Adam Page

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"Morning Nick, Matt." You wave at the Jackson brothers as you pass by them in the gym.

"Morning Y/N." Nick waves back at you with a cheesy grin. "You look great today by the way." He adds quickly as you walk off to the treadmills.

"Thanks." You nod with a small smile.

You head over to the treadmill since today is a cardio day for you and switch on a machine. Once you have it set to the right setting for you, you put in your headphones and enjoy some music while you get your miles in.

About a half an hour later you are just about finished with your last mile when another friendly face saunters over to you. You take out your headphones to greet said person as he walks over to you.

"Cardio day today N/N?" Adam comes up to the front of your machine with his usual bright smile.

"Yeah." You nod and slow the machine down to a brisk walking pace. "Though I am just about finished for the day." You glance down as the tracker clicks over to three miles and the machine stops.

"Oh." Page nods his head. "Hey, I just finished up here myself. Wanna grab a coffee or something?" He gestures to the doorway casually.

"Coffee sounds great, yeah." You nod and hop off of the machine. "Just let me go change and I'll meet you outside yeah?"

"Sure thing." Adam nods and watches as you head back to the locker rooms.

Once you are out of sight Adam makes his way out to the parking lot but runs into Matt and Nick on the way out. Matt greets him with a smile, but Nick doesn't look too pleased for some reason.

"What were you and Y/N talking about?" Nick asks in a slightly sour tone.

"I asked if she wanted to get a cup of coffee with me," Adam replies. "Why? What's up?" He furrows his brows at Nick.

"Nothing man." Nick waves his hand with a huff. "Just keep your distance from Y/N, you know I've been meaning to ask her out." He reminds Page.

"You were?" Adam replies in a kind of half-laugh. "Why? I doubt that she'd be into you."

"And what makes you think that?" Nick snaps back with an angry look.

Before Adam can answer you come out of the locker room and head over to him and the Jackson brothers.

"Hey again Nick, Matt." You nod to the brothers with a smile. "You ready to go Adam?" You turn to the blonde casually.

"Yeah." Page nods. "Bye guys." He snickers and winks at Nick when you aren't looking.

Nick mumbles a few curses under his breath as you and Adam walk off. He can't stand the way that Adam walks close to your side as the two of you head out of the gym. Matt goes to say something but ultimately decides that it's probably better if he stays out of it.

You and Adam have a cute sort of coffee date at a small local place. He orders and pays for the both of you while you grab a sunny booth by a window and wait for him to come back.

"Here you are." Adam soon comes back and hands you an iced coffee.

"Thanks, Page." You happily take the drink from him and take a sip from the straw.

"No problem." Adam shakes his head and takes a seat next to you. "I dig the new hair by the way." He nods to your newly cut hair.

"Aww, thanks." You blush a bit. "I was wondering who was gonna be the first to notice it."

You and Adam talk for a bit longer and finish your coffee before you both part ways until the AEW show later in the night. You head back to the hotel for a bit to rest before you head to the arena where filming is for the night.

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