Kenny Omega/Adam Cole

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"Hey Ken." You shut the door to the hotel room behind you with a sigh. 

"Y/N." Kenny perks up as soon as he sees you. "You're back early." He glances at the clock on the wall. 

"Yeah." You nod and plop down on the empty bed. "Some dude was giving me weird vibes down at the gym, didn't even get any work done." You wave your hand in disappointment. 

"Some guy was harassing you?" Kenny jumps to attention and looks at you with concern.

"Woah there big guy." You calm him down with a chuckle. "I handled it Ken." You insist. "I can take care of creepers at the gym all by myself." You assure him.

Kenny nods his head but you can hear him mumble under his breath, you roll your eyes playfully back at him. You thought that it was sweet, him being so concerned for you and all.

With plenty of free time left because you didn't get to spend much time in the gym you decide to walk across the hall to see if Adam or maybe Marty had any plans for the day you could join them on. You wave goodbye to Kenny and walk across the hall, knocking on the door to be let in.

"Y/N, love." Marty opens up the door with a smile. "What brings ya all the way over here?" He asks as he steps aside so you can step into the room.

"Thanks Marty." You thank him as you step into the room. "I came to see if you or Adam had any plans I could join up on since I didn't get to spend any time in the gym." You take a seat on Marty's bed, moving the strewn about clothes aside.

Adam stands at the other bed, rummaging through his luggage for a shirt. He turns and flashes you that million dollar smile though.

"Why didn't you stay at the gym like you wanted?" He asks curiously, his attention still on his bag.

"Oh some dude there was giving me the creeps, so i just bailed." You explain with a sigh, you were really looking forward for some solo gym time.

"Creeping you out huh." Adam turns his head to look at you. "You kick his ass for staring?" He muses with a grin.

"No." You shake your head with a smile, appreciating that Adam knew full well you could handle yourself. "Thought about it though." You giggle lightly. "So either of you got plans i can join up with?" You finally get to asking the question you came over for.

Marty shakes his head pulling his laptop from his bag.

"I'm here for the day love." He takes a seat on his bed. "Sorry." He shrugs.

"What about you Adam?" You look over to Adam, hoping that he has a better answer.

"I was gonna go down to the gym, if you wanna come i'll wait for you." He offers with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll make sure to protect you, don't worry." He teases you with a grin.

"Ha. Funny." You grin and roll your eyes. "Yeah mind as well, lemme go grab my bag again." You agree to go with Adam and head back to you and Kenny's room to grab your gym bag again.

Adam nods his head and you leave, as soon as you're gone he pumps his fist in the air. Letting a victory "Yes!" slip from his lips.

"What's got you all riled up mate?" Marty raises a brow at his roommate.

"Me and Y/N? At the gym together?" Adam replies. "This is the moment I've been waiting for man, i can finally put the moves on her and get her to say yes to a date." He grins, already forming a plan in his head.

"Yeah good luck with that mate, you've got competition i'm afraid." Marty shakes his head. "Kenny's been looking to sweep her up for ages mate." He informs Adam of what Kenny had told him just a few days earlier.

"Kenny?" Adam replies in a sneer. "Like she'd choose Kenny when she can have me." He snickers and collects his gym bag. "Just watch, i'll make her mine." He nods to Marty and heads out into the hall.

Back in the room across the hall you slip into the room and grab your gym bag again. Kenny shoots you a questioning look as you head for the door.

"Where are you off to this time?" He asks you ask he sets his phone down.

"Back to the gym." You reply cheerily. "Adam is going with me if you wanna join us." You offer Kenny the company since you felt bad leaving him all alone again.

"You're going with Adam?" Kenny nods his head. "Yeah, I'll come to then." He gets to his feet and grabs his own gym bag from the floor.

Kenny knew just what Adam was up to, and he'd be damned to let Adam get to you before Kenny even had the chance to ask you out.

You wait at the door for Kenny them head out the door with him at your side. Once in the hallway you wave to Adam standing by the elevator waiting for you. 

"Kenny's coming with us Adam, hope you don't mind." You cheerily step into the elevator with a grin. 

"Yeah." Adam nods his head, glaring at Kenny when you look away. "It's fine." He slips in the elevator right next to you. 

Kenny makes sure to step inside right in the other side if you. You find yourself squished between both men, each glaring at each other over you. You being too short to notice them giving each other the death stare hum to yourself as the elevator descends to the lower floors. 

"I'm gonna go change." You head off to the locker rooms as soon as the three of you step into the gym. Leaving Kenny and Adam alone to talk. 

"I don't know what your plan is Omega." Adam turns to Kenny as soon as you are gone. "But Y/N? She's mine." He shoots a glare at his competition. 

"Ha." Kenny chuckles and claps Adam on the shoulder. "As if. She's not even into you man. Me on the other hand? Well, in think it's safe to say this won't be much of a competition." He snickers at Adam with a shake of his curly hair. 

Adam goes to retort when you skip back over to the pair with a grin. Both men snap back to acting friendly towards each other. 

"Ready guys?" You ask with a grin. 

Both men nod and you lead them over to the weight racks. Today you thought you'd get some lifting in. Adam and Kenny agree to the workout for the day, it gave them both a chance to impress you and compete for your attention. 

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