Kyle O'Reilly

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"Hey, Kyle!" You beckon to your boyfriend from your spot at the top of the attic stairs. "Could you come here a second?"

"Yeah, babe? What's up?" Kyle pops around the corner in a matter of seconds.

"Could you do me a favor and bring these boxes down for me?" You bat your eyes at Kyle with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, fine." Kyle rolls his eyes playfully at you as he climbs the stairs. "Which boxes?"

"Just these five." You point to the boxes at your feet all put up with duct tape and plastic containers.

Kyle nods and hauls up the smaller two in his arms then carries them down for you. He sets them on the floor and climbs back up for the others.

"What exactly is in all these?" Kyle buffs as he hauls up one of the bigger boxes.

"Most of my Christmas stuff." You reply sweetly.

"Most of?" Kyle repeats. "You mean this isn't it?"

"No." You shake your head with a laugh. "Not even close. I've got a few more boxes in the hall closet too."

"Really?" Kyle comes up for the last box and shakes his head at you.

"What?" You laugh. "Christmas is my favorite time of year, leave me alone."

"I can see that!" Kyle laughs again and sets down the last box. "And hey, I think it's cute." He ruffles your hair gently.

"Hey!" You protest and swat his arm away. "Don't you have work?" You fake glare at him.

"Yeah, I should be getting on too." Kyle nods and grabs you by the arm to pull you in for a hug. "I'll see you later tonight babe." He kisses the top of your head sweetly. "Try not to flood the house with decorations!" He yells after you.

"No promises!" You tell back with a laugh and close up the attic door.

Armed with the bulk of your Christmas stuff you move the boxes to the main room and start to sort through them. You start with the Christmas ornaments and other stuff that goes on the tree and set those all aside. You then dig out the mini fake tree that goes in the hallway and fix it up with lights and some ornaments.

"Hello?" You are in the middle of moving the mini tree when you get a call. "Kyle, what's up babe?"

"Y/N, baby," Kyle replies from the other end of the line. "They're letting us out early from work so I was wondering if you wanted to go and look for a Christmas tree when I get home?" He asks you.

"Really? Yeah! That be great!" You can barely hide the excitement in your voice. "When will you be home?"

"It'll still be another two hours or so," Kyle replies. "But I figured I'd call and let you know."

"Okay! See you when you get home baby." You nod and hang up the phone.

With some time to spare before Kyle gets home, you finish up setting up the main decorations in the hall and the main room.

Once you're done you make yourself a cup of hot cocoa with a little kick and wait for Kyle to return.

"Babe!" You perk up when you hear the front door open and Kyle yell.

"In here babe!" You shout back.

Kyle comes into the kitchen with a smile on his face, having passed all of your decorations.

"House looks great honey, very festive." Kyle walks over to you and places a kiss on your cheek.

"I know, it's because I'm the one who did it." You beam and take a sip from your cup.

"Naturally." Kyle chuckles. "You ready to go find a tree?"

"Yes!" You pop right up at those words.

"Alright then, let's get going." Kyle chuckles again and you both head back out to the truck.

You and Kyle head out to a nice sized Christmas tree farm on the other side of town. When you arrive families of all shapes and sizes join you in looking at all the different trees.

You and Kyle peruse the isles of trees snuggled up together. At first, you don't see anything that catches your eye. That is until you spot a perfect-looking Douglas Fir at the end of the aisle you're on.

"What about this one?" You trot over to the tree and start inspecting the branches.

"Hmm, looks like just the right size." Kyle nods with a laugh as he watches you inspect the tree. "What do you think?"

"I like it!" You nod your head and beckon over one of the workers wandering around.

Kyle pays and helps the worker get the tree out to your truck then you and Kyle head home.

Once you're back it takes a little effort but you and Kyle manage to get the tree inside without too much of a problem.

"Whew!" You huff and plop down onto the couch.

"Got that right." Kyle laughs. "I'll get it set up, you go grab the decorations."

"Okay." You nod and go grab the box of ornaments and lights from the other room. "Got 'em!" You plop back down on the couch with the box.

"Perfect, go ahead and get started. I'm gonna make us some drinks." Kyle leaves you too decorating for the most part.

You nod and start with the lights first then move on to the ornaments and other stuff.

Kyle comes back a few minutes later and stops in the doorway when he finds you humming along to faint Christmas music as you hang decorations.

Silently Kyle sets the drinks down then pulls out his phone and snaps a few pics of you. He then grabs the drinks and makes his presence known again.

"Drink?" He offers you a steaming mug.

"Thanks, babe." You nod and grab one of the mugs.

Kyle sets his mug down and hangs a few ornaments himself while you sip your cocoa and watch. Once he's done he falls back onto the couch and pulls you into his side.

"Christmas movie?" He suggests.

"You read my mind." You giggle with a nod and snuggle into his side.

AN: Next up is a Damien Priest chapter and then a requested one as we count down the last eight chapters for this book. Also, just a PSA the last chapter of the book will be some more custom wallpapers that I made so drop a comment if theirs one you'd like to see that I haven't already done.

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