Pete Dunne

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It had been quite the workout at the gym for you, you'd spent almost the entire day working up a sweat with some old friends. The gym was close to shutting down for the night when you finally decided to take your leave from it. Now you were headed back to your boyfriends apartment since his was closer.

"God i hope Mark has food." You pray that your boyfriend had stocked up on groceries recently.

You walk up to the apartment door and fish your keys from your pocket, you are fidgeting with the key ring looking for the right one when all of a sudden a strange noise pricks at your ears. Laughter. Not just any laughter, a woman's laughter.

"What the?" You furrow your brows. Mark was supposed to be staying at the performance center in London for another day. Did he leave the tv on again?

You unlock the door quietly and stepped into the house, it's quiet now though. You only manage to take a few more steps in the hall when you hear the same woman's voice again.

"Oh Mark you are so funny." A female voice giggles again, her voice echoing through the hallway.

"What the fuck?" You ask yourself again in a hushed tone.

You grip your keys tight so they don't make noise and sneak down the hallway to Mark's living room. Once there you peek around the corner, heart sinking like a rock in water.

Sitting on the couch that you and Mark picked out together when he complained that he needed a new one. The very same couch you'd spent date nights on, cuddling, hell even had sex on, sat who you thought was a good friend of yours. Toni Storm.

"You sure that Y/N doesn't know about this?" Toni asks Mark in a sultry voice, her arm on his bicep.

"Of course love." Mark nods his head, a gleam in his eye. "She thinks i'm still out of town, she'll never know about this or us." He insists, scooting himself closer to the blonde.

"LIKE HELL SHE WILL!" You almost scream, rage radiating off of you as you step fully into the living room.

"Y/N!" Mark jumps to his feet, his face bright red.

"Oh don't Y/N me Mark." You seethe with rage. "Here are your fucking keys you cheating bastard!" You chuck the key at his head as hard as you can. "As for you Storm." You turn your rage to Toni now on her feet. "Both of you can loose my fucking number." You glare at her then back to Mark one last time before you head for the door.

You can hear Mark running down the hall for you as you exit the front door, he manages to get to the front of your car as you climb in and turn the key in the ignition. You shake your head at him, determined not to shed a tear over the cheater as you pull out of the driveway.

"Hey Pete." You call your only other best friend once you are a ways down the road.

"Y/N." Pete replies in his usually cheerful tone when he wasn't in character. "What's up?" He asks through the phone curiously.

"Boy do i have some fucking news for you." You sneer at the mere thought of Mark now. "Mind if I swing by your place?" You ask to make sure it was okay.

"Yeah sure." Pete is keen on the idea of seeing you. "I'll order in some food for when you get here." He offers and hangs up.

You smile a bit to yourself, at least you still had Pete to trust when it came to your feelings. The rest of the drive over to his house is spent in silence, you miss 10 calls from Mark as you drive.

When you do manage to arrive at Pete's place across town he greets you at the door with a smile. That smile drops when he sees you though, anyone could feel the pure anger and betrayal that was coming off of you.

"Uh oh." Pete mouths as you walk up to his door. "Come on then, i've got takeout." He shuts the door firmly behind you as you march to his couch and plop yourself down. "What's on your mind love?" Pete asks as he hands you a beer that he grabbed from his fridge on the way in.

"Mark." You grit your teeth and pop the cap on the cool bottle in your hand. "And Toni." You take a long swig of the cool liquid.

"What bout them?" Pete pops the cap on his own bottle.

"They were fucking cheating." You shake your head and set the bottle down on the table with a thud. "Behind my back." You run a hand through your hair, emotions running wild.

"What?" Pete replies, surprise in his voice. "Those twats." He shakes his head, sounding just as angry as you. "Are you alright?" His voice calms as he looks at you.

"I'm fine." You nod. "I mean, I know that me and Mark were having some problems and all." You shake your head again. "But I didn't think the asshole would cheat on me." You sigh a little bit, anger now fading off of you.

"Yeah. I didn't see Mark as the type to cheat either." Pete nods his head. "You still have me though eh?" He shoves your shoulder lightly with a chuckle.

"Ha, yeah." You nod and shove his shoulder back.

"Come on, enjoy this nice meal i bought you." He gestures to the takeout boxes sitting on the coffee table. "You can stay here tonight if you'd like, it's late and I can help you get your stuff from Marks place tomorrow morning." He offers.

"Really?" You reply. "Yeah, that be great actually." You gladly take Pete up on the offer.

The rest of the night Pete helps you take your mind off of Mark and Toni, you are hardly even mad by the time you both decide that it's time to hit the sack. You crash on the couch while Pete retreats to his room for the night.

The next morning you feel refreshed the memories of the night before clear in your mind now. You had come to the realization that you may have just picked the wrong brit to be in a relationship with. Why you ever even picked Mark over Pete in the first place you weren't even sure of now.

"I said she isn't here mate?" You are headed for the kitchen when you here Pete arguing with someone at the door.

I'm not stupid Pete, she wasn't at her place. Which logically means that she's here." You also hear Mark's voice as you go to investigate the ruckus. "Y/N!" Mark looks past Pete into the house and sees you.

"Mark." You walk over to Pete's side and glare at the blonde in front of you.

"Y/N, babe you gotta listen to me." He pleads to you.

"No." You shake your head. "Not gonna happen, it's over Mark." You look at him with a straight face. "To be honest, now that I look at it, I don't know why I was with you in the first place." You roll your eyes at the thought of the two of you together.

"Babe, you don't mean that." Mark replies, his hand outstretched to you.

"Oh, no i do." You work up some newfound courage and pull Pete by the shoulder your way, planting a short but sweet kiss to his lips. "Now leave and go stick your cheating tongue down Toni's skank ass throat." You hiss with a smirk and slam the door shut.

With the door slammed and the sound of Mark's car door slamming and pulling out of the driveway you turn back to Pete. Mustering up an apology for the sudden kiss, just in case he wasn't ready for it.

"Sorry about th-." You are cut off by Pete's lips on your again, this time slightly rougher than before.

Body pressed against the front door you giggle as his tongue slides over your bottom lip.

"No apology needed then?" You stifle a laugh in between kisses.

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