nonchalantly. "He's usually with me when he's not in the ring." You correct Joey politely.

"She's right about that one mate." You all of a sudden feel an arm snake around your waist. "She's my everything when I'm not in the ring." You turn to see Will smiling down at you.

"Aww, love you to Will." You giggle at Will's cheesiness.

Will leans down and gives you a kiss, driving Joey off for the time being. You enjoy the kiss of course, you just weren't used to Will being into PDA usually.

Back at the hotel room Will is once again attached by the hip to you, showering you in attention. You start to get a little bit suspicious and question him.

"You sure are being clingy all of a sudden." You look down at him, his head resting on your stomach again.

"I'm not allowed to love you now?" Will replies, turning his head to look at you.

"I didn't say that." You shake your head. "You've just been.......more public as of late is all." You confront Will about his actions.

"Do you not want me to be?" Will asks you with furrowed brows.

"No no." You shake your head, a hand in Will's hair. "I love it when you get affectionate in public." You admit you like the attention. "I was just wondering if there was a reason for it all of a sudden is all." You ask Will to answer you softly.

Will sighs, sitting up from his lying position. You furrow your brows at him as he leans in close to you, taking one of your hands in his.

"Joey Janela has been bothering me lately." He admits what's been bothering him. "The way he acts with you, I know he's up to something." Will sighs. "And I'll be damned if I let him take you away from me." He has determination in his voice.

"Aww Will." You giggle lightly and cup your boyfriends face in your hands. "I love you, and only you. Joey is no threat, I don't even like him much. He's just fun to talk to, i promise." You peck your boyfriend on the lips, still cupping his face.

You can feel Will smile against your lips, happy he didn't have anything to worry about. You feel his hands on your back, pulling you closer to him. You happily let your hands travel back up to his soft hair, glad you could put the dork at ease for once.

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