Scorpio Sky

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"You know I hate going to these things." You sigh as your boyfriend hands you the tickets to his show.

"I know, but it's important baby girl." Scorpio insists. "Me and the boys are gonna win gold tonight, I can feel it." He pushes the tickets into your hands with puppy dog eyes.

"Fineee." You sigh, not being able to resist his charm. "You better win." You take the tickets and set them on the counter next to your purse.

"Oh, we'll win." Scorpio chuckles and lifts you up in his arm effortlessly. "I'll have my lucky charm sitting ringside to make sure of it." He insists and kisses you lightly.

"Whatever, dork." You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck.

Scorpio sets you back down flat on the floor and you scoop up the tickets on the counter to make sure that you don't misplace them.

"I've gotta get going now babe, see you at the show." Scorpio kisses your cheek before he leaves for work.

"Bye honey." You wave and watch as he leaves through the front door.

Once he's gone you head to the bathroom and decide to take a shower before the show, if you were gonna be there for your boyfriend you mind as well dress up and look good as well. You set the tickets on your dresser on your way to the bathroom and then hop in the shower.

After your shower, you stand in your closet with nothing but a towel on and begin the struggle of figuring out what to wear for the show. You want to show out and look good to give Scorpio a confidence boost knowing you're watching him, but you also don't wanna get hit on by all the weirdo's that often make it to the shows as well.

"Hmmm," You pull one of the dresser drawers open and pull a pair of whitewashed ripped jeans out. "These could look cute." You set them aside in the 'Maybe' pile and continue looking. "Or maybe a dress?" You pull out a casual red frilly dress that would look cute with some boots.

You examine the dress a little further and decide that maybe a dress wasn't the best idea since you were gonna be in an arena crowded by more men than women.

"Nah." You put the dress back and pull out a pair of black normal jeans with one of your chain belts still on them. "Maybe these?" You think to yourself, you could pull off the all-black edgy look quite well.

After sifting through about ten more clothing options on what you could possibly wear you end up going with your ripped whitewashed jeans and a red crop top the Scorpio bought for you on your birthday.

"There." You nod yourself with your chosen outfit in hand and go to change.

Once you've changed you brush out your hair and grab some earrings as well as a matching gold necklace and bracelet to complete the look. Your grey books and purse make the look complete along with your leather jacket since it's cold outside.

"Okay, keys, purse, money........ah tickets." You swipe the tickets off of the dresser and head out to the arena a little bit early since you managed to dress fast for once.

You head out to the arena and grab an SCU hat from the merch stands before you head into the building and grab your seat in the front row.

Backstage Scorpio and Frankie get ready for their tag match in the locker rooms. Scorpio paces the room and wonders if you actually showed up. He knows that you don't like going to shows since you get hit on by dudes all the time when Scorpio isn't with you.

"Will you stop that." Frankie snaps finally after watching Scorpio pace a rut into the floor. "Man, you're making me nervous." He scolds his friend.

"Sorry," Scorpio mumbles and stops pacing. "Do you think she's out there?" He turns to Frankie with a nervous look on his face.

"Did you ask her to come?" Frankie asks.

"Yeah." Scorpio nods his head.

"Did she say she would?" Frankie asks again.

"Yeah." Scorpio answers.

"Then she'll be there." Frankie insists. "She loves you too much to ditch you like that," Chris adds from the other side of the room.

"You guys think so?" Scorpio sighs, finally calming down.

"YES!" Both Frankie and Christopher speak at the same time.

You've been hanging out in your seat for about three hours now, and it's almost time for Scorpio to come out and do his thing. You've been sitting between some goth looking girl and some dude that's been a little too breathy for your taste ever since you arrived, but you've been doing your best to ignore both.

Finally, you jump to your feet when SCU pops over the speakers of the arena. Your eyes happily trail to the stage as Scorpio and Frankie walk out and make their way down the ramp. You lock eyes with Scorpio as he passes you and crack a huge smile on your face. He smirks at you, making sure to keep in character as he continues over to the ring.

"Wooo!" You cheer for Scorpio and Frankie the whole match. much to the dismay of the guy sitting next to you in the Lucha Brothers t-shirt.

The goth looking girl sitting on the other side of you also cheers for Frankie and Scorpio. She cheers a little more for Scorpio than Frankie, but it doesn't bother you much. Scorpio's hot, you of all people know that.

"HELL YEAH!" You cheer when the bell rings and Scorpio and Frankie pick up the tag belts.

You're still on your feet when Scorpio makes his way over to your seats, the goth girl pushes in front of you slightly when Scorpio gets to the barricade but you know better than to do anything about it, you don't need to.

"Hey, gorgeous." Scorpio nods past the goth girl to you. "Yeah, you, the one in the sexy ass hell red top." He nods to you again and you break past the goth girl.

"Me?" You grin and lean over the barricade.

"How about a kiss for your new AEW tag champs?" Scorpio taps his cheek with his fingers.

You roll your eyes as you lean over and kiss his cheek, you can hear the goth girl huff and mumble something under her breath as you do.

"Congratulations." You nod to Frankie rolling his eyes off to the side.

"You should stay after the show." Scorpio continues his little game. "I'd love to take a beauty like you out to celebrate." He smirks.

"Really?" You play along with a suprised look. "Me? Wow, i'd love to." You bounce on your heels.

"Of course gorgeous." Scorpio nods and fishes his backstage pass from his pocket. "Give this to the guy in the back." He winks at you and hands you the pass before he heads backstage again.

You take the pass and shake your head at your dorky boyfriend before you turn around and collect your jacket from your chair.

"Whore." The goth girl from before glares at you when you go to leave.

"Go ahead, be jealous." You roll your eyes at her, you'd heard much worse before. "I'm getting in his pants tonight and you're going home alone." You grin and walk off with your jacket to the backstage area.

Scorpio meets you at the backstage entrance when you make it back there. You run over to him with an excited grin and jump into his arms.

"I knew you could do it, babe." You squeal.

"Damn right!" Scorpio grins and kisses you to celebrate. "Couldn't have done it without you here though." He adds.

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