Tanga Loa

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Your morning has been a little rough so far, you'd puked as soon as you'd stepped out of bed. Then after that whole ordeal, you'd come to realize that you're period is now almost a week late, something that alarms you very much. 

So here you are, scouring the shelves at your local drug store for a pregnancy test, hands shaking and mind racing. 

"I'm too young to be pregnant." You shake your head and pluck the box off of the shelf. 

You decide to get three tests, just in case. The last thing you needed was getting yourself all worried about a false positive pregnancy test. Tanga would kill you, hell, you'd kill yourself. You make your purchase with the super judgy looking old lady cashier and head back to your apartment, glad that Tanga didn't sleep over this time.

"Okay." You head into your master bath and pull one of the tests out of the bag, not needing to read the directions.

You'd used one before, during a very scary pregnancy scare back when you were still in high school. You finish up the test and leave it on the counter to wait. A while later and it's done.

"Shit." You shake your head and look down at the small print on the screen. Pregnant. "Okay, don't panic." You calm yourself and pull out another test.

You take the second one, and then a third one. All positive. You were pretty sure there was no denying it now. You were pregnant.

"Fuck." You curse the air and throw the tests in the bin.

With a sigh you take a shower to clear your head, then once your all clean and calmed down you call up your brother.

"Hey, Jay." You smile a little when he answers the phone immediately. "Can you come over, it's an emergency." You tell him.

"Yeah sure." Jay agrees over the phone. "I'll be there in ten." He hangs up the phone and immediately leaves his apartment.

You wait for Jay to come over and make yourself a cup of coffee, it's way too early in the morning for all this. Jay arrives and heads inside to see what's up.

"Y/N." He greets you with concern. "What was the emergency?" He asks you as he takes a seat on a stool next to yours.

"I'm pregnant." You outright say what the situation is, taking a sip of your coffee.

"I...what?" Jay replies. "Are you sure?" He shakes his head. 

"Took three tests." You nod your head. "All positive." You sip your coffee with a blank stare.

"Well have you told Tanga yet?" Is Jay's next question.

"Nope." You shake your head. "He's on his way over though, I didn't want to do it alone." You sigh and set your cup down.

"Oh, well don't worry." Jay pulls you into a hug. "I've got your back sis." He insists.

You and Jay talk for a while, waiting for Tanga to show up so you can break the news to him. He show's up a bit later with his brother in tow.

"Hey, baby." He greets you with a hug. "You said you had something to talk to me about over the phone." He seems a bit worried as he lets you go from the hug.

"Yeah, sit down." You nod and gesture to an empty chair.

Tanga sits down and you take a deep breath, not knowing how he's going to react to the news. Tanga sits down and Jay is at your side. So you finally spill the news.

"Babe, I'm pregnant." You blink hard, almost wanting to close your eyes completely.

"What?" Tama is actually the first one to speak up. He pats a silent Tanga on the back with a huge smile. "Man congrats bro, you're gonna be a dad. And I'm gonna be an uncle." He chuckles.

"Tanga?" You swallow hard at your boyfriends' silence.

"I've gotta go." Tanga stands to his feet and exits the room as fast as possible.

"Tanga!" You follow him out to your driveway. "Tanga wait, please." You call after him.

"Go back inside," Tanga yells back at you as he climbs in his car.

You stop cold in your tracks, tears daring to brim your eyes. Jay and Tama are either sides of you in an instant.

"You okay?" Jay asks you soothingly.

"I knew this would happen." You shake your head, a tear falling down your cheek.

"Take her inside Jay." Tama shakes his head. "Y/N, it'll be fine." He insists. 

"Where are you going?" Jay asks.

"To talk some sense into my brother, he's just scared." Tama borrows Jay's car and heads off.

Jay brings you back inside to comfort and calm you down a little, hoping that Tama and the others can talk some sense into Tanga.

Tama gets to his brother's apartment and lets himself in, finding his brother in his home gym trying to work out his problems away.

"Hey." Tama slams the door as he enters the room. "Real shitty thing you did back there, yelling at her like that." He gets in his brother's face.

"Go away Tama." Tanga shakes his head.

"The fuck I am." Tama shakes his head. "You're gonna get off your ass and go apologize to your girlfriend. Do you know your girlfriend? Y/N? The woman you love." He pushes Tanga's arm harshly.

The brothers start arguing but stop when the front door slams. They both hurry to the front of the house just to be greeted by Kenny and the Jackson brothers, along with Cody and Marty.

"You're a real fucking idiot aren't you?" Kenny speaks up first, nailing Tanga in the face with a punch.

"Yeah," Marty speaks up.

"Man, what in the fuck where you thinking?" Matt adds with a shake of his head.

"He better be thinking that he's going to go say he's sorry to Y/N." Cody scowls as Tangs makes it back up to his feet.

He remains silent as all of his male friends glare at him, then the worst one comes through the doorway in a fuming rage. Brandi.

"You!" She snarls as she pushes past Cody and the rest of the group. "You better have an excellent fucking explanation as to WHY IN THE HELL MY BEST FRIEND JUST CALLED ME IN TEARS BECAUSE YOU RAN OFF AFTER SHE TOLD YOU SHE PREGNANT!" Bradi screams, making everyone in the room take a step back.

"I.." Tanga goes to speak.

"No." Brandi shakes her head. "The only time i want to hear you ever speak is when you're making up with Y/N, now go." She gives Tanga the death glare, making him scramble into action.

If anyone was going to make him come to his senses about this, it was a fuming Brandi Rhodes.

Tanga makes the drive back to your apartment and heads inside, he finds you sitting on the couch with tear-stained cheeks. Jay sits next to you but gets up when he sees Tanga enter the room.

"Y/N." Tanga ignores Jay and falls to his knee's in front of you. "Baby I'm sorry. Sorry, I yelled and stormed off like that." He apologizes. "I was being stupid, I was scared." He shakes his head.

"Like I'm not scared?" You shake your head sniffling.

"I know you're scared." Tanga nods his head. "God I'm an idiot." He shakes his head again. "Just please forgive me, I'm so happy you're carrying our baby." He insists, taking your hand in his.

"I'm happy to." You smile and sniffle again. "And I forgive you." You lean down and let yourself fall into Tanga's arms.

"I love you." Tanga sniffs.

"I love you too, idiot." You laugh and sniffle with him.

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